Saturn transiting the 7th house

This is an important side note before I continue with my live report on my Saturn transit through the 7th.

I'm in a 7th house profection year, which makes Jupiter the LoY. Jupiter rules my 4th and my 7th. He's about to enter into my 10th house in about three weeks and while I'm currently taking big professional steps, I've also decided to turn my apartment upside down. This summer, my kitchen is being renovated from top to toe. An almost complete home overhaul. It has been my experience that the LoY always brings both houses ruled by it to the fore.

So I have started to clear out my cellar. My goodness, I've hoarded a vast amount of paper stuff there. Some long-lost memories have come flooding back. I am glad that these are now a distant memory, a thing of the past. In any case, the relief at this realization was huge.

I'm currently reading some passages of Erin Sullivan's book on Saturn transits. The termin definition appears on almost every page. Let me give you an example.
Because Saturn is the planet
that gives us definition, from within and from without, its transit is particularly involved with the organizing
of inner characteristics and their effectiveness in our world.

I'm having a hard time putting my feelings into words right now. So again another quote from her book.

The descendant, the seventh-house cusp, is where ‘self confronts ‘others’ in a meaningful way. The last
fourteen years of self-discovery can end up an indulgence if they are not tested against the social backdrop.
When Saturn begins its transit over the descendant (and this can be as soon as it enters the sign on the
descendant) the horizon of awareness is activated in the realm of ‘others’, and the first stage in social
integration is often undertaken in one-to-one relationships.

  • I have a strong desire and urge to tidy up my external home. Over the last few years, I've done a lot of therapeutic work on myself. Saturn traveled through houses 3 to 6 during this time and the inner housecleaning is largely done. Maybe not for the rest of my life, but I have created a solid foundation. In this respect, I absolutely agree that private self-discovery is now complete and the return to the social world has begun. Sullivan calls Saturn's transit over the descendant / through the 7th house "The Call to Return".
  • I feel that it is no longer enough to pursue self-discovery behind closed doors. Like Sullivan says, when Saturn enters into the 7th house, it's now time to test your discoveries and changes against the social backdrop.
  • I am increasingly bothered by aspects of my own behavior. I can't help but change my behavior.

What does this have to do with the term definition? Saturn signifies decay and death. And therefore also the redefinition of interactions and relationships.