Jupiter conjunct Uranus - April 21st

Penguin Trauma

Well-known member
I know we already have a thread in the Mundane section to discuss what could happen in worldwide events, thought I'd start one for how you may experience this personally.

Where will it fall in your chart, and what do you expect to happen?

So we have the conjunction at 21°50' Taurus.

Bearing in mind, we've already had Uranus at 21°50' Taurus, on 4th July 2023 and also 25th October 2023, so you should have an idea what themes were at play if it activated anything in your chart.

Jupiter hasn't reached there yet, so it's new territory. It will magnify and expand any of the themes that were already set around early July and late October 2023.

Also, it doesn't end there. It will still continue to be in orb of each other until late May. And intensified when both the Sun and Venus join them, from Mid May.

Some lucky people will have the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus in a close stellium in last decan Taurus in their Solar Returns! 🎉

The Sabian Symbol is lovely - the troubled waters feel like Uranus, and the dove feels like Jupiter.


This Symbol implies a talent for bringing calm, protection and good tidings to those who need help. Although there may be trouble all around, you are able to rise above this and find safe ground. You may have to cross over into the dark side in order to bring order and safety to people’s lives. Even though you, or someone else, may be lost from sight for a while and some may feel abandoned, they will return and bring guidance to safety and reassurance. You may need to send, or receive, a message to those who could be feeling left out and in need of reassurance.
Transcending worry through spiritual awareness. Prophetic mission. Messages and symbols of peace. Going for objectives. Calming troubled minds. Redemption and hope.

Here's the chart:

Just looking back at the last Jupiter conjunct Uranus, it was on Jan 4th 2011 at 27°02' Pisces

(It was also on the same day as a Solar Eclipse at 13°39' Capricorn)

Rather eventful, in terms of, it was awful! I had the conjunction square my Jupiter in 6th, and I had been suffering from an unusual 2 month long flu virus, which looking back in hindsight, turned out to be Swine Flu 😣

I didn't take any time off work throughout the entire time, as apparently, the Swine Flu pandemic of 2010 had been declared "over" by those nice clever folk at the WHO (it wasn't) 🙄

If I had known, I would have isolated myself. Very lucky I didn't trigger off a local pandemic 🤦 nobody else caught it, surprisingly, especially given it was over the Christmas period, and I still partied a lot! It took me a further six months to get back to full recovery.

I always thought it was linked to my transit Saturn conjunct natal Pluto Libra, which hovered there and stationed retrograde later that month. Probably still was, but now I can see the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction square my Jupiter Gemini (respiratory system)

This time around, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will be in my 4th, sextile natal Venus and sextile natal Mars .... Actually exactly on my Venus/Mars midpoint!

Noting the transit Mars Pisces, on natal Venus as well.
the conjunction in 5th will oppose natal Uranus 11th house.
I looked at the transits on this day in my chart. The energies look horrible and intense with so many exact aspects especially from the external planets but also from the personal ones.
I will have at this day:

tr Saturn exactly conjunct n. Sun 3rd
tr Pluto exactly conjunct n. Venus 2nd
tr Sun 4th square n. Jupiter and Venus 8th/2nd
tr Venus and Mercury 4th opposing n. Pluto 10th. SE on 8. April almost two weeks before the conjunction. It will exactly oppo n. Pluto 10th, as well.
tr Mars 3rd exactly square Asc

I can not recall what happened in 2011. But I suppose it was not that bad. cz the conjunction had a trine to n. Jupiter. Tr Saturn was conjuncting n. Pluto. I had at that time just started with a very demanding new job. Almost one to two years after my Saturn Return.
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@Lunasel - I'm about to have Jupiter opposite natal Uranus tomorrow morning (for the 3rd time in a row, because Jupiter went past it, then retrograded, and now it's on its way back). No idea how to put that energy to good use, but it feels as if someone's put a good dose of itching powder down my back.

So, if you have a fantastically mentally taxing topic that you would like to take up, or you need to break free of something, now's the time to start chipping at those prison walls. :)

Uranus opposite Uranus energy is fantastic for making mincemeat of really heavy study, or even trying to make a spiritual breakthrough. According to the books I've read, Uranus opposite Uranus is best for really opening up your chakras and connecting. So, if that interests you, look for a mentor now. With Jupiter working in the mix, you could make real spiritual inroads during this period.

I didn't know about Uranus opposite Uranus when it happened - but I used the energy for study at the time, and it was potent: I picked up a CISSP, RHCE and CCNP in quick succession. None of those are easy, trivial or quick to study for. The CISSP, in particular, I got after just 70 hours of study - and I took it pretty lightly at the time, much to the annoyance of one of my friends, who'd spent 7 months studying for his. But that was the Uranus energy - I was just extremely fortunate in terms of timing. Couldn't do that now!

Don't waste this time. Use it wisely.
Just looking back at the last Jupiter conjunct Uranus, it was on Jan 4th 2011 at 27°02' Pisces

I finally was able to move out and live on my own. Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 2nd house and Venus (ruler 4th) conjunct natal Uranus. By miracle I found a home. I remember whishing it, with all I had within me. And there it was, two or three months later (which is really fast in the Netherlands).

This time Jupiter/Uranus is in my 4th house. I'll have to watch Venus again, who isn't doing a lot this time. Only T Pluto closing in on natal Venus, and Pluto's square to natal Pluto is exact by then. I do want to move to a house with more light in it but this Jupiter / Uranus conjunction just isn't hitting anything in my chart. Maybe I'll make some plans, this transit is good for ideas.

The fireworks in my case are happening in February, with all the conjunctions happening on my ASC/Venus. And then one by one conjuncting personal planets in1st house. With Saturn moving away from my Sun and now Uranus moving away from opposition to Mars/Saturn, I finished some projects. But I am sooo tired, barely able to get over a cold, not having anything left to give. Still waiting on the results of my efforts of the past year. With so little energy left to tolerate things that aren't good for me, change will come.

It seems more likely I'll make some changes to my identity, with Uranus being ruler of ASC and all these Pluto conjunctions on ASC/Venus.
I am moving from career oriented to more home / family oriented. I am too sensitive to be around people who need a lot, trying to put up boundaries isn't working enough, I need something more fulfilling, something giving me energy instead of giving it. Or just a least have a balance.
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@Lunasel - I'm about to have Jupiter opposite natal Uranus tomorrow morning (for the 3rd time in a row, because Jupiter went past it, then retrograded, and now it's on its way back). No idea how to put that energy to good use, but it feels as if someone's put a good dose of itching powder down my back.

So, if you have a fantastically mentally taxing topic that you would like to take up, or you need to break free of something, now's the time to start chipping at those prison walls. :)

Uranus opposite Uranus energy is fantastic for making mincemeat of really heavy study, or even trying to make a spiritual breakthrough. According to the books I've read, Uranus opposite Uranus is best for really opening up your chakras and connecting. So, if that interests you, look for a mentor now. With Jupiter working in the mix, you could make real spiritual inroads during this period.

I didn't know about Uranus opposite Uranus when it happened - but I used the energy for study at the time, and it was potent: I picked up a CISSP, RHCE and CCNP in quick succession. None of those are easy, trivial or quick to study for. The CISSP, in particular, I got after just 70 hours of study - and I took it pretty lightly at the time, much to the annoyance of one of my friends, who'd spent 7 months studying for his. But that was the Uranus energy - I was just extremely fortunate in terms of timing. Couldn't do that now!

Don't waste this time. Use it wisely.
Thank you very much Oliver. I am considering your advice, although implementing it is not easy. Still, you can see that there is a lot of potential for major changes in the stars. Hopefully for the good. I will update you..
My daughter will have this conjunction in 11th exactly square n. Jupiter and n. Venus (2nd).
Last year, when she had the square from Uranus, she got sick cz of a tick bite. Jupiter rules her n. 6th.
the SE on 8. April will conjunct exactly n. Uranus in 10th.
Uranus rules her n. 8th.
As I will have transiting Pluto exactly conjunct my natal Venus, which is the ruler of the 5th house, I truly wish that her health will stay intact.
Hope so too Lunasel. Hopefully Pluto is aiming for breaking down some anxiety on 5th house issues.
Pluto is working on my 8th house, squaring itself. Forcing me to depend on other people, relying on them, opening up about intimate things and finances.
Hope so too Lunasel. Hopefully Pluto is aiming for breaking down some anxiety on 5th house issues.
Pluto is working on my 8th house, squaring itself. Forcing me to depend on other people, relying on them, opening up about intimate things and finances.
Thank you Moonlight 🫶 🙏.
I wish you all the best for the coming transit. You will learn to defend your boundaries and test other's with this transit. Be careful, also to keep fair on what you share or take on. I had the experience all what you could gain, can be accumulated in your karma for later. So, keep honest about your demands on others and on yourself and keep true to your values (2nd). All the best for you 🌷
Thank you Moonlight 🫶 🙏.
I wish you all the best for the coming transit. You will learn to defend your boundaries and test other's with this transit. Be careful, also to keep fair on what you share or take on. I had the experience all what you could gain, can be accumulated in your karma for later. So, keep honest about your demands on others and on yourself and keep true to your values (2nd). All the best for you 🌷

Yes boundaries and balance, very important. Still learning 😬
Thanks 🌸
One evening my first astro. teacher brought her copy of The Sabian Symbols to class. Obviously, everyone wanted to read the insights for their Sun sign. My natal Sun is on 21*TA39' in the 9th house square natal Jupiter in 12th house. The explanation seemed very prophetic and spiritual, something I couldn't grasp and was totally out of reach at the time.
Four decades later. I was in a discussion on another forum regarding tr. Jupiter in Taurus. I tried to explain my feelings regarding the natal aspect to another member and received a rather sarcastic comment in reply. I answered that I felt to be on 'a spiritual quest' or 'trying to find something'. Finding astrology was the path for me.
Reading the explanation for 22*Taurus above, it now seems to make sense.

I wrote elsewhere on this forum that I had health concerns regarding Uranus (modern ruler 6th house) aspecting the natal square. Whether the effect of planetary symbolism could work itself out in other ways 'outside myself'. My car suddenly died on me and had to be replaced.
The stress issues of last year have ironed themselves out, and I hope the blood pressure will go back to normal soon. Another car was picked up last week.
If my absolute faith in astro. symbolism proves itself yet again, the tr. Jupiter-Uranus conjunction to the natal square is complete. I hope to still be alive to see it occur.:)
One evening my first astro. teacher brought her copy of The Sabian Symbols to class. Obviously, everyone wanted to read the insights for their Sun sign. My natal Sun is on 21*TA39' in the 9th house square natal Jupiter in 12th house. The explanation seemed very prophetic and spiritual, something I couldn't grasp and was totally out of reach at the time.
Four decades later. I was in a discussion on another forum regarding tr. Jupiter in Taurus. I tried to explain my feelings regarding the natal aspect to another member and received a rather sarcastic comment in reply. I answered that I felt to be on 'a spiritual quest' or 'trying to find something'. Finding astrology was the path for me.
Reading the explanation for 22*Taurus above, it now seems to make sense.

I wrote elsewhere on this forum that I had health concerns regarding Uranus (modern ruler 6th house) aspecting the natal square. Whether the effect of planetary symbolism could work itself out in other ways 'outside myself'. My car suddenly died on me and had to be replaced.
The stress issues of last year have ironed themselves out, and I hope the blood pressure will go back to normal soon. Another car was picked up last week.
If my absolute faith in astro. symbolism proves itself yet again, the tr. Jupiter-Uranus conjunction to the natal square is complete. I hope to still be alive to see it occur.:)
what do you mean by
tr. Jupiter-Uranus conjunction to the natal square
natal square?
and how do you read sabian symbols? which is the right degree for you? or could be a combination of two? for example if a planet is exactly in the middle between two degrees.
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what do you mean by
tr. Jupiter-Uranus conjunction to the natal square
natal square?
In my post #11 I mentioned having a natal square aspect between Sun and Jupiter (on 18*+Leo). In med. astro. school it was taught that the 9th house represents 'health issues' as opposed to the 6th house 'illness'. Jupiter is the natural benefactor of 'good health'. A square aspect to/from Jupiter can be subject to health issues. Physical Leo-Sun heart issues lie within the family genes, so I have always been wary of the implications that the natal square could bring. Add that my husband is a dominant Sun in Sagittarius with a strong Jupiter!!

Transit Uranus has been activating the natal square most of last year. Serious illness worries with my daughter's husband (5th from my 5th = 9th house of children's loved one/children), concerns involving husband's issues, and my personal independence, all brought on the Uranus stress factors, for which medication for high blood pressure (associated with heart conditions) was prescribed. The transit first activated Jupiter and 'carried the effects with it' when it went on to activate natal Sun. I have found that transiting aspects between natally aspected planets involve the effect between both planets and are not separate incidents, even though they may be months (or years) apart.
As tr. Jupiter moves towards the natal square aspect, where it exactly conjoins tr. Uranus, I am hopeful that its 'improved health factor' may become apparent. Jupiter's positive side? :)

and how do you read sabian symbols? which is the right degree for you? or could be a combination of two? for example if a planet is exactly in the middle between two degrees.
I have never studied the Sabian symbols; only knew of what 22*Taurus indicated. My first teacher and the astro. med. school I attended later both took the .30 of a degree as the point of measurement. So a planet on 22* lay between 21.30 and 22.30 degrees. Others may use the whole degree; e.g. 20-21 or 21-22 degrees. I'm satisfied with 2 out of 3.:giggle:
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It’ll be in nayal 10th along with Chiron conjunct MC - yuck… a lot of suffering but I refuse to give up.
Jupiter natal 12th sqare Pluto (exact), Uranus 4th trine Jupiter, opp Chiron, square MC.

Progressed Sun square Uranus - April 26 mom moving here permanently - she has been the fisripter and the Chiron.

Last Jupiter conjunct Uranus - got married (natal trine).

@Oliver i recall my Uranus opp Uranus ans I suddenly moves twice that year and cleared out everything I owned. Went minimal. Was not a hard transit since I didn't fight it. Uranus 4th i like moving.
In my post #11 I mentioned having a natal square aspect between Sun and Jupiter (on 18*+Leo). In med. astro. school it was taught that the 9th house represents 'health issues' as opposed to the 6th house 'illness'. Jupiter is the natural benefactor of 'good health'. A square aspect to/from Jupiter can be subject to health issues. Physical Leo-Sun heart issues lie within the family genes, so I have always been wary of the implications that the natal square could bring. Add that my husband is a dominant Sun in Sagittarius with a strong Jupiter!!

Transit Uranus has been activating the natal square most of last year. Serious illness worries with my daughter's husband (5th from my 5th = 9th house of children's loved one/children), concerns involving husband's issues, and my personal independence, all brought on the Uranus stress factors, for which medication for high blood pressure (associated with heart conditions) was prescribed. The transit first activated Jupiter and 'carried the effects with it' when it went on to activate natal Sun. I have found that transiting aspects between natally aspected planets involve the effect between both planets and are not separate incidents, even though they may be months (or years) apart.
As tr. Jupiter moves towards the natal square aspect, where it exactly conjoins tr. Uranus, I am hopeful that its 'improved health factor' may become apparent. Jupiter's positive side? :)

I have never studied the Sabian symbols; only knew of what 22*Taurus indicated. My first teacher and the astro. med. school I attended later both took the .30 of a degree as the point of measurement. So a planet on 22* lay between 21.30 and 22.30 degrees. Others may use the whole degree; e.g. 20-21 or 21-22 degrees. I'm satisfied with 2 out of 3.:giggle:
sorry, I forgot to write back. Thanks for your reply.
Yes - very.

In October/November 2022, I googled "Adventurous holidays for the over 70's" and booked a "Bucket list" trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands to 'celebrate' my 75th birthday. I didn't look much at the transits, other than to see the worrying ones - Saturn square my Moon Chiron conjunction and Chiron on my Mars etc.
At the exact time of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction (which I realise now is conjunct 'my' asteroid) I will (fingers crossed) be heading down the motorway in a taxi to Manchester airport. How amazing is that?! :D
I will have a first meeting on this day with a group, who want to set up an official Network for Musicals.
I do not know why i said i will join them. It was on impulse. I will see what will come out of that. I think it is not for me,..
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I've had it tons of times, get an invite somewhere and the thing I most wanted to do is cancel, and curl up on the sofa with snacks and TV. But I force myself out of the house anyways, and it always turns out to be a really enjoyable event 😁