Will I get the apartment?


New member

At the reading of my aunt's will, I received a piece of land. There is a possibility that the will will be contested and in this case I will no longer receive the land. If it will not be contested, there is a possibility that the person (we name that person X, and this person X is not a member of the family) who received my aunt's apartment will transfer it to me(due to others relatives' influence (in my benefit)). X accepted the transfer for now but nothing is certain. I didn't believed or hoped that it is possible something like this, I am in the middle of the argue, but I will be pleased to have it, of course.
Will I get the apartment?

The Ascendant is Scorpio, in Via combusta (15Libra - 15 Scorpio) so I am Mars in detriment in 11th house ( of Good Fortune, the house of friends) and Moon in 2nd. X person is Venus. The apartment is 4th house, I think. Saturn in the 4th house (the apartment is out of date :) )and makes a square to Moon. Venus sextile Mars, so there is a positive sign. Venus is in my 11th house, from 11th, a friend.


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Good day!

have I understood correctly?
Ultimately, it is about you getting the apartment if the inheritance is NOT contested? If it is contested, then you don't get the apartment either?

I think the question is mirrored:
- Scorpio AC: question of loss, crisis, contested issues.... So the question is whether the will will be contested or not.
Moon in 2: land will be inherited. Land is house 2, I believe. And if I understand it correctly, whether or not you get the land is critical to the subsequent transfer of the house.

I don't think it's about the 4th house because the 4th house is your current home where you live now. If the issue is whether or not the inheritance is contested, I would choose the 8th house for the land.

The Moon is square to Mercury. However, he is strong in his domicile. I don't know what that means.
You, on the other hand, are in Libra in your exile, so you are weak.

I also suspect that you won't get the apartment in the end, but for different reasons than you gave in your interpretation. But I can also be completely wrong and wish you luck that everything works out the way you hope it will.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Hi, Delira!
Thank you very much for the answer and for your time to explain.
Yes, you understood very well the issue. Yes, if the heritage will be contested, I will not get the land. This is the main problem.
The apartment is disputed by several people. For me it is not a priority, first because I respect my aunt wish. She wanted the apartment to come into the possession of person x. If the person x wants to transfer it to me, that is other problem.
In the end, I hope that the inheritance will not be contested and I hope to get the land.