Search results

  1. Oliver

    Gary Larson

    Discovered completely by accident today, I note that after a 15-year hiatus since 1995, he’s now up to his old tricks again: Today’s cartoon shows he’s lost none of his magic, too. :)
  2. Oliver

    Saturn, Neptune and three-stage transits

    Doesn’t sound like a bad idea! Though from what I’ve read about triple returns (I’m in phase 2 of a triple Juno return right now, for example), the first phase is like a test, the second phase is a review - and third phase is the return proper. So if you have any editing or content suggestions...
  3. Oliver

    Accidentally divorced

    Some people have all the luck. :) Truth is stranger than fiction, sometimes! A law firm specialising in high net worth divorces accidentally applied for the wrong couple to be divorced, which must have lead to some interesting after-dinner discussion, to put it lightly! The solicitors realised...
  4. Oliver

    Sechselauten (Zürich)

    I’ll be there this evening. Anyone in town wanting to meet up, just ping me and I’ll send you my phone / WhatsApp number. Edit: Ehem, never mind. It seems they cancelled setting the guy on fire: Too much wind. That wouldn’t stop me… :)
  5. Oliver

    New section title

    Due to certain members contributing more than their fair share of astrological forecasts, I've decided to rename this area from General & psychological astrology. I wish you a happy remainder of your Easter holidays. :)
  6. Oliver

    Happy Easter 2024

    Happy Easter, everyone. This Easter Monday lies practically smack bang in the middle of two eclipses, so it could be very interesting to see what happens then. Oh yeah, and try not to overdo it with the chocolate bunnies and eggs. :)
  7. Oliver

    Be prepared for an emergency

    A little bird tells me that the 8th of April solar eclipse with Chiron is going to bring a lot more than celestial delights: It will likely bring widespread power outages, lasting at least a week. You'll enjoy the spectacle a lot more if you have sufficient food, water and energy to ride out at...
  8. Oliver

    Accuracy of

    I've run into a couple of situations where I got markedly different results from, compared to other astrology programs (even some that use the Swiss Ephemeris.) One chart I recently calculated for someone from Ecuador had a 20° Ascendant in Libra on - yet, in all the other...
  9. Oliver

    Going away for a few days

    I seem to have developed a habit of pushing people away in the last week or so. Not sure if it has anything to do with Chiron forming a quincunx with my Descendant, but that appears to be the prime suspect in my view. Anyway, I’m going to be away for a few days from here, too. I wish you a...
  10. Oliver

    Preserving astrology forums

    A bit late for the forum, I know, but I had the idea of developing and running scripts for preserving astrology discussion information in text form. You never know what's going to happen in the next few months, and it's not a bad idea to archive what you can, especially if it can be...
  11. Oliver

    Movies with North node theme

    Had this idea brewing for a while. I have a few movies I really like, and I thought I'd write a brief review based on the North node theme. Feel free to add your favourites, too. I'll start. :) North node in Scorpio: A Good Year Max Skinner is a highly-successful trader in London, and seems...
  12. Oliver

    Transit Sun conjunct natal Pluto

    Just had this go exact on me this evening. Was late getting to the swimming pool because of a previous appointment, and I practically swam until they fished me out with a net and threw me out onto the street. So I ended up getting a later train home than planned. About five minutes before it...
  13. Oliver

    Bellingcat (from Prigozhin plane crash thread)

    Bellingcat is full of shit. Sorry, but it's pure propaganda. Also, where do they get their money from? They don't sell a product. Nobody sponsors them. Yet there they are, conducting extensive in-depth hit pieces on Russia, with awfully fancy graphics and all sorts of technical wizardry? I have...
  14. Oliver

    Lake Balaton swim

    Got an interesting chart for the upcoming swim I’ll be doing in Hungary. Lilith and Venus right on the Ascendant, trining the North node, too. Then there’s a yod between the Ascendant (and Venus / Lilith), Pluto and Neptune. Then there’s the chart ruler (Sun) forming a quincunx to my own Sun...
  15. Oliver

    Red Hat decides to stop shipping source code for RHEL

    To be filed under Pluto retrograding into Capricorn: Lots in the open source community aren’t happy, and quite a few are pulling Red Hat support from their products. I personally wonder if Rocky Linux might find itself becoming a...
  16. Oliver

    North node conjunct natal Chiron

    Just noticed that the transiting North node will be within about 30’ of my natal Chiron for the whole of October and November this year. The nodes move so slowly because of the eclipse season, so I will have an extended contact. Does anyone have any recent experience with this?
  17. Oliver

    Hey, Petr9

    I saw you sneak in, there. Kind of hard to miss, as I had to approve your membership! Welcome. :)
  18. Oliver

    Heads-up: 08.04.2024 solar eclipse

    I was waiting for some software to install on my new work laptop today, so I got curious with Astro Gold on my iPad, and checked out some eclipse dates for next year while I had to wait. Couldn’t help noticing that the solar eclipse on the 8th of April, 2024 will be exactly (as in, to the...
  19. Oliver

    Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus

    Got a couple of transits with these guys: Saturn trine Uranus just went exact for me this evening, and Jupiter opposite Uranus goes exact on the 19th, just a few hours after Saturn stations retrograde and swings back (it’s still 0°05’ of orb, even when stationing, so pretty close.) Has anyone...
  20. Oliver

    Transit Jupiter opposite natal Uranus

    Just noticed I have this coming up, and it goes exact on the 19th of June. Has anyone else been through one of these recently? What happened? What lessons did you take away from the experience?