Neptune at 29°Pisces 2024 - conjuct Scheat

This falls in my 4th house - I associate that house with ‘what I owe the past’. I’m guessing there will be some kind of reckoning with issues connected to heritage, maybe I’ll go back to Ireland. Or maybe I’ll finally get stuck into that Irish language project I’ve had on a slow burn for a while… I like that idea.
I'm guessing Neptune Pisces, being the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac, will be about major endings, a final letting go, release, surrender.
Exactly what I wrote about a month ago on the mundane section. Right now, that is echoed by all the energy bunched up in the last two and first two signs of the zodiac (with the exception of the Moon).

This is the end of a huge cycle of things that mostly, people don't see (Neptune is about vision and lack thereof).

Influence of varying origin (including all those Insta "influencers", PR, Advertising, lobbyists, etc.) will likely go under some kind of alteration, maybe one where people scrutinise about how much they adopt someone else's thinking without screening, copy someone else's conceptualisation, as opposed to their own ability to think for themselves (in other words, lazy, fearful acquiescence). Of course, this also is unseen, and would be huge.

It is often shocking to note how much people "just adopt" what they saw on TV/ads, or read, or heard, and imagine that they thought it. And of course, they go along with what others are doing, often because they don't have the inner fortitude to state their own thoughts. They wait for others to stick their necks out. They echo, rather than think for themselves. This creates a massive vulnerability as those influencers are only too happy to tell the unquestioning public what to think. This gives un-trammelled power to the influencers.

This is denoted by the personal planets - Venus, where people go along to get along, and Mercury, where thinking processes are compromised. In Rx motion, people get the opportunity to re-visit their thinking and their behaviour based upon their thinking. Neptune is about receptivity, which is usually not scrutinised. What do you let in without thinking? It is easy, in a zeitgeist of confusion, to let in all and sundry. This may not be wise.

In late Pisces with Neptune hovering over it all, things may become apparent out of the Piscean fog, because it's all going unusually weird. Weird enough for people to take stock and see how their own acquiescence has enabled the situation.

When the Aries energy moves in, this will continue to some extent (Aries denotes Lambs, as well as Rams, so the "sheeple" thing is not over).

Not forgetting Pluto, of course, who continues the sextile to all of the Ve/Mer/Neptune/NN party from Aquarius, but not until after his Last Hurrah in Capricorn, where (I imagine) the power-brokers overplay their hand which gives a lot of upshift to the return to antsy Aquarian zones.

A tiny asteroid detail: (Echo, number 60) forms a t-square from Libra, to Aries Sun and Aquarius Pluto, on the day of that conjunction, and will continue to oppose the personal planets and Neptune, as they move along Aries pathways. Libra in opposition being, of course, the shadow of Aries - go along to get along. Whilst that can be a good thing in terms of rubbing along with others in a personal setting, in a shadow zone with big astro-events, the opposite may be more true.
Maybe if we look at the start of the full ingress of Neptune Pisces, we can get some clues as to what began, and how the cycle will close out next year.

Can't help noticing, a) the conjunction to Chiron Pisces, b) the out of sign trine to Saturn Libra at the Anaretic degree of 29°, and c) the out of sign trine to Moon Gemini.

Two trines to Air sign placements. Air signs being about data, information, logical thought processes, critical thinking skills, strategy. Also community, social dynamics, including online.

Gemini does rule the media, and the Moon is about the collective public, the mood of the public as well. Trines are more like enablers, so it's no wonder that people haven't really questioned what untruths they are absorbing from the news and media.

Gemini is changeable, and deals with current real time data, at its more shadow side, gossip and a fickle mind. The public (Moon) switching, and turning against prominent figures in an instant. Popular and admired in one minute, hated and trolled the next. Neptune exacerbating that with deception.

Also the Breaking News, one after the other, in fast real time, so there's no time to critically analyse it in depth, because it's gone to the next Breaking News. Neptune ensuring that confusion, overload, and overwhelm is maintained.

You have the other end of the spectrum, where people mistrust the news, but they get their sources of information from outliers such as conspiracy theorists, again without questioning the cold hard logic, which is equally as bad.

Both the mainstream media and conspiracy theorists are the opposite sides of the same coin, spreading untruths to keep people locked in a feedback loop of fear. The "unseen enemies" who control the masses.

With Saturn, normally exalted in Libra, but Anaretic so it's hindered, exhausted, and on its way out. Libra being about how and who we disagree wth, as equally about who we agree with. Probably a helluva lot of projection, and very distorted views of others. The other person probably really not how they have been portrayed online/in the news/media.

I think with Neptune Pisces making aspects to two placements in Air signs, it has dissolved and eroded logic and critical thinking skills altogether!

It's like a slow water leak that has eroded the social (Libra) structures (Saturn) to the brink of collapse (29°). And we've only just noticed the surface black mould!

Even those who believe they are capable of rationally questioning and scrutinising what information is floating out there (clue: all of us), may also be under some kind of deception they don't even know about. Scary ....

Chiron Pisces, the unresolved wounds stemming from mass deception, sensationalism, the artificial, perhaps?

More thoughts welcome 🙂

Chart below:

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Also, noticed since Neptune Pisces ingress, unicorns have surged in mainstream popularity!

I think that's a BIG clue there 😂

This song released 13 years ago 😁🦄

I think with Neptune Pisces making aspects to two placements in Air signs, it has dissolved and eroded logic and critical thinking skills altogether!
That is an interesting point as, when we get the shift and conjunction with Neptune/Saturn in Fire, there will also be two sextiles to the other outer planets in Air - Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aq.

Apathy into action.....???
It may definitely bring a shift for sure.

The full ingress of Neptune Aries in Jan 2026, will make a sextile to Mars, Pluto, Sun and by extension, Mercury and Venus, all in Aquarius! That's five planets in an Air sign.

It makes a sextile to Aquarius ruler Uranus, still in Taurus and retrograde, but set to enter Gemini in a few months from that.

Here's the chart:

on 20. February 2026 Saturn will conjunct Neptune at 0 40 Aries. Do you have the exact chart PT?
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It feels like an uncomfortable ingress. Neptune is still in radio contact with Saturn and will be perfecting the sextile to Pluto at a rather slow pace, Uranus will still need some time before it enters Gemini. Looks like a longer adjustment period than usual when the planets change signs. Plus a painful farewell for Neptune from a sign to which it has an affinity.

I wonder if some kind of war hero will take the stage during that transit? Lies around wars? "Wars are not that bad" kind of stuff?
I am wondering about themes for Neptune in Aries. On a light note, I hope military blazers make a comeback 😁

I wonder if it's a continuation and/or next chapter on themes about the self

We had Uranus Aries, which appeared to coincide with the rise of the Selfie trend. Using technology and social media to showcase your digitally altered face to the world. Also the advancements in facial recognition via technology, CCTV, etc.

Then Chiron Aries took the baton from Uranus, which so far is leading to the thorny subject of identity politics, and also exploring the therapeutic side and the never ending quest to heal wounds of the self.

Soon we will have Neptune Aries. A loss or a confusion of identity? (could be possible with many people being "undecided" on their own gender!). Being lost IN the self? The dissolving of the self? Mass self deception even?

Or maybe the more esoteric/spiritual side of the self may be explored, a spiritual identity (one can hope)

How can a person "just be yourself" if you have no idea who you are outside of technology/online and outside of your identity wounds? I wonder if Neptune may open up a rabbit hole there 🤔

In the chart, we see Neptune Aries sextile it's ruler Mars, which is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. Could be a case of a loss of the self via the needs of the many (Aquarius), the dissolving of the self amongst the crowd. Perhaps becoming almost "faceless" - merging with the wider group/community?
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The full ingress of Neptune Aries in Jan 2026, will make a sextile to Mars, Pluto, Sun and by extension, Mercury and Venus, all in Aquarius! That's five planets in an Air sign.
10 days after that will be the last of 3 Saturn returns of the second cycle for me, with additionally the Moon in an Air sign, in Libra, forming a "dragon" aspect figure with Neptune/Saturn as the head. And that for me who has zero of the "20th century planets" in an Air sign. Will see, maybe my shield of invisibility will magically disappear then, or maybe more likely nothing will change...

Soon we will have Neptune Aries. A loss or a confusion of identity? (could be possible with many people being "undecided" on their own gender!). Being lost IN the self? The dissolving of the self? Mass self deception even?

Interesting thought that raises the question: what kind of issues will Saturn in Aries bring up? He could be demanding more reality. We've all lost touch with reality in one way or another during Neptune in Pisces. Personally, I also include what is known as gender fluidity. Consequently, we are likely to deal with the individual effects. Loss of identity, loss of self-efficacy.
We will realize that we no longer have a real connection to ourselves and that self-reliance will become more difficult.
I think this ties in nicely with what @ethera wrote about influencers etc. Saturn is in fall here, by the way.
Apart from that, Neptune in Aries could involve more cyber wars.
We had Uranus Aries, which appeared to coincide with the rise of the Selfie trend. Using technology and social media to showcase your digitally altered face to the world. Also the advancements in facial recognition via technology, CCTV, etc.
Uranus in Aries will beat you to death with its selfie stick if you dare to offer them any help. :)

Then Chiron Aries took the baton from Uranus, which so far is leading to the thorny subject of identity politics, and also exploring the therapeutic side and the never ending quest to heal wounds of the self.
There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with healing the wounds of the self. Where it goes wrong is inventing wounds to heal, or maybe even making new ones (watch it with that selfie stick!) Healing should serve an end, not be the activity to strive for.

After all, healing is not like sex, which is enjoyable enough to be pursued for its own ends, regardless of the outcome. :)
@Monaki I totally forgot about Saturn! 😂 And that's despite @Lunasel asking about the Saturn/Neptune conjunction chart earlier in this thread (I will post soon), doh! 🤦

But that's some really good points, especially about Saturn being in Fall in Aries too, demanding more reality given Neptune has caused a loss of connection with reality.

I never saw the connection with Neptune and gender fluidity, but it makes sense, the blurring of the lines in gender identity! In traditional astrology, Mercury is said to be neutral in terms of masculine/feminine signs, and Neptune is transiting the sign of Mercury's fall (Pisces).

Hmmm, maybe when Neptune enters the masculine Mars ruled sign of Aries .... I wonder what issues that may raise with the concept of the masculine?

What's going to happen to "toxic masculinity" (a common phrase thrown around these days). I'm undecided on this one, it could end up dissolving or becoming even more distorted. With Neptune Aries, an element of victimhood?

I'm undecided on that one (I'm not male so I'm not going to pretend I can relate!), thoughts most welcome.

Back to Saturn Aries, there could be a call for harsh accountability regarding identity. Also maybe the pitfalls of identity politics, the consequences of too many labels of the self, may be emphasised.

Or even more so, the accountability of using a label to dodge taking responsibility, or if it's used to shut others down, silence others. Is cancel culture working, or is it going a step too far? What are the real issues?

Following on the heels of Chiron Aries, Saturn may say, okay you've identified the wound of the self, or identified the label, what are you going to do with it? And how are you going to take ownership and responsibility for it? Is it a real hardship (Saturn) wound, or are you just playing victim (Neptune)?
There is also the combo of Saturn/Mars to consider, once Saturn is in Aries. This is hard-edged, indeed. This is about clamping down on dissent, whether that is your bolshy spouse, sour boss, blood relatives, mad neighbour, council planning officer, etc.

Neptune can (and probably will, as an outer planet out-ranks both of those energies) ameliorate, but that doesn't totally erase that energy.

I suspect many pairs of rose-tinted spex will be tossed aside whilst drawing a sharp intake of breath, as one confronts the unyieldingly tough reality that was overlooked so many times whilst Neptune was in fantasy-laden Pisces.

This is the uncomfortable energy of confronting what one didn't really want to see, eyes propped forcibly open. Aries doesn't hide the way that Pisces can. Also, Pisces provides the escapism panache; Saturn and Aries - with Neptune - hold (Saturn) the feet (Neptune) to the Fire (Aries). No-escape: the only way through is through.
One more itty-bitty little thing:

Chiron and Saturn are in parallel at the end of this year (exact in mid-December), with Saturn in Rx motion around mid-Pisces (in other words, very strong Pisces tone to things).

I know it is trendy to dismiss victimhood (Piscean trait), but the reality is that all of us can indeed be victims to certain people and circumstances, and this contact is the sort of thing where it is possible you feel yourself to be one or, at least, start work on analysing what went horribly wrong in varying situations in your life.

I feel the more this sort of thing can be got out of the way (e.g. the more we understand ourselves and how we operate, for better or worse), the stronger position one can be in for when we get the simultaneously deflating and antagonising energy of Sat/Nep conjunction in Aries.
As @xphi... has pointed out in the Weird Stuff in London thread, Scheat has actually moved to 29°42' Pisces, so the conjunctions from Neptune (and Saturn) are now as follows:

With thanks to @xphi... for providing these following correct dates:

Neptune will be around 29°42' Pisces on approx. these dates:
- 3 June 2024
- 1 August 2024 rx
- 22 March 2025
- 6 November 2025 rx
- 13 January 2026

Saturn will be around 29°42' Pisces on approx. these dates:
- 21 May 2025
- 5 September 2025
- 11 February 2026
And as we are reaching the 29°00' Pisces point, in like 5 minutes, now I'm thrown into confusion! 😂

I sat down last night and pored through the ephemeris from 2013 up until now, and realised what I thought were dicey Neptune Pisces transits that shafted me, were actually Chiron Pisces transits! 🤦 all that time I was shaking my fist damn-you-style at the sky, but at the wrong planet haha (sorry Neppie 😬🤗)

From 2013-2016 I was hit by a rapid succession of Chiron activating my natal Mutable planets, Neptune was still nowhere near!

The Neptune transits started to bleed in from 2015 onwards. And fully in effect from 2016 onwards.

So I now have to revise what Neptune has brought to the table over the last handful of years.
In the LA Times today there is an article (apparently not behind a paywall) around the house of Marilyn Monroe where she died in 1962, about giving it "landmark status", apparently because the new owners want to demolish it because they already own the house next door and want to expand it...

Marylin Monroe's Uranus was at 28°59'41' Pisces, Neptune is now at 29°08'16", and with her as a movie star, there are certainly connections to Neptune/Pisces, plus in my view especially late Pisces / early Aries with Hollywood... I am really curious what will happen in Hollywood when Neptune enters Aries, will there be some kind of rebirth of movies, or maybe simply something completely new will grow...?
