Mercury Retrograde 27°13'Aries - 1st April

Penguin Trauma

Well-known member
This looks like a very intense Mercury retrograde, more so than your usual garden variety ones, as this will be in orb of Chiron pretty much the whole time (the widest orb being 8°). And also being very close to the Aries Solar Eclipse on 8th April, only a few degrees away and already retrograde.

With the North Node, Eclipse, and Chiron activations occurring within the parameters of this retrograde, this looks set to bring about major themes around old wounds, especially linked to identity and patterning, and a time for reviewing those, which could bring about a resurfacing of potentially painful sore spots to be looked at, and maybe healed via communication, voicing those core wounds. This may be more than reviewing the paperwork, it's more like going over and re-reading the small print of your soul!

On the plus side (is there one?) this could be a beneficial side for talking therapies, or journaling, if you do that kind of thing.

18th Mar - Mercury enters retrograde zone at 15°59' Aries

20th Mar
- Mercury conjunct Chiron at 18°18' Aries

1st Apr - Mercury stations retrograde at 27°13' Aries

14th Apr
- Sun/Mercury Cazimi at 22°32' Aries - near conjunct Chiron

15th Apr -
Mercury retrograde conjunct Chiron at 19°49' Aries

15th Apr - Mercury retrograde activates Solar Eclipse degree at 19°24' Aries

19th Apr - Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus at 17°33' Aries

25th Apr - Mercury retrograde nearly conjunct North Node at 15°35' Aries

25th Apr - Mercury stations direct at 15°59' Aries

5th May
- Mercury direct activates Solar Eclipse degree at 19°24' Aries - again!

7th May - Mercury direct conjuncts Chiron at 21°02' Aries

13th May - Mercury leaves retrograde zone at 27°13' Aries

I will post charts later!
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So much fiery communication in this month 🔥. But Mars ruler is in a water sign 🌊 and makes mostly harmonic aspects to the outer planets. If we think of the tamed energy through the conjunction with Saturn, which doubles the retrograde and concentrate his issues. Also combines the issues and energies of Pisces.
In my case 3rd and 4th houses.
This will be entirely in my 3rd house, and will oppose Pluto and make several squares to my Mars in 7th, back and forth. So the "social" houses, 3rd and 7th.

The Sun/Mercury Cazimi aspect will be an exact square.

It seems like the entire cosmos and it's wife will make squares to my Mars in April 🤦😂 and even beyond that, Chiron square Mars from May, and later in the year, Mars Cancer retrograde conjunct Mars a million times.

Shall I just rule this year out as a Marsy year? Roll on 2025 already? 😂
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This will be entirely in my 3rd house, and will oppose Pluto and make several squares to my Mars in 7th, back and forth. So the "social" houses, 3rd and 7th.

The Sun/Mercury Cazimi aspect will be an exact square.

It seems like the entire cosmos and it's wife will make squares to my Mars in April 🤦😂 and even beyond that, Chiron square Mars from May, and later in the year, Mars Cancer retrograde conjunct Mars a million times.

Shall I just rule this year out as a Marsy year? Roll on 2025 already? 😂
uh.. really, your Mars will be so busy this year. Except the wide square to n Pluto, your Mars makes lovely trines in water signs to Uranus and Venus. It will transit your SR 5th, trine SR Moon so again so much in the house of love and n 7th in partnerships. I think you already sense a coming newness in this area. Let us know how it unfolds.
Will do! Up until my next Solar Return, Mars will reach only as far as Cancer - I think it actually stations direct just before my birthday. Never factored in the extended transit in my SR 5th house, let's see what unfolds :)

Back to the Mercury retrograde, I can't help but be very intrigued by the stationary direct chart:

Mercury very tightly conjunct the North Node, and therefore tightly opposite the South Node. Both Mercury retrograde and South Node share a common denominator, a link to the past, or past issues being highlighted. The established past (South Node) is in opposition with ... the returning past (Mercury retrograde).

As @Monaki mentions very insightfully in another thread, the old/past doesn't automatically mean "bad", and the new/future doesn't always mean "good". Maybe with Chiron so closely involved, the past is necessary (as it has brought you to where you are today) for looking back in hindsight at old/unresolved issues with different eyes.

During the retrograde phase itself, the ruling planet of the South Node (Venus) will cross paths with the retrograde Mercury, so that brings about a link to connections from the past. This will occur between the Cazimi aspect (which marks the halfway point) and the stationary direct event.

Venus will conjunct Chiron as well, and Venus is a joining or binding planet - in the sign ruled by Mars, which is a separating or cutting planet. So it could be about connections from the past that have unfinished business, people that have been cut/separated from in the past could find their way back into the present. Not necessarily for reconciliation, but more for looking back in hindsight at what went down, and maybe finding ways to remedy it.

Thinking like the Judgement Card in Tarot - the past coming back into the present, to be dealt with for the future.
Will do! Up until my next Solar Return, Mars will reach only as far as Cancer - I think it actually stations direct just before my birthday. Never factored in the extended transit in my SR 5th house, let's see what unfolds :)

Back to the Mercury retrograde, I can't help but be very intrigued by the stationary direct chart:

Mercury very tightly conjunct the North Node, and therefore tightly opposite the South Node. Both Mercury retrograde and South Node share a common denominator, a link to the past, or past issues being highlighted. The established past (South Node) is in opposition with ... the returning past (Mercury retrograde).

As @Monaki mentions very insightfully in another thread, the old/past doesn't automatically mean "bad", and the new/future doesn't always mean "good". Maybe with Chiron so closely involved, the past is necessary (as it has brought you to where you are today) for looking back in hindsight at old/unresolved issues with different eyes.

During the retrograde phase itself, the ruling planet of the South Node (Venus) will cross paths with the retrograde Mercury, so that brings about a link to connections from the past. This will occur between the Cazimi aspect (which marks the halfway point) and the stationary direct event.

Venus will conjunct Chiron as well, and Venus is a joining or binding planet - in the sign ruled by Mars, which is a separating or cutting planet. So it could be about connections from the past that have unfinished business, people that have been cut/separated from in the past could find their way back into the present. Not necessarily for reconciliation, but more for looking back in hindsight at what went down, and maybe finding ways to remedy it.

Thinking like the Judgement Card in Tarot - the past coming back into the present, to be dealt with for the future.
I'm not very happy about Mercury retrograde over my Moon. Transit chiron in conjunction to my moon hasn't been the happiest time in my life and the third hit on 6th of April doesn't make it better. I feel overwhelmingly vulnerable, I've been walking around with weird pain in my back and knees, I'm tired and scared and sad and ... I don't know. Mercury being retrograde and going forth and back over my moon - activating the topic again (Chiron sits in my natal chart in 7. Moon is the co-ruler of house 7. Therefore is Mercury the ruler of house 7) - I'm tired of it. Ive become so vulnerable in my relationships, it's hardly bearable.
I'm not very happy about Mercury retrograde over my Moon. Transit chiron in conjunction to my moon hasn't been the happiest time in my life and the third hit on 6th of April doesn't make it better. I feel overwhelmingly vulnerable, I've been walking around with weird pain in my back and knees, I'm tired and scared and sad and ... I don't know. Mercury being retrograde and going forth and back over my moon - activating the topic again (Chiron sits in my natal chart in 7. Moon is the co-ruler of house 7. Therefore is Mercury the ruler of house 7) - I'm tired of it. Ive become so vulnerable in my relationships, it's hardly bearable.
I've been going to see an Emotion Code healer. Yeah, I know, that sort of thing sounds right up your street, I'm sure. *

But it might hold some answers for you. I've been going to a few sessions while Chiron was opposing my Moon, and it's beginning to help. A mentor of mine had been telling me about the book for ages, and wondered why I'd been ignoring the possibility for treatment - and, well, that's because I had no fucking clue what the treatment was about. Saying, simply "Oh, read this book!" doesn't inspire me to follow a particular avenue of inspiration, because I have hundreds of books on my bookshelf, many of them inherited, which are all waiting to be read.

Even the book itself is an exercise in patience, because most of the first few dozen pages or so wax lyrical about how good it is and how patient X, Y, Z had such pain and got treatment and lived happily ever after, etc., without going into any detail about how it works.

So, I'll get right to the meat: The Emotion Code (and its companion book The Body Code) is about treating trapped emotions in the body with:
  1. A direct connection to your subconscious, which is handled by the healer (or yourself, when you get good enough at it for self-therapy)
  2. A magnet
Do not adjust your TV set: Yes, a magnet. It turns out that bringing out trapped emotions requires an energy field. We're all energetic beings (well, some of us have more energy than others, but that's another topic for another time!) - and a moving magnetic field will, in combination with subconscious intent, be able to remove trapped emotions. Which emotions, exactly, get removed first, is up to your subconscious - and the healer can figure this out for you. If you're in a situation like me, where you can't connect to your subconscious at all, it's literally a godsend.

It will also help with body pain. This can also be a physical manifestation of an emotional imbalance.

Go and look at it now, while your pain is greatest: Mercury retrograding over your Moon is the perfect time to review (and throw away) what doesn't work for you emotionally. You need to allow some time between sessions (at least a week or so) - and the effects aren't immediate. Don't expect to get outside after your session and start singing "The hills are alive with the sound of music". Do expect to wait some days for your subconscious to get its shit in order: I had a complete lack of feeling across my entire body for 15 years, ** and did some EMDR therapy for this back in 2022, which is also subconscious. Nothing happened, and then, 13 days later, I felt the wind blowing across the hairs on my arm one afternoon, and it gave me the shock of my life.

Some stuff can manifest immediately, but don't be fooled - there's more happening under the surface than you could ever suspect.

* Somebody call the waaambulance. :)
** I had a spinal tap (lumbar puncture), MRI scan, nerve induction test, the works: Nada. Doctors told me it was all in my head, which is what doctors always do when they have no clue about how to proceed any further.
@Oliver that therapy sounds intriguing abs very therapeutic! I am starting TRTP to access issues I don't remember, yet it's treated without removing. Worth looking I to for anyone also suffering painful experiences of the past. On April 10
@jaceymay - Interesting stuff! I found this about it, too:

I didn't even remember the ages at which I'd experienced trauma. I don't think I wouldn't be a good candidate for TRTP, because I simply don't have the conscious information required for the therapist, as she detailed in the video. I simply have no data. An Emotion Code therapist can find out this information without having to ask you consciously, though. Most of the really serious episodes in my life are simply blocked - I don't remember them. (I grew up in the middle of a war, and had to abandon everything I knew - and many people I was close to - at the time of my first Saturn square.)

One of the issues uncovered in my Emotion Code session was unresolved inherited trauma from 47 generations ago. How could I ever know about this, consciously? This is another reason why I gave up information required-type therapies, because I simply don't know enough required information to complete the therapy.

Nevertheless, as far as I'm concerned, the more choices out there, the better: I know better than most that what works for one person may not work for another. I just found a lot of things that didn't work for me, in the last couple of years or so! You have to understand that a lot of stuff doesn't work for me: Hypnotherapy is out, because no therapist can get me under. I even met a psychic last year, purely by chance, who successfully read several people in the room, but he drew a complete blank with me: Couldn't get into my head at all. (Well, that makes two of us.) I think that must have been the only time in my life when I actually wished someone could get into my head. Scratch anything that requires visualisation, too (that doesn't work, either.)
@jaceymay - Interesting stuff! I found this about it, too:

I didn't even remember the ages at which I'd experienced trauma. I don't think I wouldn't be a good candidate for TRTP, because I simply don't have the conscious information required for the therapist, as she detailed in the video. I simply have no data. An Emotion Code therapist can find out this information without having to ask you consciously, though. Most of the really serious episodes in my life are simply blocked - I don't remember them. (I grew up in the middle of a war, and had to abandon everything I knew - and many people I was close to - at the time of my first Saturn square.)

One of the issues uncovered in my Emotion Code session was unresolved inherited trauma from 47 generations ago. How could I ever know about this, consciously? This is another reason why I gave up information required-type therapies, because I simply don't know enough required information to complete the therapy.

Nevertheless, as far as I'm concerned, the more choices out there, the better: I know better than most that what works for one person may not work for another. I just found a lot of things that didn't work for me, in the last couple of years or so! You have to understand that a lot of stuff doesn't work for me: Hypnotherapy is out, because no therapist can get me under. I even met a psychic last year, purely by chance, who successfully read several people in the room, but he drew a complete blank with me: Couldn't get into my head at all. (Well, that makes two of us.) I think that must have been the only time in my life when I actually wished someone could get into my head. Scratch anything that requires visualisation, too (that doesn't work, either.)
I hear you, that must have been morw traumatizing not being able to find a help that connects for you. I'm so glad you found something.

The therapist I'm working with is going to target things I don't remember, she said u can just leave 1-4 years old or... Some can be general if I don't remember. Also I don't remember the trauma I'm going after cause I have memory loss of that time period. I'll let you know how it goes. I'd love to hear more about how the emotional code works for you. This is huge having more ways of dealing with trauma. Thanks for sharing.
Looks like Mercury retrograde has come early!

My delivery had a bit of a "detour" today, never to be seen again! Apparently the box was damaged 🙄 I may get a redelivery or a refund, will need to wait for the email.
Omg .... clearly I live in Narnia, where you have to walk through a wardrobe portal to find my address 🤦😡

Why are the delivery drivers struggling today? It turns out on their maps, I'm located somewhere entirely different and random.

It's just there, where the trees are!!!! Mr Tumnus can show you 🙄

And this is BEFORE Mercury goes retrograde. I'm going to steer clear of deliveries until it's well and truly over 🤦
Random, my mom gave me a scrapbook I made 18 years ago with photos of my old friends. A lovely surprise of my first chip I got in AA, and other valuable pictures I don't have copies of. Plus, some people I don't even remember them.

Almoat same for me @Penguin Trauma as bread I ordered so
Wtging fans they returned to warehouse before deliver for unknown reason… scratching my head…