Mercury Retrograde 27°13'Aries - 1st April

It turns out some people were lucky enough to not have it affect them (like my Mum lol. Although she did wonder why she got a sudden barrage of texts in the morning!)

It affected everyone else I know though!
Mercury retrograde makes itself noticeable for me as well. I received an email from my daughter's music teacher saying that she missed her class. I thought the whole time that there was no class on that day 🤔 .
I suppose this Mercury retrograde is more intense and conforms to all clichés because it's so strongly connected to the upcoming eclipse. There were retrograde phases that passed me by largely unnoticed, or I was able to use them more constructively by reworking and revising something I had already started in the past.

This month, the formal paperwork for my new job will be due. Whoo hoo!
Oddly enough, outside issues with 1:1 relationships, Mercury retrograde didn't affect me much. I actually got quite a bit of work done this evening in my garden, and the 12v subsystem (which has my internet, WiFi, circuit timers for outdoor lighting, pest scarer, etc.) is now up and running.

I even managed to communicate with my garden neighbour reasonably well, and he speaks the thickest accent of Swiss German imaginable. He and his colleague are going to help me mount a unidirectional 5G antenna on my wind turbine pole (all very Mercury and Uranus-related stuff), and then I will have a suitable office that will work 100% from off-grid solar and wind power.

Said garden neighbour has already said he wants to work from my office. :)

Oh yes, and I also went swimming in the Sihl river this lunchtime, with some guys from the Impact Hub in Zürich. 8ºC. That definitely woke me up. :)
Seems this retrograde, as well as the tech issues, is bringing out a few frayed tempers and some rather out of character outbursts (from other people).

Mercury retrograde in orb of Chiron, anger management issues?
I will never again say that Mercury retrograde rarely does anything in my life. I mean, there were times when I could make good use of the time to revise and redo things.
Finally, I have an appointment to sign the contract for my new job, but I can't meet the technical part that is necessary for the preparatory paperwork. It's nice that real life always writes the best thrillers. The deadline is Sunday.
Had a crazy hike which was 4 hrs and 13 km with 500 meters rlevation, a new mountain, we went off to the more mountainous path and questioned if we were going to find our car. After 7 km rock/tree hike, we ran into someone as we desperately said “did you com from the parking lot?” We did make it to our car. I had forgotten my snack, ran out of water. It all felt backwards. We started the trail at the wrong end, read the map wrong, I giggled the whole way enjoying and laughing “great Mercury retro story.”
I'm about to lose my nerve. Fortunately, the cause of the technical problem could be found today. Now I have to wait for the people responsible to fix it, because I can't do it myself. Time is running. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this job. I would go to the ends of the earth for it.

But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand
Miles to fall down at your door ...

Music sometimes is the only remedy.

Speaking of retrograde, my current boss approached me again today about a matter that was already discussed in February. They don't know yet that I'm leaving. Mercury rules my 10th house ... I hope Jupiter in Gemini will give things yet another push foward once Mercury is direct.

What's more, Phone calls just break off, I'm looking for things I urgently need, I've had to put off renovation work that I wanted to have done for various reasons.
Maybe all the worries will have simply vanished into thin air in a few days. That would be fantastic!
Mercury rx hit me strongly today:
I went to the HR office to sign the job contract. However, the agreed-upon Percentage/Working hours in the contract were not correct, so I ended up arguing over 48 minutes per week, which was embarrassing on my part. Since I prioritize gaining more time rather than more money in my everyday life to avoid experiencing burnout again, as I did in my last job.
So, we agreed to postpone the signature until the beginning of May. This will entail a fair amount of work for the HR department, unfortunately.

Maybe it's not so bad, especially since Mercury will be moving direct again in May, providing more clarity in communication. Despite this, I feel bad about appearing narrow-minded and inflexible, which I can only attribute to transiting Saturn conjunct my natal Sun at the moment. Additionally, the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter opposing my natal Uranus could lead to unexpected incidents, like this one.
Still, I was thinking in my way back that I have to stand by my values, and at the moment the 48 min, I argued on, allow me to take one day off in a week. So more time to rest vs, more money. Tr Pluto conjunct natal Venus 2nd house.

More to Mercury rx, ruler of my 6th house, I've had a cold for the past three days. I'm starting to feel a bit better now, but not entirely because I'm still struggling to sleep well.
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@Lunasel - this is what Mercury retrogrades are for: Reviewing stuff. 48 minutes per week might sound like a trivial amount to argue over, but it adds up!

I don't think you're narrow-minded and inflexible. Not at all. Anyone who tells you this (particularly if they are from said HR department) is trying to guilt-trip you into signing away more of your time than is strictly necessary, and their motives are not pure.

Defending your boundary is important: If the figures were not correct, and not as agreed, then they need to be corrected. If HR cannot turn this around quickly (and to be honest, most companies I've dealt with can arrange minor corrections * to a contract of employment in a couple of hours), then it needs to be done in May. This is not your problem.

Personally, having had burnout myself, I know exactly what you mean. I'd prioritise time over money, too. Good job sticking up for yourself!

* I even asked for exclusions on the intellectual property clauses most contracts have, which establish that anything you invent while working for that firm, even if it was done in your own private time, and at home, regardless of application, is the company's intellectual property. This is typically part of the Gesamtarbeitsvertrag (general contract terms, which are usually dozens of pages long), rather than the individual, personal Einzelarbeitsvertrag, which is usually just one page long, and outlines the conditions (e.g. job title, hours, pay, number of days of annual leave, etc.) that only apply to you.

Even so, competent HR will usually not rewrite a complete Gesamtarbeitsvertrag, but simply deliver a signed letter with sufficient managerial and legal authority that overrides the required terms and conditions in it, just for me. It's treated as a supplementary Einzelarbeitsvertrag. That's my experience, anyway.
Something interesting I just noticed - mercury slowing down to station direct as the Jupiter Uranus conjunction perfects and then sun on 21 Taurus just as mercury is about to leave the shadow zone on 13th May.

A reminder of the Sabian symbol for the JU conjunction:



This Symbol implies a talent for bringing calm, protection and good tidings to those who need help. Although there may be trouble all around, you are able to rise above this and find safe ground. You may have to cross over into the dark side in order to bring order and safety to people’s lives. Even though you, or someone else, may be lost from sight for a while and some may feel abandoned, they will return and bring guidance to safety and reassurance. You may need to send, or receive, a message to those who could be feeling left out and in need of reassurance.
Transcending worry through spiritual awareness. Prophetic mission. Messages and symbols of peace. Going for objectives. Calming troubled minds. Redemption and hope.
Being too caught up in worries. Not being able to accept that things are getting better or any form of solace. Always dipping into dramatic situations.

Oh, that was adorable. "Don't think of going anywhere - I have you in my claws and I'll never let you go! Now hold still while I lick your arse."

Interestingly enough, Mercury is also conjunct the transiting North node (which has been holding pretty still, since we've been in eclipse season recently), so it would appear that today is the day for picking up any unheard (but important) messages from that old cosmic answering machine.

The North node has been sitting tightly in between 15º33' and 15º38' Aries since the 22nd of March, and it leaves that range for good this time (at least until it comes around again in another 18.5 years), and it is rapidly picking up speed for its normal retrograde motion.

It leaves that tight range tomorrow.

So, with Mercury moving this slowly, it's as good as a chance you'll get to try and figure out what the hell you're supposed to be doing. :)