Pluto in Aquarius/Capricorn (mundane)

@Penguin Trauma
Another one for the 'literal manifestations of Astrology' file:

The illegal Chabad tunnels under a Brooklyn synagogue.

The footage of the tunnels shows bloodstained child-size mattresses and a high chair.

There is also this darker association, fully in line with Pluto's darker area of dominion, abuse:

Simultaneously, there is a lot in the news about billionaires (Plutocrats) building bunkers under their properties.

Under (Pluto) ground (Capricorn) tunnels coming exposed (Aquarius).

Is the recent news about him the last gasp of Pluto at 29°Capricorn? Trying to cling onto power?

Or is this Pluto Aquarius in the making, given he is rather an "eccentric" fellow?

Is the recent news about him the last gasp of Pluto at 29°Capricorn? Trying to cling onto power?

Or is this Pluto Aquarius in the making, given he is rather an "eccentric" fellow?
He already has a lot of power right now, as he won the Iowa Caucus by a landslide, yesterday. Other power-brokers are very unhappy about it.
You may notice the Black vote in the US has traditionally been Democrat, but now many voters from that demographic are favouring Trump. Many former Democrats have switched allegiance to Trump (not even to the Republicans, really - without Trump, they'd not be interested, I suspect). This is an outcrop of the porous border (Neptune), inflation (Neptune), impending hostilities, the burgeoning and unpayable national debt, the Ukraine scenario, the Afghanistan debacle, the vacant waffling of Biden and the still un-resolved suspicions amongst many relating to the 2020 election (a lot of it being buried by the tech companies, which is a dead give-away that there is stuff they don't want Joe Bloggs to see - things relating to court cases that once were easy to locate and now, next to impossible).

Here is a poll indicating that 68% of the electorate do not believe that Biden legitimately won the 2020 election (never mind Emerald who gave no source, just reference the picture):

Thus, I view this as a Uranian-flavoured rebellion, but I am including Uranus in Taurus as much as the impending (5 days away!!) re-entry of Pluto to Aq. Both have that fixed sign energy with its famed "Not Budging" tone, but things are changing, nevertheless, because the electorates are waking up to how trash are their governments. Even the use of the word "democracy" in the US is being held to the light as in truth, the US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.

I think Trump is a thorn in the side of certain contingents, but I think those contingents are Capricorn-territory - they have had comfortable political power for a long time, and here comes the one who is overturning things and who has the populace (Aq) voting for him en masse. Simultaneously, this is a rejection - a really huge one - of the status quo and that Capricorn contingent.

The other, really Plutonian, element is the corruption. The simple wealth growth of those in long-term seats in politics shows something very suspicious - modest salaries translating into spectacular success in the stock markets - almost as if (!) they had insider knowledge and used it for no-fail trading.

I think there are many dark secrets ripe for exposure and, of course, holders of such secrets don't want someone to come along and rip down the curtains so everyone can see what they've been up to. Power brokers love to be covert, and that is truly Pluto in Cap.

What is odd is that Trump himself was also 'the establishment', and beloved of the Dems when he was a Democrat. Then he switched sides, ran for power and suddenly, they hate him, they treat him like an unknown Upstart. So in this scenario I think yes, he is the Rebel.

Whether or not this is a good or a bad scenario is another story but it is clear who will win the next election - unless there is significant cheating or other stuff to prevent his win. For the losers, stakes are very, very high and they know it.

And that is also Pluto - winner takes ALL.
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Let’s not forget that Davos is now in full swing - during the last week before Pluto goes into Aquarius in the early hours of Sunday morning. The theme, amusingly enough, is “Rebuilding Trust”.

Anyone got some popcorn? :)
Let’s not forget that Davos is now in full swing - during the last week before Pluto goes into Aquarius in the early hours of Sunday morning. The theme, amusingly enough, is “Rebuilding Trust”.

Anyone got some popcorn? :)
Well, at the risk of being slightly rude, your post reminds me of Winston Churchill's remark:

"Trust is like virginity: - you only lose it once".

Too late, too late. We all played, "Spot the Psychopath". It wasn't hard, either.
Well, at the risk of being slightly rude, your post reminds me of Winston Churchill's remark:

"Trust is like virginity: - you only lose it once".

Too late, too late. We all played, "Spot the Psychopath". It wasn't hard, either.
As another Churchill would say, "Oh yes! Oh yes!"

But as they say in the financial world, it's only when the tide goes out that you see who's been swimming naked. :)
There's a lot of talk about "Tory Rebels" - obviously, the influence of Uranus is magnetically pulling through Capricornian caves, as quite a few are saying "No" to Sunak ref. his Rwanda plans. Not quite the same as daubing manure (which, by the way, is Taurus) over officialdom, but close.......

If this spills over into next week, then Pluto in Aq is going to amp it up, belching out the fumes of Hell from Cap as he does.

The problem is that probably, a large contingent of the UK population are behind Sunak on this, so the rebels are really rebelling against what quite a few want (note the protests about illegals being housed in local areas, and the locals are livid as they need that housing for themselves).

So against whom are they really rebelling......? It's a fine thing to imagine that the Tories rebel against the population...........rather than the other way around.

I suspect it won't be about housing, eventually, but about allowance of any immigration. I think the doors will be shut, in the UK there will be increased maritime defence (Saturn nearing Neptune) which could easily have wartime conditions used as the rationale, and deportations will become automatic for any un-sanctioned arrivals.

This is similar to what is being proposed in France and other European countries. There has been Westminster talk about de-stabilisation (Neptune) of society owing to too much largesse in this regard. Which is to say, they made this plan, implemented it by doing sweet FA, they now see the public fury and are back-pedalling.

Neither Capricorn or Aquarius are yielding - they are both rock and ice, things get broken if they are receiving challenges. Tolerance isn't the strong suit of either sign.
I wonder how long it will be before one major European country has a revolution, drags its entire political class into the town square and has them all executed. You know, pour encourager les autres. Or, in English: "Do a better job in the future, or you'll end up like your predecessors."

If that sounds fantastically unrealistic, just consider this: Before Pluto last entered Aquarius for the long term, some 248+ years ago, nobody in the French peasant class ever challenged the clergy or the nobility. Until, one day, they did - and the clergy and nobility lost their heads in the French Revolution. The clergy and nobility never saw it coming, because they considered themselves untouchable by the peasants. It was the last mistake they ever made.

History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme - and if I were a betting man, I'd say there's more than a little fear brewing in the town of Davos, right now.
The anticipation is building for Jan 21........

I recall when Pluto Ingressed to Capricorn, and all those huge institutions and banks were collapsing or on the brink of collapse, and the phrase bandied about,

"Too big to fail".

In other words, the taxpayer picked up the tab so these outfits that had been reckless suffered little consequence by comparison to their just deserts.
In other words, the power of Government (Capricorn) was applied, and Jo Bloggs had no say in it, other than spluttering Letters to the Editor, which meant nothing to the banks hoovering up the money.

Now, as Pluto is leaving Capricorn, we are seeing huge problems in the banking sectors again, across the globe. The global debt burden is too large ever to pay off and for the lender, they may never ever see their money again.

Too big to fail?

What would happen this time around, when Pluto is taking power away from governments/banking/institutions - all those strengthened by having had Pluto in Cap - to the populations?

We all talk about AI (and this is relevant for sure), but in reality, astrology is about what happens to people, so Pluto will be bringing the power to them. Whilst in Capricorn, there is a lot of talk about how AI will take over humanity and render it useless, expendable. This is not really a Pluto in Aquarius vibe. It is more likely that humanity sends those who would create this scenario, packing.

Somewhere along the line also, the Westminster bubble (and equivalents in other places) must burst now that Saturn is losing his grip on everything. In the global banking scene for example, Jamie Dimon (considered to be the world's most powerful banker) has stated that what Trump said about politics, the economy, etc. was correct and people need to accept it and grow up. The outsider (Aquarius) assumes the mantle of power. Most commentators are saying that Trump will win - short of anything out of the ordinary occurring.

We are seeing it also with royal families - abdications and discussions of abdications, William saying that he's not interested in the Church of England, so the suggestion is that he would need to pass the crown onto.......Harry? Is that even possible now he's no longer a working family member? There is the Nostradamus prophecy about "a man who never expected to be King assumes the throne"....Harry =Henry 9th??

Tables turned, everywhere.

With Pluto, nothing is too big. He can turn anything to ashes.

What if.....everything collapses?

I think AI still has some way to go before it gets advanced enough, as this story illustrates 😂🤦
There is also the battery situation - judging by all those London buses (EVs) exploding into flames last week, I suspect that may be the fate of many of these bits of kit e.g. Robo-dogs, etc. Kaboom!
There is also the battery situation - judging by all those London buses (EVs) exploding into flames last week, I suspect that may be the fate of many of these bits of kit e.g. Robo-dogs, etc. Kaboom!
They should just make EVs an acronym for Exploding Vehicles. After all, if the shoe fits… :) I’m also only half joking when I say that Boston Dynamics (purveyors of mechanical mutts) may well find themselves guilty of assault and battery (in every possible sense!)

It’s a brave new world out there, I tell ya. :)
There is a problem with the political narrative, since those explosions (matched by several EV cars and electric scooters doing the same - have seen footage of this occurring in the US). Safety is clearly not on offer with the technology as it currently (excuse the pun) stands.

Public (Aquarius) vehicles especially, must be seen not to present the kind of risk that can see a whole bus full of people meet their end (Pluto).

The stuff about air (Aquarius) quality cannot be overcome by exploding (Uranus/Aq) vehicles.

The whole enchilada has to be re-thought, top to bottom.

Brave New BS.
@etherea Ive seen an uptake in electric wheels 🛞, scooters and all kinds. This last year our city has turned almost all our roads into having bike lanes. Plus downtown the lights have bike lights to. I’m waiting for the levitating boards 😆
One other point about Harry - the late QEII used to talk about those who are born to rule (e.g. Monarchy) have Saturn on or close to natal MC. Harry has that.

Could be interesting if the public are expected to warm to Meghan...........?? Not at all sure I see that happening. I could see the public could forgive Harry, though, in time.
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Worth noting what occurred yesterday with the Sun/Pluto conjunction on anaretic Cap, as when Pluto reverts to this degree at the beginning of September, whatever energy was being encoded by that conjunction, could recur.

A lot is happening, definitely, so take your pick from the Aide Memoire (notice how these are global, as befits Pluto, and also, how many involve governments pushing for control over varying situations):

Disease X/pandemic potential, which apparently nobody knows about but they know a lot about it, simultaneously (!!);
WHO calling for a global police force to arrest anybody who disagrees with its policies;
US lawmaker pushing for defunding WEF;
Burgeoning hostilities with potential for all-out global conflict with control of territories or global shipping at root;
Accusations at ICJ towards Israel of genocide;
Protests at governmental policies aimed at withdrawing farming subsidies;
EU government putting the concept of a criminal investigation about contracts/spending public money with Pfizer to a vote (!!!!!);
Banks papering over the cracks in the debt-based economies across the world;
Sunak proposing to ignore international law about illegal migrants in order to send them to Rwanda;


I have no doubt you can all think of others.
I have no doubt you can all think of others.

Haha yes, it's only been 5 minutes since Pluto entered Aquarius, already this news just in:

A SMALL ASTEROID JUST HIT EARTH: During the late hours of Jan. 20th, Hungarian astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky discovered a new asteroid. Three hours later it hit Earth, disintegrating in the atmosphere not far from Berlin (Jan. 24 @ 00:33 UT). The meter-wide space rock, since named 2024 BX1, is thought to have been completely destroyed. Amazingly, Italian astronomer Luca Buzzi managed to photograph it just before it hit.

I think what is slightly unnerving was that it was only discovered "three hours" before impact! What else is out there undetected?

Also, an Earth directed coronal mass ejection erupted from the sun as well. It's a strong one at that, a G1 to G2 flare, so there could be a chance of seeing auroras at lower latitudes.

This happened the last time Pluto entered Aquarius, which came from seemingly nowhere and took everyone by surprise (there should be a post floating around on the forum about it)
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Haha yes, it's only been 5 minutes since Pluto entered Aquarius, already this news just in:


I think what is slightly unnerving was that it was only discovered "three hours" before impact! What else is out there undetected?

Also, an Earth directed coronal mass ejection erupted from the sun as well. It's a strong one at that, a G1 to G2 flare, so there could be a chance of seeing auroras at lower latitudes.

This happened the last time Pluto entered Aquarius, which came from seemingly nowhere and took everyone by surprise (there should be a post floating around on the forum about it)
I did see about the CME, yes, due to reach us in a couple of days' time.

Never a dull moment with Pluto !! :)