The United States

Interesting stuff. Too bad his neuter the male politics shows through.

On a minor note, this eclipse will form an opposition to (i.e. shine its full light on) asteroid Urania. Probably an indication of the multitude of astrologers who will be paying attention to it.
Again, US Liberty chart- natal Chiron is at 20ARies06, so a really doubly strong Chiron message for the US in that eclipse.

Moody's have recently down-graded US economic outlook from Stable to Negative, which is not helpful in light of current social and political trends, and as things run up to that eclipse.

US tax revenue has declined for 14 months in a row, which means declining funds to pay increasing debt, which probably means money-printing again which means: inflation going berserk.

This is the precursor to Pluto moving to Aq - financial volatility and political instability go hand in hand, as Pluto makes that epic shift.
Chiron Return also happening with US Liberty chart, over the next while. Transiting NN also conjunct will increase the energetic import.


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A suitable sampling of the prevailing attitude rising up among Americans ‐- defiant and electric -- as highlighted under this latest OOB's Full Moon-Mars opposition aligned with our Asc/Dsc-Uranus axis:
Yes, the gorge is rising, indeed.

That FM chart certainly talks - the Ascendant in Scorpio square to natal and transiting Pluto is one such statement. Of course, that sweeps in Musk talking about blackmail, GFY and attempts to de-rail X, also - all very Pluto territory. He is becoming something of a folk hero, right now.

I wonder what Madam was thinking as she was leaving under chants of "shame on you"...I would seriously wonder if she felt shame or contempt for those students but nevertheless, interesting to see her waning stock with them. On looking to see what else in particular might signify the evident shift in the Zeitgeist in relation to the Sibly, there is Neptune on IC, shifting tides like no other.

Plus transiting Jupiter square to 8h/2h nodes, looking at the financial disparities and how the economy has been handled of late. It appears many are thinking "this is Pants..!!" when previously, they were all for the promises. Now they see both the promises and the coffers are empty (only the debt is more than full), it is a huge motivator to think again.

A lot is brewing as the attitude shifts, and so does the needle on the political spectrum.

Pluto's last dance for the Return on natal Pluto will be over by the end of 2024, then the inexorable four-year echoes - perhaps a seismic backwash as part of that.
At the risk of overdoing Pluto (is there such a thing??), the Liberty chart of the US (posted upthread) has Moon/Pluto in late Cap, so the Sun/Pluto Cazimi of 20th Jan 2024 could intensify divisions and power struggles in the US.

This energy will last until the next such conjunction - apparently, in the year 2255 - so it is a long-lasting influence.

Even if one goes by the Sibley chart alone, it still is a powerful placement, given its proximity to natal Pluto.
One other point about the US, given where we are now with the Middle East situation, Ukraine/Russia/NATO, etc.

Do we all recall the chart for Biden's inauguration? That Uranus exactly conjunct Mars?

I have read that in actual fact, the Inauguration took place a few minutes before midday, but still the incumbency began from midday. Interestingly, Solar Fire puts the Moon at anaretic Aries, 29degrees, but AD has it in very early Taurus (as shown).

Be that as it may, the Sun of that chart is right where transiting Pluto now sits (and will be for most US Presidential Inaugurations), and will again as Pluto regresses back to Cap and then again into Aquarius in late November of this year. Pluto also, therefore, square to Moon of the chart, indicating people are not happy.

Eris also in a tight square to Pluto on MC; Desc on Serpentis.

Chart below is certainly bearing out its identity:

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Has Biden's chart been rectified? I keep hearing/reading the birth time isn't accurate. Slippery sh*t.
🤣 Don't know about his natal chart - I don't think I have ever seen it.
Please feel free to post if you find one you think works.
Interesting also that Pluto, whose discovery was made in Flagstaff, AZ, has its natal Sun close to the Inauguration Sun:

Yes it is interesting, etherea! 🙂 And, what's more is a not-so-small fact that you are on the verge of which seems to have escaped notice in the astro world.

Historically, ever since 1789, Inauguration Day in the U.S. had always been held on March 4th (except on Sundays), that is until 1933 when Congress ratified the 20th Amendment to the Constitution moving the date to January 20th (again, except on Sundays), ostensibly to shorten the "lame duck" period 😏. This change came a mere three years following Pluto's discovery...

Although the first public inaugural ceremony to be held on Jan 20th at 12:00 noon didn't occur until 1937, it's not as if it's never been known to also take place privately...

And it's easy to see why these changes were made if you look at the synastry between the New Inaugural chart -- effectively creating a perpetual template or what's otherwise known as a placeholder from one administration to the next -- and that of the U.S. Sibly:

The Inaugural MC is precisely conjunct the Sibly Pluto at 27Cap33!


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Yes it is interesting, etherea! 🙂 And, what's more is a not-so-small fact that you are on the verge of which seems to have escaped notice in the astro world.

Historically, ever since 1789, Inauguration Day in the U.S. had always been held on March 4th (except on Sundays), that is until 1933 when Congress ratified the 20th Amendment to the Constitution moving the date to January 20th (again, except on Sundays), ostensibly to shorten the "lame duck" period 😏. This change came a mere three years following Pluto's discovery...

Although the first public inaugural ceremony to be held on Jan 20th at 12:00 noon didn't occur until 1937, it's not as if it's never been known to also take place privately...

And it's easy to see why these changes were made if you look at the synastry between the New Inaugural chart -- effectively creating a perpetual template or what's otherwise known as a placeholder from one administration to the next -- and that of the U.S. Sibly:

The Inaugural MC is precisely conjunct the Sibly Pluto at 27Cap33!
Wow, that does look very much as though they had an astrologer fixing that ... you rightly say, a not-so-small fact. Thank you for that detail.
Right, etherea! And the astrologer(s) would have had to have been using local mean time to erect the new Inaugural chart because to do otherwise its MC would not have aligned so perfectly with the Sibly Pluto. There would have been a 2° difference or so since Washington DC is not situated right on the 75th meridian, but lies some 2° west at roughly 77°. Since 1° of longitude equals 4 minutes of time, this is why you see a UT of 17:08 and an LMT of 12:00. The astrologer(s) made the needed correction using LMT.

That Sibly Capricorn/2nd house Pluto represents the ruling elite and their interests, as well as the Deep State whose job is to protect their hoard -- call it the Swamp or Underbelly of the Dragon, if you will, or Serpentis as you've pointed out -- while modernly being the significator for the Sibly Scorpio12th.

This Sibly 12th housp cusp at 18Sco20 was also triggered by the recent November New Moon at 21° Scorpio which was in alignment with transitting Mars and Uranus, as were all those sensitive points in the charts of Epstein and both Clintons, and those of so many more, as mentioned on your Epstein thread. It was a simultaneous hit.

The Inaugural MC being conjunct the Sibly Pluto goes a very long way in explaining why this has been and will continue to be such an extraordinary Pluto return for the U.S.

And yes, Epstein's Sun conjuncts the Inaugural Sun - you ought to take a look at Nikki Haley's Sun... 🥱

Returning to1933, this also happens to be the same year when FDR issued his famous Inaugural proclamation on March 4th -- "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" -- (fitting in a sort of 12th house way, eh?) before immediately proceeding to close down all U.S banks the next day and put a freeze on any financial transactions for a brief holiday.

Come a month later, on April 5th, he declared a national emergency and issued an Executive Order which made it illegal for U.S. citizens "to own substantial amounts of monetary gold or bullion." (Wikipedia)

A very private inauguration was indeed held in 1933. Our country was hijacked - no longer We the People. Note the Inaugural Chart's 7th house Moon at 19Sco20 sitting right on the descendant in opposition to Chiron and BML We were being othered.

What would you make, if anything, of the upcoming Venus-Mars conjunction at 7° Aquarius, exactly conjunct the Inaugural Saturn?


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A very private inauguration was indeed held in 1933. Our country was hijacked - no longer We the People. Note the Inaugural Chart's 7th house Moon at 19Sco20 sitting right on the descendant in opposition to Chiron and BML We were being othered.

What would you make, if anything, of the upcoming Venus-Mars conjunction at 7° Aquarius, exactly conjunct the Inaugural Saturn?
Ref. Venus/Mars with Saturn Aq, I note that both Venus and Mars co-rule the natal 12h of that chart, with Neptune, cusp ruler, and SN in quincunx.

To me, that looks as though underhand dealings including widespread trafficking and abuse by those entrusted to protect - and efforts to hide the trafficking and abuse - are being held to light, as the conjunction will occur at the top of the chart (as does Pluto conjunct Sun, repeat theme). The conjunction of the 12h cusp to Scheat in Pisces is a heavy energy, so many will find it too much.

The upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (also Venus-ruled) in April will fall onto chart Chiron, so I can't help thinking this will provide some trashed careers and embarrassed faces as it becomes clear to the public as to how things really work in the echelons of power.

Perhaps your very astute point about being "othered" in reference to that Chiron will also dawn upon many - a distinct flavour of "Us & Them" having been shown to the public in sharp contrast over the last while. I suspect this conjunction will make it very difficult for most to continue any kind of somnambulistic denial about what is going on.

There will be a repeat (mirror image) of that Chiron/Uranus energy, as transiting Chiron is now at 15ARies51, e.g nearing natal 12h Uranus, so if people don't get it the first time, another opportunity follows on shortly after.
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Pluto vs Pluto - the new game in the US.

The Border in Texas has been the scene of dissatisfaction with Biden's administration for some time and he has threatened to send in the military to enforce his wishes.

Abbott has ordered the National Guard to maintain the border security with razor wire in place to deter what he sees as an "invasion" of Texas. SCOTUs (Supreme Court of the US) has stated that, as a temporary measure, the wire can be cut, but as one pundit pointed out, "cut" doesn't mean it is removed. Other states are joining in the argument and have publicly stated they stand behind Abbott, and are sending in their National Guard.

Truckers are also on their way.

This is less an insurrection, more like an outright refusal to accept breaches of the Constitution, and it is Biden who is the insurrectionist from that perspective.

Pluto's version of playing Hopscotch between Cap/Aq/Cap/Aq/Cap/Aq was always bound to be the stronger in the US than anywhere, bearing in mind the natal position of Pluto in the Sibley chart, and Pluto/Moon in the Liberty chart.

Abbott is outright refusing to obey, and there is more than a distinct flavour of Secession around.

Biden's recent refusal to allow Texas (a very wealthy and productive State) to ship LNG will probably be refused by some means, also. If Texas decided to depart the Union, then it would be to the detriment of the rest of the Union, as they contribute so much.

The issue of US (and other) borders, from an astro perspective, is interesting as we still have porous Pisces energy, leaking in full flow. Fentanyl drugs, border breaches, all Piscean. Now, the call is to fix the breaches, stop the drugs, challenge the reasons for both. Saturn is there, yes, but this is not his strongest place. I am leaning towards the fixed energy of Pluto in Aquarius for this, too. The flavour of rebellion is too strong for it not to be Aquarius, but would be interested in others' thoughts on it.
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I was thinking if there would ever be a time and place for the Democratic Party to dump Biden for Newsome or Michelle, it would be at the Convention in Chicago six months from now.

As it is, I don't see it. Biden will be having a Uranus Return opposing his Sun, a transiting Neptune opposing his natal Neptune, and Pallas (elections/selections) conjunct his Sun.

Nevertheless, everything is in play.


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I was thinking if there would ever be a time and place for the Democratic Party to dump Biden for Newsome or Michelle, it would be at the Convention in Chicago six months from now.

As it is, I don't see it. Biden will be having a Uranus Return opposing his Sun, a transiting Neptune opposing his natal Neptune, and Pallas (elections/selections) conjunct his Sun.

Nevertheless, everything is in play.
Is this Biden's actual chart, I thought it wasn't rectified?
I don't see them dumping him either, they've chosen him (and he's chosen himself, despite saying he would only be a 1-term president) as their shield from the big bad wolf
I wasn't aware that Biden's chart needed to be rectified. The TOB seems to be known.

Michelle Obama's chart does need to be rectified. No one noted her TOB.

In spite of this, there are some interesting aspects to her chart in synastry with the Inauguration I didn't see in Biden's or Newsome's chart.

Michelle's Pluto/Uranus near conjunction opposes the Inauguration's Venus/Saturn conjunction.

Michelle's Sun is conjunct the Inauguration's Midheaven.

Her Sun is also opposing the Inauguration's Mars.

Michelle's Mars is conjunct the Inauguration's Sun/Pluto conjunction.

Michell's Pallas is opposing the Inauguration's Uranus.


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What are members' thoughts on the US being sent packing from Niger?

Looking at the solar arcs of the Liberty Chart, SA Saturn has not long passed by natal Mars in 7h and is still within a degree of that conjunction, which is a clear signature for the above.

Meanwhile, SA Uranus is trine natal Saturn, within 5 minutes of arc.

Incidentally, this is another chart that is going to be markedly affected by both the March 25th eclipse, as the MC/IC are at 4ARI30, and the April 8 eclipse, which will oppose natal Saturn in 10h of this chart.

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What are members' thoughts on the US being sent packing from Nigeria?
Long overdue.

The US is quickly becoming the pariah nation to measure all others by, especially with its overt support of human rights abusers like Israel. I can't blame any country for severing ties and saying "We don't want anything to do with you and, actually, we'd rather cut a deal with Russia or China."

I don't have any sympathy for the US, these days. As soon as they are cut apart as a nation and fully neutered militarily, the sooner the rest of this world will be able to prosper. Contrary to those in the US who love to wax lyrical that the US is crucial to world freedom, I would disagree: I'd love to think that the US could have its freedom while we have ours, but their behaviour over the last few decades has lead me to the conclusion that this is simply not possible: The US will attack any country that is doing well, because they know that poorer countries will not compete with the US for oil demand. The US needs cheap oil above all else, and any competition with them in that regard is seen by the US as a zero-sum game.

So, as soon as you're doing well, you become a target for US invasion, regime change (or shadow government) - or sanctions. Without exception. Personally, I think a) Niger made the right choice, and b) may they be the first of many.