Accidentally divorced


Professional troublemaker
Staff member
Some people have all the luck. :)

Truth is stranger than fiction, sometimes! A law firm specialising in high net worth divorces accidentally applied for the wrong couple to be divorced, which must have lead to some interesting after-dinner discussion, to put it lightly! The solicitors realised the error two days later, and applied to have the decision reversed. Interestingly, the court denied setting aside the order, on the basis of computer says no, claiming that divorce orders must be unimpeachable, even if made in error. Interestingly, the former wife had already applied for divorce, but there had been no legal settlement made - so the former husband got off scot-free without any legal requirement for alimony or compensation.

To be filed under the category "Be careful what you wish for!"

Jupiter (legal affairs) makes an interesting quincunx with the Midheaven, and Uranus makes a quincunx with Mars (conjunct the South Node and Part of Fortune) in the 7H. Jupiter and Uranus also make a trine with the Vertex (in the 7H), which also makes a quincunx with Chiron in the 1H. Venus is opposite the Ascendant, while Saturn is conjunct the Ascendant. Neptune in the 1H opposes Mercury in the 7H, showing the dissolution. Oh, and Pluto squaring the Nodes and Mars, and Pluto trining both Mercury and the 3H cusp. Ouch.


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Sheesh! No wonder the solicitors are scrambling to put it 'right'

He further advised: "If the Wife has a remedy for what has occurred, it is through an action for negligence against her solicitors and not by seeking to set aside the final order."
I'm sure the (former) wife's solicitors are on the hook for considerable legal compensation, yes. They didn't represent her interests, after all.

But the court has slammed the door on the option of compensation from the ex-husband. To be honest, I don't envy anyone who has to go through a divorce - but having to sue your divorce lawyer because they screwed up has to make the whole process a thousand times worse. How Vardags handles compensation is crucial, because this is exactly the kind of publicity they don't need - particularly given their market segment (high net worth divorces.)

If they aren't very careful, this might even end up being their very own Gerald Ratner moment.