Lunar Eclipse 5°13' Libra - 25th March

Penguin Trauma

Well-known member
Start of the Eclipse season!

This one is a South Node eclipse, so issues of the past, what has been done already, what has been familiar terrain, especially events that began since the Solar Eclipse in October 2023, will culminate and reach a peak

It doesn't make any notable aspects, except for a wide, out of sign, separating opposition to Neptune.

Looking at the ruler of both the Eclipse and the South Node, we have Venus in it's exaltation in Pisces, however it is restrained by a conjunction to Saturn, so this could have a touch of karmic consequences to it, a sobering feel, maybe even a redemptive quality to it.

Venus also makes a sextile to Jupiter, who it's in mutual reception with. And Jupiter being the planet about moral justice, truth seeking, searching for a bigger meaning.

Combine that with a Libra Moon, and Venus conjunct Saturn Pisces, there really is a strong theme of justice, accountability, redeeming oneself. Jupiter can offer assistance there, given the sextile.

Or given its Libra = the other person. This could be about what ingrained unhealthy dynamics come to a head, and need to be balanced out with another person one-to-one, what conflicts need to be resolved, who needs to take accountability (clue: both!) and if there is an opportunity for making amends, but only if both parties are mature enough to own up to their contribution to the situation.

Looking at the North Node, we have Mercury and Chiron conjunct, and the ruler Mars entering Pisces too. Mars is also unaspected, so it's got free reign there.

Mars is rather unhappy in Pisces. As Mars rules action, but Pisces can be about taking the line of least resistance. It could result in sluggish, lethargic energy, sleep issues.

Also it tends to veer towards the "angry victim" mindset, angry self pity over being hard done by others (Libra), but not taking any action to help oneself, blaming everyone else for their woes. Add that to Chiron conjunct North Node, that could really spill over.

Equally, excessively blaming oneself and playing the villain, "Fine, I'm the bad guy" mindset, is possible too. Saturn Pisces does have a tendency to fall on their swords, a little too much! It's still a way of avoidance, as it shifts the energies into reassuring them that they are "not an awful person", and detracts from resolving the core problem.

There needs to be extreme caution (Saturn) about pointing and firing the blame-gun (Mars Pisces) at someone. With the wide opposition to Neptune, misplaced projection could be a real thing.

Some people, when they are called out on an issue, tend to shut down the other person by saying, "oh, you are just projecting on me" - without questioning their own role and behaviours in a conflict. It's their way of avoiding accountability, and forcing the other person to be the adult who takes responsibility. Watch out for those types!

Rounding up, the Libra Lunar Eclipse has a bit of a reckoning energy to it.

With both Node rulers in Pisces, being a South Node Eclipse, and with Saturn in Pisces - avoiding a conflict, not taking responsibility for the wrongs played out, playing the hard-done-by victim/playing the villain, accusatory projection, and putting the blame entirely on yourself/someone else, will have consequences.

Libra is about mirroring, but with all that Pisces energy, it could be like a Hall of Mirrors! Warped, distorted, unable to see what is who is where!

Collectively, this could be the "divorce rates have skyrocketed" transit! This Lunar Eclipse doesn't bode well for relationships, unless a healthy resolution against the odds can be met.

The plus side:

Libra is all about seeing both views, weighting them up, being objective, and reaching a healthy compromise which benefits both parties.

There is ample opportunities to make amends, but it could be difficult, and only achieved if both parties do the hard work and own the equal share of what went wrong in a connection/relationship/dynamic.

And if that reaches a stalemate, enlisting a mediator could work wonders. With Venus sextile Jupiter (guidance), this could be the best time to sign up for a counsellor, mediation, say in the form of couples therapy. Any objective non-biased third-party.

Chart below:

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Thank you PT for your write up, you are a huge asset to this forum 🤗☀️.
FM conjunct n MC with 3 orb from 9th. Also the Sun will first conjunct n. Mercury in 3rd 2 degrees before opposing the Moon from 4th house.
FM exactly conjunct my daughter's NN in 4th house. She wants at this time to get pierced. With the Sun on her SN in 10th house. If that is a good timing :rolleyes:?
This one is going to land in my natal 7H. That's kind of interesting, as the new Moon was in my natal 1H. But being a South node lunar eclipse, the energy flows from the Moon to the Sun, if I understand it correctly.
The LE will happen with 10 degrees orb from the SN. Would be still considered a " South node lunar eclipse" :unsure:?
The LE will happen with 10 degrees orb from the SN. Would be still considered a " South node lunar eclipse" :unsure:?

It is if you consider it astronomically, the moon will still show as darker in certain locations. It's a prenumbral eclipse, so it will be within range of the Earth's shadow. But it won't turn that blood red hue as it's not a total Eclipse.

Astrologically it is considered an eclipse when it's 15° orb of the nodes.
This one will be almost exactly conjunct my North Node at 6°Libra 😬

Also sextile my natal Moon at 8° Sagittarius, but I feel that it will be barely discernible, compared to the North Node activation.

It will probably kick start my Libra profection year. Especially as I have my Venus return only two days after the Eclipse.
This one will be almost exactly conjunct my North Node at 6°Libra 😬
Hmm, the lunar eclipse on the 5th of May last year was right on my North node (15º39' Scorpio), too - about 0º41' orb, applying. So pretty close. The South node of that eclipse (and the chart Ascendant, for my location) was also conjunct my natal Part of Fortune.

I wish you the best of luck with that. :)
I already feel therapeutic intensions and some harder exposures of past traumas. Double eclipse for me, LE Moon will conjunct My North Node at 1°37" Libra in 3rd house. I am hoping for trauma therapy, with Chiron on my MC it's pointless to avoid.
Well written, PT! Thank you for starting the thread and your thoughts!(y)

This one falls in my 2nd house AND conjunct my Moon stellium, so in all probability, I may be impacted.
The positive thing is that the eclipse itself has no harsh aspects apart from the necessary opposition to Sun, which may indicate that it won't be something awful. Mars is unaspected and in Pisces, I do not expect to trigger any heated arguments, possibly resentments and low energy levels, as PT described.
I like the mutual reception and sextile of Venus and Jupiter, although separating, especially as Venus will be conj. my Sun and Jupiter sextile Sun, so maybe I will get something positive, who knows, I may decide to go on a trip.

Since it is in 2nd, the possible event may involve finances/income, but money is what makes the world go round anyway, so everything involves finances. The eclipse is closer to my Jupiter, it's hard to pin down one planet in my stellium, as it is a very tight one, all energies work together, but Jupiter, the ruler of n IC and DC, is the closest planet of my stellium.

However, the 1st rule concerning eclipses is that something may be triggered on condition that the individual IS under major transits by outers. T Saturn is conjunct Sun and t Uranus is square n Mercury, so maybe something is triggered. Of course, I consider an outer crossing an angle to be THE most impactful transit, but those two may bring an event too. N Mercury rules both ASC and n MC, so it is a very important planet as well and it is in n 6th of work/health.

If something significant happens, I will let you know...
This is almost literal! Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, a structural problem that has come up in the bathroom.

And the only person in the world who has the qualifications to know what the issue is, and how to fix it? The south Node Libra ... that ex :cautious: very begrudging contact made.
This is almost literal! Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, a structural problem that has come up in the bathroom.

And the only person in the world who has the qualifications to know what the issue is, and how to fix it? The south Node Libra ... that ex :cautious: very begrudging contact made.
Well, I guess it pays to get someone who is familiar with your plumbing! Ehem. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)

I'll make it up to you on the 1st of April. :)
speaking of the ex...I had a wired dream yesterday.

I saw that I was getting married and went to the hairdresser. When I was finished, she asked me about the dress, I said I didn't have one. i panicked.
Then I rang my ex's mum and said I couldn't get married because I didn't have a dress and I was too old to get married. I realised that I would marry someone from her family, but not her son. Then I saw myself preparing food, but not for so many guests who were invited to the wedding. I told her I can't make more food, I can only cook for one or two. we have to cancel everything.
Then I told the groom, who I was seeing for the first time, I'm sorry I'm not going to marry you, and then I left.

Anyway, I woke up with a feeling of confusion...maybe also the SN libra issues are rising.
I was never married or had a wedding (n Venus Aquarius) was wired too to see myself in this position.
I also dreamed about an ex, which is an extremely rare occurrence.
We happened to be at some kind of exhibition/museum at the same time for three days. At the end of the dream I told another person that my ex and I managed to regularly stand only one meter away from each other, but never looked each other in the eye for even a moment

Apart from this dream, my feeling is that everything has been getting more concrete, more tangible for a few days now. The weeks before there was just something in the air that I couldn't put my finger on (Pisces).
I too have had a surprising ex situation in the past week.
We've been completely non-contact for very many years, I thought this was the best way to get over him (it did not work, just learned to live with missing the one who got away).

We were in the same place due to work, and we actually spoke. Nothing personal because there were people around. He hadn't changed at all.
This March eclipse is conjunct his sun and moon, and opposite his lilith.
Everything aligns with the Saturn-Venus conjunction and the opposition to the Virgo Moon. Venus, ruling the South Node and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse, finds its exaltation in Pisces despite the South Node in Libra. As it conjuncts Saturn, the focus is on establishing boundaries in our relationships, especially those that may have failed in the past. Stepping out of our comfort zones (South Node) is not an easy task. This is where Saturn can offer assistance. It's crucial not to underestimate the significance of encounters during this time; they all hold meaning and may be pivotal for our lessons learned
I find it particularly noteworthy that people return to my life after a long period that I spent mostly socially withdrawn. Some, on the other hand, stay away. It seems that it is slowly becoming clear which connection is for real and has substance.
Only now in the last degrees are the extent and the effects of Neptune through the 7th house becoming apparent.
We spoke, and he was pleasant and helpful enough, now I know what the issues are, I'm going to leave it there.

Couldn't help but also notice the Mercury Aries exactly square my Mars at the time of contact, I will have many Mars square activations over the month (Mercury retrograde, then Venus, Mars, then Chiron for a long duration). Probably won't end there 🤔

Oddly had a weird dream last night, where a disembodied voice told me that my North Node Libra in 9th is, "learning about other people" .... Never thought about it in that way, but so straightforward!

This eclipse exactly conjuncts my North Node!
I have a question about eclipses: Does the eclipse affect a planet that has already passed by a few degrees?
For example: I have Mercury at 2 degrees Aries, and this eclipse will happen 3 degrees later. Would I feel the effects of it on my Mercury, or will it not be strongly felt at all?
I calculated the orb 2 26 between Mercury and the eclipse degree, so less than 3 degrees.
Also my IC/MC 8 Aries/Libra. So few degrees after LE completion, Sun and Moon will arrive there.
It is like the LE will happen in the Midpoint between Mercury and IC.
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@Lunasel I would say that would definitely be in orb. Some astrologers give an orb of up to 15° for Eclipses, because of where the nodes are.

Also, best to look at previous eclipses at the same degrees to see if any notable events had occurred, but bearing in mind it's never a singular event that happens on the day itself. The Eclipses are more like disruptors or interruptions, or pivot points that change the course of events over the following months, and can span between 2 weeks to a month before/after the eclipse has taken place.