Psyche - 16

Asteroid 16 Psyche has an orbit of 5 years, 433 Eros of just 21 months. There is nothing wrong to grant an orb similar to planets of a similar orbit for asteroids as well. So, for me this would mean an orb of 8 to even 12 degrees for fast running Eros.

The fastest asteroid I'm regularly working with is 1566 Icarus, it can move 2 signs on a single day. That is seldom, but it then obsoletes every orb practice.

And these two are solely sexual planets asteroids, or for physical beauty, physical attraction, different than Mars and Venus?
No! Just read the mythology and you might discover other topics like manipulation, jealousy, greed, possession for example.

I looked up the chart of an exeptionally handsome male: Within 3° orb Psyche at his Descendent. Women (and naturally some males) want to partner with him, have sex, marry him. His Eros is in house 4 within 4° to house 5. He wants women (he is heterosexual) to nurture his ego (which is not based on this good looks). He has a special type (like everyone) of woman he finds attractive on a more sexual level.
His Eros might be in house 5 with GOH Koch house system, but it would be interpreted by me to house 5 anway, given there are no factors of disturbance. His Psyche conjunction DC might indicate him getting in contact to Libra / Lilith type of women frequently, but this might not be the type of women he wants; look to Venus therefore.
Hello Jan, with 5 years, and 21 months, clearly, much greater orb than 1°. I obviously mixed it with fixed stars.
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No need to delete anything because of this; I leave it as an example. If there are additional indicators, they only support the interpretion and each other reciprocally. Yes, fixed stars orb may be 1°.
No! Just read the mythology and you might discover other topics like manipulation, jealousy, greed, possession for example.

That's a totally different picture from what thought.

But also, Jan, because of that I can't help to think these two are more sexual than Venus and Mars.
Or because of being more sexual they are more apt to jealousy etc.

Psyche conjunct Moon, Eros conjunct MC, Freud conjunct AC. :poop::alien::sneaky::censored:
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So... if Psyche is transiting my natal Jupiter ... I can win the lottery? lolol

Or I can publish a book that will be forever remembered. Cool. Gotta put that to the test :)
@Maryb yes, that's something I have always done in my adult life - objectively observe, people and situations. Put me where a lot of people are and I can stay all day observing! 😄 One obtains a lot of wisdom about people, and the world around oneself.