jacob rothschild ...


Staff member
...has died:

more powerful than most, much more wealthy than most, but his name barely known by most.

Here is his chart, and note that even though he has died, his natal Mars can still be kicked off by the 21 April 2024 Jupiter/Uranus conjunction - perhaps the 'works' he wrought will become more widely known.

In the comparison of natal to Draco chart, Chiron and Saturn are exactly conjunct in Gemini (a very intriguing and mysteriously echoing detail is that his Solar Arc Saturn had also exactly reached natal Chiron. Details about his death have not been made public, but this is a painful combination, and stretched throughout his life: whether that applied psychologically or physically, we will never know).

Jupiter and Saturn are also conjunct in Pisces in the Draco comparison and another curious conjunction like the one above: Solar Arc Jupiter close to orb of conjunction to natal Saturn, at time of death.

No time of birth, so Moon is in Leo, but we don't know at what degree.
Natal Jupiter strong in domicile in Sag on Galactic Centre, denoting the effect he had on world economies (fascinatingly, his prog Jupiter had moved to the other, bigger Black Hole, the Great Attractor).

Venus/Mars are in mutual reception.

In his progressions at time of death, his Prog Sun had moved into Leo, so transiting Pluto was in opposition (not exact, but closing in) whilst at the same time, prog Uranus was conjunct natal Sun in Taurus.

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