Lunar Eclipse 5°13' Libra - 25th March

No astrology involved, but for some reason I feel like this Lunar Eclipse Libra is like a "halfway" point between the October 2023 Solar Eclipse and the upcoming Solar Eclipse Libra this October 2024

It feels like whatever had kicked off around September/October has reached not so much a culmination point (as Full Moon are often seen) but more like a heightened awareness of the actions/decisions/events that had taken place back then, maybe the consequences being more obvious to us, and it's now like ... sooo, what do we do about them now ?? :unsure: the Libra indecision, people seem to be feeling stuck in this.

The Astrology bit:
The next Solar Eclipse in Libra in October 2024 may be a continuation of the Lunar Eclipse (and the Aries Solar Eclipse), given the Mars activity/rulerships.

It will make a close square to Mars Cancer - in it's shadow phase of the retrograde that will occur in December. It enters shadow right before the Eclipse, and Mars is in a Moon ruled sign too. Hold on to your hats!
@Penguin Trauma Well, the October 2023 solar eclipse will hit my natal Pluto (about 1º17' orb, applying) - so that could be interesting. Also in my 7H, so maybe I'll start dating Glenn Close.

(In that case, I won't bother going to the butcher to buy rabbit - I'll go to the pet shop, instead.) :)
The SE on 2. October 2024 at 10 degrees Libra.
This will happen with less than 2 degrees Orb from my MC 8 Libra.
Again job-family related issues.

There will be another SE (partial), and the last in the cycle, in Aries on 29 March 2025 at 8 degrees Aries.
This will be in n 4th house exactly on n IC.
@Penguin Trauma Well, the October 2023 solar eclipse will hit my natal Pluto (about 1º17' orb, applying) - so that could be interesting. Also in my 7H, so maybe I'll start dating Glenn Close.

(In that case, I won't bother going to the butcher to buy rabbit - I'll go to the pet shop, instead.) :)

Well, as you've always promised me in previous threads, I will return that promise by showing you where to hide the body 😂
At first sight, the grand trine between Venus-Mars-Saturn, despite their weak placements, is a lovely one.
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This eclipse ... is really pushing me. So much has happend. The ex began to message my love. " You don't seem happy, do you remember... "

She's blocked.

I don't know things got a little crazy, people acting weird. Not from a place of love. Which triggered me, thinking about this cold world.
Needing to take a walk, thinking about love and how sometimes there is so little of it. What to do then?
Connecting with source, to ask this question. And began feeling this incoming energy which filled me up. That was healing. I am feeling this energy flow of love and the only thing I need to do is open up to it. But it takes focus, I usually get so easily distracted by other people. Hope I'll be somehow able to sustain this. Just in daily practice. So when people acting cold I don't suffer that much ..
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I also have a strange feeling, even I saw a very strange dream yesterday.
I saw myself with my sister and my mum. I was arguing with my sister about family matters because she blamed me for these problems or for not doing anything about them. Then I saw my sister passed out on the floor. She was holding a syringe in her hand. I panicked, took her in my arms and spoke to her, she wasn't completely unconscious but she couldn't hear me. My mum was very passive, showed no emotion. She didn't do anything and just observed us.

As I mentioned the Eclipses will affect 4th house in Aries. But tr Saturn and tr Mars are in 3rd. I can call this dream unconscious literal manifestation.

Anyway, I did not have good sleep cz of that, and I still have a strange feeling. I was at the supermarket to buy flour (now reality). At the checkout, the flour from the bag spilled all over my jacket. what a clumsiness! But still feeling weird :alien: 🫥
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I also have a strange feeling, even I saw a very strange dream yesterday.
I saw myself with my sister and my mum. I was arguing with my sister about family matters because she blamed me for these problems or for not doing anything about them. Then I saw my sister passed out on the floor. She was holding a syringe in her hand. I panicked, took her in my arms and spoke to her, she wasn't completely unconscious but she couldn't hear me. My mum was very passive, showed no emotion. She didn't do anything and just observed us.

As I mentioned the Eclipses will affect 4th house in Aries. But tr Saturn and tr Mars are in 3rd. I can call this dream unconscious literal manifestation.

Anyway, I did not have good sleep cz of that, and I still have a strange feeling. I was at the supermarket to buy flour (now reality). At the checkout, the flour from the bag spilled all over my jacket. what a clumsiness! But still feeling weird :alien: 🫥
Sunday night I had a dream about a colleague. She looked very ill and tired, but she kept going as if nothing was wrong. I felt I had to tell her that she looked ill and I was worried about her health. Then I woke up.

The next day she went home sick, couldn't get home by herself, so she was picked up by her husband.
