The United States

Trump trial chart. + chart of prosecutor Letitia James.

Proscutor is 1st house.
Defendant Trump is 7th house
Judge is 10th house.

Trump is presented by venus in Leo - pride, drama et,c, - tallying with his natal Leo ascendant.
Letitia James is represented by Mars in Libra - right on her natal sun degree.

trump trial letitia james.png
HI Stefan

Yes, I shall keep an eye on the precession-corrected version, because it does appear to have a lot of value (and then, of course, your choice of chart is also interesting - but so are other charts, so I am basically keeping an open mind on the topic).

Do you have a date for when precessed Pluto hits natal, and then ingresses into Aquarius? Plus dates of regress, if any? Those would be interesting dates to watch

Ref. pro or against Trump, pro or against Biden, I am much less interested, but definitely looking at the whole picture is important, which is why I wrote above about "the Mirror". This encapsulates what is actually going on. People are seeing what they want to see.

I don't think anybody on this forum had written about Biden's impeachment investigation thus far and anyway, McCarthy has got Matt Gaetz trying to get rid of him altogether, so all of it is a swirlingly unstable picture, and this is really what we see. The individual swirls - they come and go.
House speaker Mcarthy removed yesterday.
House speaker is not just anyone in amercan politics- House speaker is number three in the US order of succession, after the president and vice president.

The South Node eclipse on MC (Regulus chart) removes people from the ruling layer in the american society.
- Trump under scrutiny in trial
- Biden 82 years old next year is under low polls.
- Kevin Mcarthy remeoved in historical event in american politics.

Chart of Matt Gaetz with several Libra placement.
Noteworthy south node and mars on natal Pluto - Powerplays - Possible self-undoing too, instigating such actions
under selfassertive mars conjunct selfundoing south node not good timing ?

Interesting to see the eclipse season unfolding. ( Rick Levin points out that the eclipse is quincunx Uranus at 22' taurus causing
some irritating sense of 'unresolving problems').

Noon chart of Matt Gaetzmatt gaetz.png
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Thanks for posting the chart @Stefan: it's interesting that Gaetz has natal Mars on a cardinal point, e.g. 0degLibra so when he does wing into action, everyone notices.

I note also the wide conjunction of Saturn/Pluto in his chart, which not only gives him a strong sense of personal power, but could also have been enfolded into the upcoming eclipse energy, as it will sit at his Sat/Plu midpoint. That is a powerful signature. For sure, I imagine there will be pay-back required from some quarters, with transiting Pluto square to natal, as well as Mars/SN but then again, that Pluto sits on Spica and also, Jupiter offers protection as it conjuncts his natal Sun, chart ruler.

Where I think it could get tricky for him is at the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction, which brings in his natal Chiron.

He was born on a FM (even allowing for time of birth difference from Noon), so there is that energy of exposing stuff flowing through his veins, especially with Moon in Scorpio.

His natal Venus/Mars are in mutual reception.

Trump trial had drama also, as Letitia James had not even reckoned on the Statute of Limitations and thus, 80% of her legal action was nullified by the judge. In a high profile case such as this, that is about as humiliating as it gets, after all the swashbuckling bravado.
Biden will have tr Saturn conjunct sec progr ruler of his 6 th house. he could end his work. Our prime minister had this one this year and decided to end. That would be wise.
sec moon conjunct natal moon (sept 2024)
tr cheiron conjunct cusp 5. All the problems around his son.
jupiter, Asc ruler square MC, career.


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im not sure if this is the right chart. found it on a thread on ADF
rep. Party. But it seems right.

tr saturn conjunct Asc ruler
tr saturn semi sextile sun
tr Lilith inconjunct sun
tr lilith on mars
tr Saturn trine Lilith near the Mc


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Now this is an extremely well written article by Mundane astrologer Ray Grasse. It was written in 2019 well before any of the
events we see unfolding now.
Ray Grasse is a writer, photographer and astrologer, and author of seven books, including The Waking Dream, Under a Sacred Sky, An Infinity of Gods, and most recently, The Sky Stretched Out Before Me. His website is

""2. Based not only those earlier Pluto returns of both Rome and England but on what we already see happening in the U.S., it’s also safe to say we can expect to see a growing mood of social unrest in the country—possibly bordering on a civil war-type atmosphere"
"4. Falling as it does in Capricorn, the impending Pluto return strongly points to explosive scandals or falls from grace involving prominent individuals, be those politicians, celebrities, religious authorities, or business leaders. Previously hidden corruption, including sex crimes or possibly even treasonous activities,

6. Another effect that strikes me as worth mentioning centers around the growing threat of autocracy. It’s no secret Pluto can behave quite dictatorially at times, and we’ve already started seeing signs of that not only in Donald Trump’s unabashedly forceful style but in the rise of various far-Right neo-fascist elements throughout the country. (4) (While it’s true that we’ve been seeing the rise of “strongman”-type governments in several countries besides the U.S. in recent years, that’s more likely due to the influence of the current Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, along with the fact that transiting Pluto has been opposing its 1930 discovery point of 17° Cancer in recent years, too.)

Even here, I was surprised to find some intriguing parallels from that period of America’s half-return of Pluto in the 1930s. Though now largely forgotten, America in the 1930s saw the rise of various pro-fascist groups around the country including the Silver Shirts, Black Legion, Khaki Shirts and Fascist League movements. While for the most part this trend remained outside the mainstream, it received sup- port from no less prominent figures than Ezra Pound and Charles Lindbergh. And in 1934, the U.S. came perhaps the closest it’s ever come to a true fascist coup d’état, when democracy was nearly subverted by a cabal of wealthy individuals and businessmen but prevented by Major General Smedly Butler. As one article described it"

Last but not the least, right out of the bat" Written well before any of this manifested as predicted or ruminating about.

"A related possibility could be that Trump loses the election but simply refuses to abdicate the Oval Office, thus creating a constitutional crisis. Or could it be simply mean that wealthy plutocrats will consolidate their already formidable control over the country, such as through more corporate-friendly legislative measures and judicial appointments?"

View attachment 1789
As a point of interest, are you able to advise when Precession-corrected Pluto will hit natal Pluto (Regulus or Sibley) and also, when will it reach Aquarius?
As a point of interest, are you able to advise when Precession-corrected Pluto will hit natal Pluto (Regulus or Sibley) and also, when will it reach Aquarius?


Precession corrected transit Pluto conjunct natal Pluto in US chart = mid February 2024
And Aquarius ingress = 2039
im not sure if this is the right chart. found it on a thread on ADF
rep. Party. But it seems right.

tr saturn conjunct Asc ruler
tr saturn semi sextile sun
tr Lilith inconjunct sun
tr lilith on mars
tr Saturn trine Lilith near the Mc
Yes transiting saturn on the t-square in the republican party seems to describe the acute problems seen now.
Interesting to watch the upcoming transiting Uranus on the t-square venus mars saturn -
Wondering if the chart is the right one ?
The date seems right (Wikipedia)
lilith Is typical in transit to mars , the backstabbing in their own party
i wonder if tr Uranus conjunct saturn, ruler of the Ic ( foundation) will bring some separation.
Is it too early to bring up the Solar Eclipse/Chiron conjunction, less than six months away?

The path of this eclipse is along the middle ground between the US Eastern Seaboard and its now defunct industrial heartland.

The major bodies in the chart of this eclipse are so packed together, the only major aspect it makes is to Ceres (square).


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Is it too early to bring up the Solar Eclipse/Chiron conjunction, less than six months away?

The path of this eclipse is along the middle ground between the US Eastern Seaboard and its now defunct industrial heartland.

The major bodies in the chart of this eclipse are so packed together, the only major aspect it makes is to Ceres (square).
I don't think it's ever too early to bring up the subject of doom and gloom (I need to buy more black clothes, just to be sure I'm prepared at all times) - so bring it on. That solar eclipse looks like a doozy - especially conjunct Chiron exactly to the minute! That looks like it'll be one hell of a party.

On a related note, I did note that the North node of both the lunar and solar eclipses, in March/April 2024 respectively, exactly trine my Midheaven. The orb was about 1'. I thought that was rather interesting.

So, if you don't want me as your new benevolent dictator following the collapse of world order, you'd better kill me now. Don't say I didn't warn you. ;)

Ahem, just found this:
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Is it too early to bring up the Solar Eclipse/Chiron conjunction, less than six months away?

The path of this eclipse is along the middle ground between the US Eastern Seaboard and its now defunct industrial heartland.

The major bodies in the chart of this eclipse are so packed together, the only major aspect it makes is to Ceres (square).
How would you read that eclipse aspect?
Given Ceres' association with crops, her placement in arid capricorn and the chemical destruction of a lot of farmland from derailments, I wonder if that might indicate pressure on US harvests and therefore, food prices.
Given Ceres' association with crops, her placement in arid capricorn and the chemical destruction of a lot of farmland from derailments, I wonder if that might indicate pressure on US harvests and therefore, food prices.
That certainly would explain why Bill Gates has been buying up farmland as if it were about to go out of fashion. I think a US Holodomor is planned.
Ahem, just found this:
Interesting stuff. Too bad his neuter the male politics shows through.

On a minor note, this eclipse will form an opposition to (i.e. shine its full light on) asteroid Urania. Probably an indication of the multitude of astrologers who will be paying attention to it.


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If you look at the progressed US Liberty chart, we can see prog Uranus conjunct prog MC, and that prog MC is conjunct natal Uranus, all in 6h of agriculture, as well as daily life. Disruption on steroids.

Add to that, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 2024 at 21Taurus, all of which is a striking chord of whatever this signifies.

Plus we have progressed Pluto on anaretic degree of Cap, which has been there for some time but which is being activated by transiting Pluto, again, another 'striking chord', and one which will continue until Pluto has finally shifted into Aq, Nov 2024.

Incidentally, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will tightly square prog Moon of this chart, which will at that point sit at 22Aq3.

So, Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Moon......harmony or discord, remains to be seen. At the moment, it's not looking too much like an Elgar symphony.