Solar Eclipse 19°24' Aries. - 8th April

Penguin Trauma

Well-known member
Arggh, 8th April!!! Thanks @Lunasel 🤦🤦😂

@Oliver - could the title be edited please! 😁

I know we still haven't even had the Lunar Eclipse yet, but couldn't resist starting this one early. Especially given that the Eclipse effects usually start a month or so before it happens, so we should be feeling the energies already

And what a chart it is! Never seen anything like it!

Sun, Moon and Chiron literally all at the same degree of 19°24' Aries, what are the odds?

It's an interesting one, as with the Lunar Eclipse Libra, there is the Moon and South Node ruler Venus, in Pisces, conjunct Saturn.

With this Solar Eclipse, there is the Eclipse and North Node ruler Mars Pisces, conjunct Saturn.

So, Saturn Pisces is the common denominator here in both Eclipses.

Mars conjunct Saturn Pisces, with the Eclipse conjunct Chiron. Not exactly Netflix and a bag of Maltesers territory! This could be a heavy one. The phrase "collective wounding" comes to mind, Pisces being a collective sign, and Chiron being about unresolved wounds.

However, Chiron despite the unhealed wound, is no pushover. Chiron is not the type that gives up, or gives in, easily. Not the type that sits around moping and feeling sorry for himself. Always striving to find workarounds, coping mechanisms, and strategies to manage the wound, and then teaching it to others.

With Aries, that proactive approach may be more apparent. Without sounding like a cheesy life coach seminar, this could be about giving others the tools to lead themselves, so that they can help lead others around them. Helping others TO help themselves, rather than just helping by simply doing things for another person (without their own input).

Give a man a fish to eat for the day? Or give him the fishing rod to get his own tasty fish suppers for a lifetime?

Not forgetting, this is tightly opposite the South Node Libra. So a real courageous push out of codependence, and unhealthy relating patterns where there is too much giving/too much taking. The remedy (Chiron) is to give another (Libra) total autonomy (Aries) to lead themselves (Chiron) and gain their own sense of independence, which may prove to be beneficial for recovery.

Mars conjunct Saturn, although on paper it can be a tricky one, could say it's about blocks to movement, obstacles in going forward, and especially in Pisces, which tends towards the directionless.

However, Mars combined with Saturn can be a force to be reckoned with. Drive meets determination, and with Pisces, it can be limitless. It may feel like goals can be achieved effortlessly, and with a sense of unwavering belief 🙂 even if it is truly a hard task, with it closely sextile Jupiter, there will be buoyancy and a mission-oriented feel to it, being done for a purpose.

Mercury Retrograde is conjunct this eclipse, so we're already in reviewing mode, tracing back our steps, revisiting issues. So the Chiron themes may be nothing new, and with Chiron, it's often old issues that haven't been resolved or managed. So, old issues may come to the forefront of your mind, to be revisited, seen under a different angle, and in hindsight.

This may manifest in returns of themes, situations, even people .... still not forgetting the Libra South Node. Especially people, or old relationship themes, that have hit a sore spot (Chiron) sometime in the past!

Tellingly, Mercury is almost at the same degree in both the Lunar and Solar Eclipse...

I think as we get closer, we may get ideas as to what this eclipse will be about. Let's get through the Lunar Eclipse first, things may change!

Chart below - where will this be in your chart?

Thanks PT for the write up (y).

I see intense energy coming our way in April through the eclipses. This chart is about the multiple CONJUNCTIONS, which are frankly scary, the concentrated energy in three consecutive signs, with only Pluto sitting a bit far away. It makes a square to the Moon, which is an urgent, resistant energy, and in a wide orb. I don't see much communication between the planets in the chart, each is fighting own battle sign-focused. Mars and Saturn are not so strong in Pisces, so...

Personally this SE, in 4th house, will:
- oppose n Pluto 18 Libra 10th
- sextile n Moon 18 Gemini 6th
- trine n Neptune 20 Saggy 12th
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Please don’t tell me how scary the chart is.
This chart is my lunar return!
I have my moon on 19 degrees Aries 😱

Mercury rx will go over my Mars (ruler of 4th on the cusp of the 4th house) and my moon and Mercury is ruler of 6th, 7th and 9th house. My moon is co-ruler of the 7th house and since I’ve been under a Chiron-Transit to my moon I don’t expect the best outcome to be honest.
My daughter will have the SE conjunct her n Uranus 20 Aries 10th house, sextile n Mercury 18 Gemini.

This SE is overloaded by fire energy, but as PT said, Mars ruler of Aries will be colored by the conjunct to Saturn.
Mars is weak in Pisces. Venus and Moon are weak in Aries. Sun ruler of 11th in 7th. It can be really about the Masses.
This will be in my 3rd house, and opposite my Pluto Libra.

But more notably, square my 22° Mars Cancer by a close orb. The last Solar Eclipse in Libra last October had also made a close square to my Mars so, the same aspect but from opposite signs/houses 🤔
Please don’t tell me how scary the chart is.
This chart is my lunar return!
I have my moon on 19 degrees Aries 😱

Mercury rx will go over my Mars (ruler of 4th on the cusp of the 4th house) and my moon and Mercury is ruler of 6th, 7th and 9th house. My moon is co-ruler of the 7th house and since I’ve been under a Chiron-Transit to my moon I don’t expect the best outcome to be honest.
Let us know, what pans out, Vineta, that is IF you wish to do so of course!

Wishing you either a BIG, POSITIVE change in whatever your Moon signifies in your chart, or else nothing at all!

Do not be so scared! Eclipses manifest events, I mean trigger events that the outers have been building for a long time before. so unless an outer is crossing an angle in your natal, or is harshly aspecting a Luminary, or maybe a personal planet, there is no need to be alarmed. Of course, you have t Chiron on your Moon. How has that manifested so far? Any issues in relationships, or Moon ruled significations?
That eclipse will fall in my 8th, the previous was in my 2nd, so financial issues again.

The eclipse is conj. my n Saturn/Venus, well the orbit is quite wide, thankfully, about 4 degrees+. T Saturn is conj. my n Sun on the day and t Mercury appears to approach so as to trigger something Saturnian!

The eclipse is exactly opposite, on the same degree, with my daughter's natal Sun! It falls in her 1st-her Sun is in her 7th Placidus-I just wish her something positive, because unless SHE is happy, I cannot be happy either! She is so secretive lately and won't reveal anything to me and I wonder what she is up to! Something I do not like/approve, I gather...It's not easy having grown up children...I have to trust and let them live their lives, let them make their own mistakes too, but it hurts, when they are hurt too!
I think that it may be a new relationship after the break up she had as a consequence of the eclipse of last October the 14th that hit her n Mercury, ruler of her n DC and which triggered a hurtful break-up.

I hope it is something positive this time, some good relationship that she does not have to keep secret. She has Solar Arc Venus conj. her n Sun this year, t Uranus Trine n Venus. T Saturn is in her 1st and square her natal Saturn, which rules 11th and 12th. That can be hard, especially as pr. Moon is conj. pr Saturn and natal Saturn next, she may feel lonely and depressed. Her therapist is her closest friend, it seems!
However, pr Moon will soon-in a couple of months- cross her n IC, which can be positive and in 4 months from now trine her n Sun, which is positive too. Her Sun rules her 6th.
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Let us know, what pans out, Vineta, that is IF you wish to do so of course!
Yes I will :)
Wishing you either a BIG, POSITIVE change in whatever your Moon signifies in your chart, or else nothing at all!
Thank you :) I hope so too!
Of course, you have t Chiron on your Moon. How has that manifested so far? Any issues in relationships, or Moon ruled significations?
Definitely issues in relationships. Ive always wished to meet people I truly like and I’ve always wished to meet men I (!) want a relationship with (because in the past I had met mostly men who liked me but I didn’t like them) and under this transit I’ve met a few men so far I did like - but they don’t like me.
In my chart Chiron sits in cancer in my 7th house, moon is co-ruler of the 7th house, this is definitely a transit about relationships and maybe a healing transit, who knows, the lunar return of April shows the 3rd hit of 5. :)
This solar falls in my third house, only making an inconjunct with natal Mars/Saturn.
Weird enough, at the same time transit Mars/Saturn is squaring natal Uranus/SN/Moon/MC
At the same time transit Jupiter/Uranus opposite natal Mars/Saturn.

This will be uncomfortable...

There is a triple Mars/Saturn effect... So there will be some difficulty to assert myself. Stop or push, wait or assert. So difficult.
It's been a theme for some time now. I am always holding back, building stamina, being patient, taking everything slow, grinding my teeth, nothing can go fast, it always comes down on my endurance and patience. And when I do have succes, it always just comes out of nowhere, when I gave up. After doing everything that lies in my power, something just gives when I don't expect it, from a direction I didn't expect. Never direct immediate succes. Not when I want of expect it 😓. So I'll be forewarned to have some frustration again....
@Penguin Trauma - done. :)

Please don’t tell me how scary the chart is.
This chart is my lunar return!
I have my moon on 19 degrees Aries 😱

Mercury rx will go over my Mars (ruler of 4th on the cusp of the 4th house) and my moon and Mercury is ruler of 6th, 7th and 9th house. My moon is co-ruler of the 7th house and since I’ve been under a Chiron-Transit to my moon I don’t expect the best outcome to be honest.
I’ve seen good transits with nothing happen from them. I’ve seen bad transits that felt amazing at the time. Remember that it’s all energy potential, and how you use that energy really dictates the kind of result you get. Yeah, it’s your lunar return - but it’s also an eclipse, which has the potential to last for several months, anyway.

I’ve also had Chiron opposing my Moon for months (it goes exact - again - this week), so I know the feeling. It’s gruelling, and if it feels like it’s bringing out all your insecurities, that’s because it’s supposed to. Try to use the pain as a reason to make some improvements, as hard as that might sound (and yes, I know it’s not easy!) The worst thing you can do is just do nothing. I looked into The Emotion Code recently, and didn’t realise it was possible to clear old stuck emotions with a magnet. It’s interesting stuff.

Even better is getting a practitioner to lie you down on her table and rub you in all the right places with her magnet. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. :)

As for me?

This solar eclipse will land in my natal 2H (the previous lunar eclipse would have landed in my natal 7H) - and the eclipse chart Ascendant will land in my 8H. The Sun, Moon and Chiron will oppose my Moon (18°23’ Libra), sextile my Mars almost exactly (19°25’ Gemini) and conjunct my Jupiter (22°17 Aries), my Chiron (24°32’ Aries) and my Vesta (16°52’ Aries). They will also form an exact semisquare with my natal Ceres (4°23’ Gemini) and trine my Midheaven (15°36’ Sagittarius).

Interestingly, the transiting North node will also form an exact trine (about 0°01’ orb, applying!) with my Midheaven. So who knows? Maybe a chance to get out there and do something a bit different?
@Penguin Trauma - done. :)

I’ve seen good transits with nothing happen from them. I’ve seen bad transits that felt amazing at the time. Remember that it’s all energy potential, and how you use that energy really dictates the kind of result you get. Yeah, it’s your lunar return - but it’s also an eclipse, which has the potential to last for several months, anyway.

I’ve also had Chiron opposing my Moon for months (it goes exact - again - this week), so I know the feeling. It’s gruelling, and if it feels like it’s bringing out all your insecurities, that’s because it’s supposed to. Try to use the pain as a reason to make some improvements, as hard as that might sound (and yes, I know it’s not easy!) The worst thing you can do is just do nothing. I looked into The Emotion Code recently, and didn’t realise it was possible to clear old stuck emotions with a magnet. It’s interesting stuff.

Even better is getting a practitioner to lie you down on her table and rub you in all the right places with her magnet. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. :)

As for me?

This solar eclipse will land in my natal 2H (the previous lunar eclipse would have landed in my natal 7H) - and the eclipse chart Ascendant will land in my 8H. The Sun, Moon and Chiron will oppose my Moon (18°23’ Libra), sextile my Mars almost exactly (19°25’ Gemini) and conjunct my Jupiter (22°17 Aries), my Chiron (24°32’ Aries) and my Vesta (16°52’ Aries). They will also form an exact semisquare with my natal Ceres (4°23’ Gemini) and trine my Midheaven (15°36’ Sagittarius).

Interestingly, the transiting North node will also form an exact trine (about 0°01’ orb, applying!) with my Midheaven. So who knows? Maybe a chance to get out there and do something a bit different?
Yea, let’s walk around crying and embrace the feelings :))

I’ll let you know how the eclipse exactly on my moon will play out. To be honest, I’m curious. I’m not a huge fan of Chiron since I can’t deal with all the vulnerabilities (I have a Capricorn sun and an Aries moon, I’m not a crying baby usually!!) but also this transit will be over one day….
Yea, let’s walk around crying and embrace the feelings :))
Somebody call the waaaaamulance. :)

I’ll let you know how the eclipse exactly on my moon will play out. To be honest, I’m curious. I’m not a huge fan of Chiron since I can’t deal with all the vulnerabilities (I have a Capricorn sun and an Aries moon, I’m not a crying baby usually!!) but also this transit will be over one day….
They’ll all be over, one day. But do you want to be the same person you were when it began? I don’t. Then again, have you ever found anyone out there who is a huge fan of Chiron transits? (Answers on a postcard to the usual address, please.)

I think that fan list is going to be as short as the “I love having my eyes poked with hot needles” list, but perhaps that’s just me. :)
This will be in my 3rd house, and opposite my Pluto Libra.

But more notably, square my 22° Mars Cancer by a close orb. The last Solar Eclipse in Libra last October had also made a close square to my Mars so, the same aspect but from opposite signs/houses 🤔
If I would compare the events around the last Eclipse on 14th of October, I won't wish them to happen again.
SE in Libra conjuncted n Pluto in 10th house, although with trine to n Moon and sextile to Neptune,I had to admit I had an exceptional time taking care of my mother. I went to the hospital every day, taking care of her. One day after the eclipse, I brought her home, and I was with her every day at the doctor.

I don't want to remember the days and nights at the following week of the SE, when I couldn't rest and had to look after her completely. I had severe coughing fits, but I didn't have time to look after myself.

So if these two SEs are connected in a series and a similar time is coming in April, so I know what is waiting for me, especially now the SE in 4th house, and the Saturn/Mars (ruler of 4th) conjuncting my Sun 😩🥴.
Check out what happens only 4 days after the Eclipse, and therefore still in the early waxing crescent stage:

We will reach the midpoint of the Mercury retrograde, when the Sun/Mercury have the Cazimi conjunction.

This will of course, be only 2° away from Chiron, and usually the Sun/Mercury Cazimi is where Mercury is illuminated entirely, providing a huge burst of clarity.

That being so close to Chiron, it may be a huge insight into what the Chiron vulnerabilities are. With Mercury in a loud sign like Aries, the clarity on those vulnerabilities may be urgently and strongly vocalised. There will be an emergent feel to it, that it must be dealt with RIGHT NOW.

So the Eclipse and Mercury retrograde are very tied in together.


Aries is a courageous soul, and that includes being not afraid to express their emotions and vulnerabilities. Sometimes that could include openly bawling their eyes out 😭😭 in front of the world, for all to see, but they don't care what others think of them, they never put up any pretences, what you see is what you get. To them, they are simply being upfront and honest.

I think I'm in the needly eye poking club myself, I have Saturn Leo exactly trine my Ascendant. Stoic is my middle name (that's what I tell myself anyway lol)

Edit: there's more!

Only a day later, Mercury perfects the conjunction to Chiron at 19°49' Aries. And therefore, Mercury is right on the Eclipse degree.

So we are talking about a tight range of time: 8th April to 15th April: Solar Eclipse, Sun/Mercury Cazimi, and then Mercury conjunct Chiron.

And then a whole heap of other transits for the rest of the month: Venus conjunct North Node and then Chiron, and Mercury conjunct Venus, and then Mercury conjunct North Node, also Venus conjunct the Eclipse degree, and then Mercury stationing direct......

Can't say the second half of April will be boring!
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Here's a timeline to help clarify everything:

8th - Solar Eclipse 19°24' Aries

14th - Sun/Mercury Cazimi at 22°32' Aries

15th - Mercury Rx conjunct Chiron at 19°49' Aries

15th - Mercury Rx activates Eclipse degree

17th - Venus conjunct North Node at 15°34' Aries

19th - Mercury conjunct Venus at 17°33' Aries

20th - Venus activates Eclipse degree

21st - Venus conjunct Chiron at 20°09' Aries

25th - Mercury Rx nearly conjunct North Node at 15°35' Aries

25th - Mercury stations direct at 15°59' Aries

Let's chuck in a Full Moon at 4°18' Scorpio on 24th April, whilst we are here!

Paracetamol, anyone? 😮

Any natal planets you have between 13° and 24° of Aries (and the other Cardinal signs Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will see a LOT of activity throughout nearly the entire month of April.
These planetary activities will happen in the 4th house the whole April. And in opposition to n Pluto 10th.
I can see, it can really about my mother's health again. Or new issues related to me changing apartments? my deepest wish that the health of my family keep intact 🙏 .
All this activity will take place in my 9th, 10th, 11th and will affect n Leo Moon in 2nd (Ascendant ruler), n Libra Pluto in 4th (5th ruler), n Sag Neptune in 5th (8th ruler).
Hello Penguin,
Great write up! 20th April, Jupiter Uranus conjunction! This month is going to be 🔥 the eclipse is conjunct my vertex and opposite Uranus 😳
On the 21st when Venus conjuncts Chiron after activating the eclipse some people might have a Cinderella event- Maggi Astrology? Especially if this aspect is configured in your lunar or solar return. I’ve seen this with some of my clients and myself. Additionally, Jupiter Uranus conjunction the same day😳 if this conjunction aspects your other planets positively, this might be a lottery win, overnight celebrity or just something else positively life changing. Venus rules love and money and she’s currently ruling the south node, so it might be fated or perhaps a reward from a past lifetime.
The year that I met my late husband Venus was conjunct natal Chiron in my solar and he also had a similar aspect. We got married within 2 months of meeting. It was the most loving and healing relationship I have ever had. I really felt like I met my prince 🍏
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on 21th April tr Venus in 4th will exactly trine n Neptune in 12th.
The jupiter-Uranus conjunction in n 5th will oppose n Uranus in n 11th.
Besides, tr Pluto will be conjuncting n Venus in 2nd. Pluto ruler of n 11th.
Wouldn't that be the perfect conditions to win the lottery 🤩🤪?