Money, money, money

Something that has not been discussed yet, is the signed agreements made by Xi and Putin about their now trading oil in the Yuan, instead of petrodollar.

This is seismic and will create a ricochet of effects in many places, most notably the US, as the dollar is sidelined.

A Multipolar world, is how they see it.

Since Pluto is polarity, and since CCP China's chart Asc is within kissing distance of where Pluto now treads, I would lay the concepts behind this upon this planet. The other interesting thing about it is that Neptune is in CCP's 2h, so one might otherwise expect their funds to be diminishing but perhaps since this is about oil and oil = Neptune, and transiting Neptune is trine CCP MC, the effects are the opposite.
Something that has not been discussed yet, is the signed agreements made by Xi and Putin about their now trading oil in the Yuan, instead of petrodollar.

This is seismic and will create a ricochet of effects in many places, most notably the US, as the dollar is sidelined.

A Multipolar world, is how they see it.

Since Pluto is polarity, and since CCP China's chart Asc is within kissing distance of where Pluto now treads, I would lay the concepts behind this upon this planet. The other interesting thing about it is that Neptune is in CCP's 2h, so one might otherwise expect their funds to be diminishing but perhaps since this is about oil and oil = Neptune, and transiting Neptune is trine CCP MC, the effects are the opposite.
Hi Etherea, I did mention the agreement between Russia & China very briefly in the Countdown to Pluto's thread. Yes, very significant, a major shift of power.

Wait with PANIC until next week, Desiree.
A Venus-Uranus conjunction will take place on March 30th.
May be a real black Friday follows ?

„Scholz is not worried“ (FAZ)

If he would say, he is worried, we would have Lehman 2.0. on monday.
Venus-Uranus is already effective, working, up an running ... not seen by me as a crash danger, this would require Saturn and or Pluto plus the absence of Jupiter, but as a major factor of destabilization. Stock markets showed greater oscillations in the past days, it may intensify ...
pluto purging continues. investigations began in 2021 during pluto in capricorn with the corruption uncovered with
the in-depth, pluto 'digging'.

French Authorities Raid 5 Major Banks in €100 Billion Fraud Investigation​

Ultimately, the purposes of the investigation are connected to questionable tax practices by these banks. The authorities have stated the institutions are “suspected of aggravated tax fraud laundering.” Alternatively, BNP and Exane are “suspected of aggravated tax fraud.”

Additionally, DW reported that the raids that took place Tuesday are in connection with PNF investigations that were opened in
Dec of 2021. “The ongoing operations, which have required several months of preparation, are being carried out by 16 investigating judges and over 150 investigation agents,” the PNF stated in a subsequent statement according to DW.

The banks under investigation are: Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, Exane, Natixis, and HSBC. Specifically, they are being probed over the “legally dubious practices,” according to DW. Moreover, those practices entail banks creating complex legal frameworks to aid wealthy consumers in avoiding certain tax liabilities for dividends.

Joshua Ramos

March 28, 2023
one of the wealthiest investment companies in the world collapsing, destruction pluto almost complete

leading expert in economics talking about the end of the petro-dollar (pluto return in usa chart in opposition to house 8).
pluto must first completely tear down what is toxic & corrupt before it rebuilds into a more positive, powerful direction.
qfs aka nesara/gesara beginning april 1st & will slowly spread out to 109 countries. a direct manifestation of pluto
ingress into aquarius with humanitarian projects & equitable allocation of the world's wealth.

‘Rich Dad’ R. Kiyosaki projects the downfall of US dollar, labels it ‘toilet paper’​

The author pointed out an indication of the domination’s end can be viewed from other countries forming economic alliances.
He cited the growth of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) member countries that are opting to transact in another form of currency.
over 30 nations have applied to join brics this year alone; germany possible will apply in 2023.

“What the U.S. has been doing for a long time they’ve been shipping people toilet paper, & they’ve been shipping us commodities like wheat, grain oil, food, gold, silver for finished goods. <..>
All the people have been giving America cheap or wonderful goods for toilet paper, it’s coming to an end,” he added.
The author pointed out an indication of the domination’s end can be viewed from other countries forming economic alliances.
He cited the growth of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) member countries that are opting to transact in another form of currency.
over 30 nations have applied to join brics this year alone; germany possible will apply in 2023.

??? Germany will apply to BRICS?

There is obviously somebody terribly misinformed.

Germany is a G-7 country and will remain so.

The German chancellor has warned that the world must not disintegrate into a "G-7 plus" and a "BRICS plus" group.

Because the addition of new members to the group from previously Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa could divide

the world in two! Do we want to have more Cold War? The potential BRICS-Expansion is about nothing less than the

struggle for world power.

Nobody from the West will join such an alliance, especially not since there are Putin friends among them.

Pluto Aqu. doesn't mean, that this world and its order will turn upside down. It would be better to see things realistically

and truthfully and not get caught up in neptunic dreams....
trade is trade. we live in a global world where every country wants to engage to survive economically.
countries may have different values, cultures, religions, etc but money is what makes the world go around.
in the nation chart of germany, pluto trine germany sun & great transformation taking place; energy cannot remain
static; it must move & change with the times. pluto conjunct jupiter is perfect example of trade, dealing with foreign nations.
scholz will not deal with russia but is looking for ways to enter brics in a 'round about way'. he will not join brics while the
ukraine-russia conflict continues but in the future? the G7 cannot compete with brics which will dominate the world trade in
the near future.

Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, has been trying to form new alliances in Brazil, India and Africa. Hari Kumar asks what does it mean to speak of multi-polarity world and what is the German and EU position within it?

Germany hedges bets in changing international order​

In 2018, BRICS had a combined nominal GDP of US$26.6 trillion (26.2% of the gross world product), a total GDP Purchasing Power Parity of around US$51.99 trillion (32.1% of global GDP PPP), and an estimated US$4.46 trillion in combined foreign reserves.
The group also accounts for 40% of the world’s population.

Many other countries queue to join BRICS. The BRICS International Forum president Anand reports that Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia could join “very soon”. In earlier announcements Iran and Argentina had formally applied for membership. All the so-called MINTS (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) will probably end up within BRICS.

trade is trade. we live in a global world where every country wants to engage to survive economically.
countries may have different values, cultures, religions, etc but money is what makes the world go around.

Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, has been trying to form new alliances in Brazil, India and Africa. Hari Kumar asks what does it mean to speak of multi-polarity world and what is the German and EU position within it?

Germany hedges bets in changing international order​

It's exactly not only about trade.
But I am not questioning BRICS. Together, these countries make up 40 percent of the world's population and a quarter of global economic output. (I can find just 3 states "queuing up", Argentina, Algeria, Iran).

And, most important, one has to see who is behind the attempts to expand such alliances: China and its political interests.
(see also the Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO - China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Turkey is interested)

China and also Russia try to use BRICS to forge a new alliance against the West and above all the US.
Brazil, India and South Africa are against that.

And - apart from the central conflict between China and the US we see also the beginning of Deglobalization.

This indeed shows a new age of Pluto in Aquarius (power, groups) as well as Saturn in Pisces (old alliances changing) and Uranus in Taurus (currency issues, stock market turmoil).

Corona has shown that globalization brings big problems in supply chains, so people are trying to move production back inland.
Actual example für both, US tough on China and Deglobalization:
Chip industry. No exports to China if components from the USA are installed in the machines for chip production. (China could use the chips for their war machine). The Netherlands, as Europe's largest chip manufacturer, has already taken the step with the USA and is accepting financial losses. German companies like VW and BASF are also changing their China strategy.

The Ukraine war changed the situation again.
We have rising interest rates, rising food prices and turmoil on the international commodity markets.
BRICS can bring better protection, e.g. for Argentina, which has been in severe economic crisis for years.
And Iran's second largest gas reserves in the world are welcome in the alliance.
But Brazil, India and South Africa are not in favour of enlargement for fear of losing their own importance.
And they do not want to be drawn into the growing confrontation between the US and China or Russia.
So again this is not only about trade.

And why does Europe want new alliances?

After Trump, it can no longer just rely on America, Scholz/EU are forced to be Anti-Merkelist.
Cause: What if the next US-elections produce another catastrophe like him?
Ron DeSantis is also a protectionist.

And another UR/TAU example of China trying to boot out the US:
China is working hard to get the yuan to supplant the US dollar. This would protect dictatorships from US sanctions and oil trading would take place in China and no longer on western stock exchanges. Putin has announced that in future all oil and gas transactions with the People's Republic will be settled in Chinese yuan.
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China and Brazil have made an agreement (reported yesterday) to do business between themselves in Yuan, rather than the dollar. De-dollarisation is well underway and with it, the US position of dominance.

Worth remembering that, as Pluto is a money planet, then monetary influences will be rocked by the sign shift.

Plus, it is about power and in this case, monetary power and the aggregation or diminution of political power as a result, is the key shift. I anticipate this push-pull to go on until the final settling of Pluto into Aquarius after the to and fro from Capricorn.

We also have to consider the CBDC - this is another power/control issue delivered via money. Nigeria has already adopted it, and other countries are pretty much just waiting. Many countries have announced it. Digitisation of money delivering control and power - another iteration of Pluto/Aq.

I suspect the original version of this was that it would be global, but since several countries are not playing ball any more (e.g. it can never be global), I don't think (ultimately) it will work.

It will just form another layer on the pyre of ridiculous projects and something else will come along, rising from the ashes (again, Pluto).

Since Leo is the sign opposite from Aquarius, I suspect it will be a fully gold-based (Sun/Leo) solution. Maybe when transiting Jupiter gets there. or maybe when Jupiter gets into Taurus (another money sign) we hear talk of it.
@Logos - the G7 as an organisation won't have much of a future. The West is losing pricing control of commodities, and that's what has been keeping the West on top for decades: The ability to print money and buy other countries' goods and services.

Before long, the West is going to find out that having to actually produce things that other nations want to buy is extremely difficult, especially when you have relocated your manufacturing bases to China, India and Vietnam. Losing control of oil pricing is bad enough, but when you have to buy your food, fertiliser and machinery in a currency that can only be purchased with gold, silver or something else of value, that will be difficult.

Don't assume that services will save the day, either. Lots of people in the West assume they will be able to just sell software and consulting services as they've always done. But the Chinese will nip this in the bud, because they will control the hardware: When they turn around and say you'll have to purchase Chinese software and services to run on your Chinese-made device, and that not buying the licence is not an option, Western software and consulting companies will be at a serious disadvantage. (If that strategy seems familiar, that's because it is: Microsoft historically coerced PC manufacturers to agree to including - and paying for - a Windows licence for every machine they shipped. It suppressed the market for alternative operating systems.)

When you've allowed your entire technical supply chain to move to China, that's what you're setting yourself up for ... and the IT industry is just the cherry on the top. Many other industries will be affected by this, because they will have semiconductors as important components in their products.

The West won't know what hit it: If you have a South African passport in 20 years, that will be far more valuable than a German passport. The world is changing, extremely quickly - and those countries with superior natural resources (in South Africa and Zimbabwe, you can get three harvests in a year, compared to just one per year in Europe) will win, in a world where energy is becoming extremely expensive.
brics, with the additional countries to join very soon, will total 51% of the world's population.
such a large trading bloc cannot be ignored; particularly as pointed out, they are dropping the usa petro-dollar.
in the chart of germany, jupiter (expansion) being conjucted by transiting pluto aquarius indicates they will be joining in
international trade in the near future; it's a matter of survival; there's safety in numbers.
countries may criticize china's human rights policies, but, in the end, they will partner with them to keep their economies healthy.
it's money & the flow if it that rule the world. aquarius tells us it's becoming less & less about the plutocrats owning the wealth as
ensuring the people are able to survive & thrive. more humanitarian.

China & Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian government said Wednesday, Beijing’s latest salvo against the almighty greenback.

I'm not a fan of doomsday scenarios. My Moon is in Aries, i am a born optimist.
Optimist - not only because the Netherlands are Europe's leading manufacturer of machines for the production of microchips ….or Deepl, the biggest competitor of Google-translator, is a company from Cologne, Germany...
and so on…..
I can't speak for the whole west so I have to speak for Germany where I live.
Do you know the term "German Angst"? It means Germans (the others, not me) worry more about their future than anybody else on this planet ! We have enough economists in the country, who regularly (since 1960 or so..) predict our economic downfall. Right now, they're saying we're going into a year-long streak of weak growth, probably below 1 percent.

But time and again we have managed to keep the economy competitive. Reforms, initiatives, efforts, corrections in places where things weren't going smoothly. This is how globalization was met and now we are going to undo these exaggerations,
In Europe, Germany is regarded as the locomotive and this loc is rapidly in the process of rebuilding the economy.

Europe doesn't sleep either. Von der Leyen today: New China strategy! Make export controls more effective, conclude free trade agreements with countries such as India, Australia or New Zealand. Strengthen developing countries, make supply chains more resilient. Trade diversify…

Raw material recycling of copper, cobalt, lithium and rare earths is possible, says a new study from Belgium. “By 2050, Europe could meet up to 75 percent of its needs from base metals through recycling.”

Many astrologers consider the horoscope of the German Reich from January 18, 1871, 1 p.m., Versailles, France to be correct for Germany. It shows the progressive Sun approaching the 2nd house, ruler Sagittarius Moon in 7th.

In ten years we speak again ;).
The West is losing pricing control of commodities, and that's what has been keeping the West on top for decades: The ability to print money and buy other countries' goods and services.
The "West" is currently very active to secure own commodity sources.

Before long, the West is going to find out that having to actually produce things that other nations want to buy is extremely difficult, especially when you have relocated your manufacturing bases to China, India and Vietnam. Losing control of oil pricing is bad enough, but when you have to buy your food, fertiliser and machinery in a currency that can only be purchased with gold, silver or something else of value, that will be difficult.
They need us and we need them.

Today, Ursula also said that it is not in the continent's interest to decouple from China. By the way, China is now facing a situation where it gets clear that they will not get all their loans paid back from countless countries worldwide; Pluto transiting natal ASC also opposition to natal DC; and they don't have Maggie's handbag ...

If you have a South African passport in 20 years, that will be far more valuable than a German passport.
In 20 years, the chart of South Africa will show the following: Pluto self squares, Saturn transits over natal Pluto, Pluto over natal Saturn, Nessus over natal MC and Neptun runs into 11. Looks like not so easy times for South Africa.

and those countries with superior natural resources (in South Africa and Zimbabwe, you can get three harvests in a year, compared to just one per year in Europe) will win
Every possible harvest demands water, and it is known that South Africa is not a country being rich of water. Zimbabwe was successfully and sustainably ran down, starvation for way too many years now.

in a world where energy is becoming extremely expensive.
As of today, power from renewables like wind and solar is already much cheaper than from fossiles / hydrocarbons.

For predictions about what may be in 20 years, just refer to Club Of Rome - The Limits To Growth, all their major assumptions turned out to be wrong decades later.
Do you know the term "German Angst"? It means Germans (the others, not me) worry more about their future than anybody else on this planet !
Of course I do! Never understood or felt it, like most other traits of Germany. This country feels like a stranger to me!
pluto capricorn energies still dissolving, the energy is cleansing & purging the lower, dark elements. numerous ceos been arrested,
3 in the crypto-market alone, numerous corporate/banking leaders forced to resign, been fired & many questions being asked.
all part of the dense, swampy, pluto entities being eliminated.

Credit Suisse concealed more than $700 milllion from US govt.

Wells Fargo fined $100 milllion for sanctions violations​

March 30, 2023

evergrand (largest real estate holding company in China) has collapsed
vanguard/blackrock (largest investment firms in the world) are both collapsing
deutsche bank in germany on vergo of collapse
barclay's bank in the uk on verge of collapse
over 30 banks in the usa on the verge of collapsing

the enormous repercussions of exit of pluto capricorn will play out all year, particularly when pluto moves back into critical degree
capricorn. the old money system is collapsing to eventually bring in the universal, equitable qfs, currency reset aka nesara/gesara

Egypt has abandoned the IMF and has officially become a new member of the New Development Bank (NDB) created by BRICS member states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Last week 40 heads of African States with met with Putin and Xi in Moscow. 😗

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Nigeria & many of the African countries should be incredibly wealthy.
Zimbawbe, rich in natural resources, just one of the many African nations that will have their wealth restored to them.
All countries were conned by the Federal Reserve World Bank system. The jig is up. The petro-dollar is dead. Fiat currency has no value. Back to GOLD. Nesara Gesara. (pluto in aquarius)

Muammar Gaddafi’s vast gold reserves were motives behind the US intervention in Libya in 2011

exposure & reveal of the western powers pillaging, plundering & stealing of africa's wealth & treasures all part of the pluto capricorn
darkness expunged.
Of course I do! Never understood or felt it, like most other traits of Germany. This country feels like a stranger to me!

We both seem to feel better in Greece ... ;)
Better heat than the merciless cold that will hit us without nuclear power, oil and gas in Germany.
Of course, Greece is regularly in crisis, but this passionate people by the sea, to whom we Germans have done the worst, will also survive the next 2,000 years.


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