Exploring The Huber Charts of The AI Forum



To do this, we first need to draw the charts at astro.com and post them here. So ... go to www.astro.com ... click on "Extended Chart Selection" ... and (on the "Birth data" screen that then pops up) enter "AI Forum" as the name (Horoscope for); select "natal Chart Wheel" as the Chart type and "Huber Style" as the Chart drawing style** ... leave everything else at the default setting (ie. make no other changes to the "Birth data" screen), because doing so will produce a chart that does not accord with the strict requirements of Huber Charts**.

After drawing the chart at astro.com ... follow the astrologyinternational.org guide/instructions for posting it on a thread in the AI Forum.

[**There are two other Chart drawing styles that will need to be explored later (Huber House Chart and Huber Nodes Chart), but initially we need only draw the natal chart (ie. "Huber style" chart). ]


1. Use only Koch Houses.
2. Use only these aspects ... conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile, qcx and semi-sextile.
3. Use only the North Node, and these planets ... Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
4. Use only Huber orbs (which vary according to the planet AND aspect involved)
5. Use a broken line to draw one-way aspects.
6. Draw conjunctions in orange; oppositions + squares in red; trines + sextiles in blue and qcxs + semi-sextlies in green.

[These requirements are met in the astro.com chart drawings - IF the default settings are not changed. Hence, we do not need to concern ourselves with (say) WHAT the Huber orbs are - since (if using the default settings) the aspect lines are drawn only if they are valid/within-orb.]


Ok, here's the kicker ... The Huber Method is NOT a system of astrology. Huber charts are used only to assist the chart owner in the processes of psychological growth.

The natal chart describes what we come into this world/incarnation with : The House Chart describes how we are shaped by the environment whilst in this world/incarnation and the Nodes Chart describes our potential for spiritual growth before departing from this world/incarnation.

Thus ... we first look at the natal chart (to get our base-level understanding of the chart owners habitual behavioural patterns. ... Then we compare that natal chart to the House Chart (to ascertain how environmental influences are attempting to change those habitual behavioural patterns) ... And lastly, we compare the natal chart - and its House Chart modifications - to the Nodes Chart (to see how the incarnated Soul intended to develop in the current lifetime).

So ... if it is not already apparent to you ... the (holistic) Huber Method is a mechanism for engaging the right-brain in the reading of astrology charts (which might otherwise be dominated by a [childhood/school] conditioned tendency to engage only the left-brain).


When the Hubers first introduced their method to the astrological community, the innovative use of colour was quickly adopted by astrologers - and is now a standard feature of all astrology charts (with no credit having been given to the Hubers for revealing the disadvantages of using black-and-white chart drawings). ... Hence this initial advantage of using Huber Charts has long since disappeared.

However, in their haste to dismiss the Huber Method as a simplistic "New Age" fad (rather than "real astrology"), the mainstream astrological community failed to recognise/understand that it is not (and was never intended to be seen as) a system of astrology. Hence, from the outset, the intention was for the method to supplement/add-something-of-value to whatever system was being used by the astrologer in his/her attempts to analyse, interpret and synthesise natal charts. ... And what was being added is a mechanism for stimulating the astrologer's right brain PRIOR to engaging in his/her normal (left-brain) exploration of a person's natal chart.

Thus, the Huber Method/Chart is not used INSTEAD of non-Huber Methods/Charts. The two are used together, to achieve a holistic analysis, interpretation and synthesis of a person's natal chart - and the advantage of using the Huber Method is that it stimulates the right-brain of the astrologer in ways that non-Huber methods/charts do not.

In effect, Huber Charts are pictures that can convey a thousand words to those who learn how to read them. ... For example, does your imagination/right-brain enable you to see a paper-stapler in the aspect lines of the AI Forum Chart? Then, can you see that Pluto is the item being stapled? ... And if you CAN see that image**, can you relate it to the overall nature/"personality" of the Forum itself?

[ ** YOU might see (say) a PacMan figure that is about to swallow a Pluto energy pill ... or an image that is neither of those described by me. ... Hence, what matters is the image seen by the person who is reading the chart - and his/her interpretation of that image. ]


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AI Forum Huber.png

1. First we spend a few minutes just looking at the aspect lines in the chart - and allow an image to form from them in our mind. For example, I see a paper-stapler ... consisting of a Mercury-Mars-Moon/NN/Uranus base (or strike-plate) and a Sun-Mars-Moon/NN/Uranus-Jupiter upper housing (containing the staples). Pluto is the wad of individual paper sheets that are about to be "joined together as one document". For me, the right-brain message being conveyed by that image is that the AI Forum's "reason for being/existing" is to bring individuals together in their (common) search for spiritual development. ... [However, YOU may see a different image or/and reason-for-being to me ... and it is YOUR image and message that you will use, rather than mine.]

2. Whilst you have been meditating/allowing an image to form from the aspect lines, your right-brain has been noticing (and instinctively understanding) certain fundamental differences in the Huber Chart and the non-Huber Chart that you normally use when analysing, interpreting and attempting to synthesise a Natal Chart. ... Specifically, these differences are:

a) The family-model planets (Sun, Moon, Saturn) are red, whilst the other 7 planets + NN are blue.
b) On the outer circle, there are two markers between the cusps of each house and the following one - with the first marker being slightly longer than the second marker.
c) Some aspect lines are not solid throughout the whole of their length.
d) The thickness of the aspect lines vary.
e) The first inner circle appears to be not required, since the dot shows us where the centre of the chart is.
f) No aspect line is drawn through that first inner circle (although that is not apparent in the AI Forum image, because none of its aspect lines can go through the first inner circle).


a) The Huber "Family Model"

There is a transcript of a talk given on this by Bruno Huber at this is a transcript of a talk given by Bruno Huber at http://astrologicalpsychology.org/wp-content/uploads/Family_Model.pdf. ... The concept has been researched and developed further since that talk was delivered, but reading that transcript will inform you of the gist of what is being instinctively picked up by the right-brain whilst meditating on a Huber Natal Chart*. ... [ *But only if/after the reader of the chart has acquired a left-brain understanding/knowledge of the Huber Family Model - since, as with computers, information that is not in the chart-reader's data-base cannot be retrieved from it.]

b) The Two Markers Between The Cusps Of Each House And The Following One
In the Huber Method ... the energy of a planet is considered to be at its highest level when located on the cusp of a house; lowest when at the second/shorter marker and balanced when at the first/longer marker. However ... the energy cycle begins at the Low Point; culminates at the High Point/Cusp and then moves through the Balance Point of the NEXT house and ends at the Low Point of that house. Thus, the energy cycle begins at a Low Point, ends at a Low point and straddles two houses ... which makes the degree location of planets in houses a significant Huber Chart astrological indicator. ... However, if/after the chart reader has placed the related information/knowledge into his/her left-brain data-base, the right-brain will note-and-understand the significance of each planet's house degree location in the natal chart.

C) Aspect Lines That Are Not Solid Throughout The Whole Of Their Length.
These are one-way aspects ... where the orb of the planet at the end of the solid line enables it to influence the planet at the end of the broken line, but the orb of the broken line planet is too wide to influence the solid line planet. ... And, if the information/knowledge to interpret those planet contacts is in the left-brain data-base, the right brain will process it during the few minutes that the chart-reader is allowing an image to form in his/her mind from the aspect lines as a whole.

d) Varying Thickness Of The Aspect Lines
This is a mechanism for visually conveying the closeness of an aspect ... 3 pixel lines indicate a close orb/strong aspect; 2 pixel lines indicate an aspect of average strength and 1 pixel lines indicate an aspect that has a weak influence. ... Hence, the right-brain notes-and-takes-account-of-this during the meditation process.
e) The First Inner Circle Appears To Be Not Required
In the Huber Method, that circle symbolises the soul emerging (from the dot/"centre of everything") into the physical world - and the right brain instinctively understands the significance of that, in a way the left brain is not equipped to do.

f) No Aspect Line Is Drawn Through That First Inner Circle
Because doing so would block the information being conveyed to the right brain by the soul (from the database stored in the subconscious and unconscious mind of the chart reader.

g) And "Thanks For All The Other Fish"
During the meditation process, the right brain is accessing the chart reader's database store of information/knowledge. ... Hence, it is taking account of everything that the chart reader already knows about astrology ( and uses in his/her normal left brain exploration of a natal chart). But, it is doing so without any (conscious) effort/input from the chart reader.


1. "Aspect Pattern Astrology" by Bruno & Louise Huber, Michael Huber.

2. Some 10 years ago now, whilst on the astro.com forum as EJ53-2, I opened three threads - in an attempt to explain/clarify how to use the Huber Charts that can be calculated there. Thread 3 (on the Lifeclock) can be found at forum.astro.com/cgi/forum.cgi?num=1347079749 ... and that contains links to threads 1 + 2, respectively at forum.astro.com/cgi/forum.cgi?num=1345959191 + forum.astro.com/cgi/forum.cgi?num=1346125120

3. Initially though ... just try drawing some Huber Style/Natal Charts, spending 10-15 minutes meditating on the overall image created by the aspect lines and then examining the chart using whatever style and method/system you normally use. ... You may be pleasantly surprised with what that enables your right brain to pick up.
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1. With practice ... the following information will be (part of that) picked up by the right brain whilst looking at the chart image:

However, the right brain will register only "what matters" in the above left brain table of data (which I have extracted from the astro.com "Additional Tables" provided for the chart). ... And that consists of:
a) Sun is at the high energy point of the 8th house. ... And entering the strong energy point of Aquarius.
b) Mercury is at the high energy point of the 7th house. ... And just leaving the strongest energy point of Capricorn.
c) Uranus is at the high energy point of the 11th house. ... And leaving the strong energy point of Taurus.
d) Pluto is at the LOW ENERGY POINT of the 7th house. ... And at the WEAK ENERGY POINT of Capricorn.
e) Venus is at the balanced energy point of the 9th house. ... And at the weakest energy point of Pisces.

[Note for information ... In Huber Charts - 0 to 3 degrees and 27 to 30 degrees of a sign are weak energy points : 5 to 8 and 19 to 26 are average energy points : 8 to 18 are strong energy points and 11deg30mins is the strongest energy point.]

2. In addition, (because I use Harmonics in my normal left-brain exploration of natal charts), my right brain has noted that Sun-Neptune are in a 64th harmonic aspect ... and Pluto-Mars-Venus-Moon-Jupiter are in a 11th harmonic relationship.

3. Moreover, my right-brain has also noted:
a) Aquarius is duplicated on the cusps of 8th+9th houses; Sun + Saturn are in 8th house; Aries is intercepted in 10th house and Jupiter resides in that house.
b) The "stapler" image consists of two Huber Aspect Configurations ... the "Trampoline" and the "Small Learning Triangle".
c) The Sun is square NN.

4. And later, my left-brain will pick up that Chiron in (intercepted) Aries/10th is square Mercury in Capricorn/6th ... [But that cannot be eyeballed from the chart image, because Chiron is not drawn in Huber Charts.]

Hence, from just a brief (10 minutes) eyeballing of the Huber Natal Chart, my right brain has gleaned enough information to form a "first impression" of the chart-owner (which, in this particular case, is the AI Forum).
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1. Overall Image

For me, the right-brain message being conveyed by the overall image of a paper stapler (and Pluto as the papers being stapled) is that the AI Forum's "reason for being/existing" is to bring individuals together in their (common) search for spiritual development.

2. The Sun-Saturn-Moon Family Model
In a Forum Chart, the Moon = members : Saturn = Moderator Control (by status) : Sun = Moderator Influence (by charisma/popularity). ... So I really like this AI Forum Family Model, because it puts the members first (highest in the chart) - with the moderators "serving" the members/forum by firmly controlling via a balance of status, charisma/popularity and (Aquarius) nature. [Give yourselves a pat on the back for this one, Admin Team.]

3. Sign Energy vs House Energy of Family Model Planets
All three planets are in the average energy degrees of their sign - so (unlike astro.com) this is unlikely to become a forum which is dominated by specific members or (unlike astrologyweekly.com) one-or-two all-powerful moderators. However, the Sun (at the High Energy Point of 8th House) indicates that charismatic/popular members will significantly influence the values of other forum members - which may or may not be a good thing for the personal development of those others.

4. Sign vs House Energy of Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Pluto
a) Uranus is very comfortable in this chart, strong energy by sign and high energy by house. So, anyone looking for a Forum that exemplifies the qualities of Uranus in Taurus/11th house will find it at astrologyinternational.org

b) Mercury is also comfortable in this chart, strong by sign and with high 7th house energy. However, it is located at the end of the 6th house - indicating that unfinished there will hinder its effectiveness in the 7th. ... Perhaps this will manifest as thread initiators asking 7th house/relationship questions and receiving Mercury-in-Capricorn replies based upon 6th house experiences by members (which may provide the responders with an opportunity to salve/"heal" past relationship issues of their own).

c) Venus is at the balance point of its 9th house energy, so member interactions/discussions/debates will be amicable on the AI Forum. However, this planet is weak by sign (and that sign is "let's all be one" Pisces) - so that amicability might be achieved by members being wary of "telling it like (in my opinion) it is".

d) Pluto is is weak by sign and at the low point of its 7th house energy** - which is significant because Pluto is the planet/item being stapled in the overall image of the AI Forum. ... ... ... [**A Planet at the low energy point of a house is unable to express its energy successfully/effectively. Usually, this will result in them "trying too hard" to get their message heard by others - causing the latter to see the person who is expressing the message as an "attention seeker", whom they then deliberately/intentionally ignore (in order to "correct" the unwanted attention seeking behaviour). So - unless those expressing the message of the low energy point planet (consciously seek, and) find a way to overcome this handicap - frustration will (ultimately/eventually) cause them to leave (or cease participating on) the AI Forum.]

5. The Sun-Neptune 64th Harmonic Aspect
I suspect this may be my right brain flagging up the need for a left brain analysis of the AI Forum's 64th Harmonic Chart. However, the Sun-Neptune 64th Harmonic Aspect is a potential problem ------- because it is (in effect) a Sun-Neptune opposition manifesting from a depth of level 6 in the subconscious. [ Opposition/2H = level 1 : Square/4H = level 2 : 8H = level 3 : 16H = level 4 : 32H = level 5 : 64H = level 6}. Thus, (despite having a 64H natal aspect myself] I have yet to find a chart-owner who is able to recognise-and-embrace (in himself/herself) the behavioural trait which is created by it. [ie. a level 6 unconscious embracing of the positive qualities of one planet and projection of the negative qualities of the opposing planet onto others.] Usually, the qualities of the faster moving planet are embraced/"owned" and those of the slower-moving planet are projected ... and, at
https://www.astrology.com/aspects-transits/neptune-opposite-sun/ I found the following note on how a Sun-Neptune opposition could manifest:

"You might vacillate between feeling like you can connect with everyone and feeling that no one will get you. If you opt for no one being able to understand you, you run the risk of vaulting yourself up above and beyond others. Yet, even the most notable of the world's masters found a way to relate to anyone. On the other hand, connecting with everyone presents you with the challenge of maintaining your integrity and unique identity."

So ... my guess is that a significant proportion of members will (over time) leave the AI Forum (because they feel misunderstood) BUT those who remain will be relieved to see them go (because they never fitted-in here anyway). ... However, the reality will be that neither the leavers nor the stayers tried hard enough to understand the viewpoint of the other. (And there, Pluto at the low energy point of the 7th house will be a factor).

6. The Pluto-Mars-Venus-Moon-Jupiter 11th Harmonic Relationship
In "Harmonic Astrology In Practice", David Hamblin describes (as a working-interpretation) the 11th Harmonic behavioural trait as defiance, dogged persistence - and states that his research revealed only two natal charts in which the 11th Harmonic aspect was prominent. The two chart-owners are Winston Churchill and Donald Trump which (to me) indicates that the behavioural trait might be better described as a dogged and persistent determination to get one's own way.

So, in the AI Natal Chart, Pluto-Mars-Venus-Moon-Jupiter are working together ("as one") with a dogged and persistent determination to (ultimately) get what Pluto** wants. [**Because slower moving planets shape/modify faster moving planets.] ... And my guess is this will drive members of the Forum to achieve its "reason for being/existing"[of bringing individuals together in their common search for spiritual development]. ... However, that core of members will (of course) not include those who leave because they felt/were misunderstood ... which raises the question of "will the number of core of participating members be enough to sustain the forum, or (as with astro.com) will it become too small to do so". ... [Hence, for the Forum to survive in the long-tern, members that (naturally) fit-in might need to "go the extra mile" in their attempts to understand the viewpoint of those members that do not (naturally) fit-in. .... So, those on the AI Forum that were former members of the astro.com forum might want to reflect carefully upon the extent to which this was a factor in the eventual closure of the latter.]

7. Aquarius Duplicated On 8th+9th House Cusps; Sun + Saturn In 8th House; Aries Intercepted In 10th house and Jupiter in Aries/10th
This indicates that an issue in the 2nd+8th houses (involving Sun and Saturn) will adversely affect the 8th+9th houses, in a way that (until resolved) will "lock-up" the positive qualities of intercepted Aries, Libra and Jupiter.

With regard to what this issue might be, your guess is as good as mine. However, Sun-Saturn are in a 21st Harmonic aspect - so members will enjoy generating creative ideas - and the Aquarius/Leo axis indicates that such ideas will come from the efforts of both individuals and groups. Hence, my guess is that the issue will relate to the self-worth of those whom have made those efforts**. [And we may have already experienced this issue, via the creation of the AI Forum logo.] Thus, if those efforts are not adequately recognised by the Forum, the adverse 3rd/9th house effect might be an increasing lack of member enthusiasm to participate in creative projects.

[**This seems to me to be yet another warning to beware of skipping in the forum field before ensuring that it has been cleared of any potentially injurious vegetation.}

8. Sun Square Nodes
This points to a missed-step in a past lifetime ... so I shall assume here that the past-life was that of the Astrodienst Forum, which had Taurus/Scorpio intercepted on on 10th/4th axis. There is no doubt in my mind that the lesson(s) of those interceptions were never learned by the astro.com forum - or that, if they had been, more effort would have been made by the creators of the AI Forum to avoid having a natal chart with Taurus/Scorpio/Moon intercepted. ... However, it does provide former astro.com members with an astrologically-interesting opportunity to test whether or not "those who do not learn from the lessons of the past are fated to revisit them in the present".

9. The Huber Trampoline Figure
My right brain has subconsciously/effortlessly picked up this Huber Configuration during the 10 minutes process of meditating on the chart image. However, to interpret this Pluto-Mercury-Mars-Moon figure, I have to undertake a left brain reading of the relevant paragraphs in "Aspect Pattern Astrology" (by the Hubers) - because (despite having read them many times during my practicing of astrology) the detailed interpretations in that book have never become a part of my left brain database [and I do not know/cannot explain why they have not done so].

The book then tells me that Trampoline Figures are found in the charts of those who "react directly; are hypersensitive and easily irritated, highly perceptive, always wide awake and incapable of rigid thinking. Their main priorities are learning to adapt constantly to changing circumstances and getting on with new people." ... And, it also points out that "their inner standards empower them, and they are never focused on the outside"

To me, this is (again) describing members who can (and will) work creatively in groups (and alone) ... IF the time and effort involved in doing so is recognised-and-adequately-acknowledged by a forum of members that "never focus on the outside"/what-is-happening-around-them.

10. The Small Learning Triangle (Sun-Jupiter-Moon/NN)

In this triangle, Jupiter in (intercepted) Aries/10th is highlighting an issue that will become a focus for member dissatisfaction.
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t5, can you tell us the advantages (as you see them) of casting and using these particular charts as opposed to, say, a standard natal chart?
t5, can you tell us the advantages (as you see them) of casting and using these particular charts as opposed to, say, a standard natal chart?
I intend to cover that, etherea ... but have now become too old to write/complete these things quickly.:)

However, it is helpful to have other members point out what they would like to see covered here ... (Perhaps deleting their post when the point has been covered, to prevent this thread becoming any longer than it needs to be.)
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t5, can you tell us the advantages (as you see them) of casting and using these particular charts as opposed to, say, a standard natal chart?
I have now added that to the opening post comment, etherea.

However, it is helpful to have other members point out what they would like to see covered here ... (Perhaps deleting their post when the point has been covered, to prevent this thread becoming any longer than it needs to be.)
My comments on the AI Forum Natal Chart have now been completed ... and there appears to be no member interest in moving on to the comparison of that chart with the AI Forum Houses Chart. [However, note that the signs in the Houses Chart are now of variable sizes and the houses are all 30 degrees - thus changing the pattern of aspect lines in the inner circle.]

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Which house ,Astrologically, in the chart of AI Forum relaunch , need our focus that may increase newbies becoming members here for "Read my chart type queries " and what transit may support such trend?
Which house ,Astrologically, in the chart of AI Forum relaunch , need our focus that may increase newbies becoming members here for "Read my chart type queries " and what transit may support such trend?
10th ... where Jupiter in intercepted Aries resides.

Transits of Moon to the AI Forum's Small Learning Triangle?
Am looking forward to #jupiter transit in May over Forum's #moon... shall be period of growth and expansion. And then #uranus shall be activated by the #jupiters transit
Am looking forward to #jupiter transit in May over Forum's #moon... shall be period of growth and expansion. And then #uranus shall be activated by the #jupiters transit
In the non-Huber Placidus Natal Chart, Moon-NN-Uranus are in intercepted Taurus/11th house (of groups) and, in the Huber Natal Chart, Jupiter is in intercepted Aries/10th. ... So, I am expecting the positive qualities of those three planets (+NN) to be "locked-up"/unable to be used effectively until the Leo/Aquarius/Sun+Saturn issue in the Forums's 2nd+8th houses is resolved.

Hence, (from the astrological perspective) I am looking forward to seeing whether the Jupiter transit in May exacerbates or resolves that issue. :)
Kindly elaborate what is the underlying issues of Sun - Saturn , in context with the forum.
Are you implying that here there are authority issues ?
I am noticing
8th Harmonic aspect #sun/#saturn=#mars
( Responsible and Sober Serious Actions as per the Forum Rules i.e forum authority doesnt seems weak!
Kindly elaborate what is the underlying issues of Sun - Saturn , in context with the forum.
Are you implying that here there are authority issues ?
I am noticing
8th Harmonic aspect #sun/#saturn=#mars
( Responsible and Sober Serious Actions as per the Forum Rules i.e forum authority doesnt seems weak!
Have you read point 7 of the list at https://www.astrologyinternational....-the-huber-charts-of-the-ai-forum.31/post-299 ?

If so, what underlying issues of Sun-Saturn do you want me to elaborate on ... and why might I be implying that "here there are authority issues"?

[Note also that 8th Harmonic Aspect = "persisting with something beyond the point that others consider to be reasonable/rational" ... Hopefully then, that Sun-8H-Saturn will relate to members (like myself, persistently expressing concern about the AI forum's interceptions) rather than to moderators.]
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Sun a ruler of 2 in 8 need to attract Advertisers / financers / other people money and is disposed by #uranus ( intercepted in # taurus , but Direct!)...so sudden surprises , #sun #sextile #jupiter ,
#sun/#venus =#jupiter
Though Sun not in aspect with Uranus, still #sun/#uranus=Astraea = less than 1 deg orb, Vesta
As at 7th June 2023, there still appears to be no member interest in moving on to the comparison of that chart with the AI Forum Houses Chart ... However, on reflection, I see that much of my analysis of the AI Forum Huber/Natal Chart does seem to have now been confirmed by the passage of time.
Welcome back:)

Thank you, Red Moon ... It was a long "4-weeks vacation" - during which Mundane Astrology appears to have become what (perhaps) this forum was always intended to be.