Do you use your own location or querent's location?

Dima Gur

New member
When erecting a horary chart, that is.

As I consider myself chiefly a Frawley follower, although I draw from other sources as well (Barbara Dunn and Lilly too, some Ema Kurent and others) , I use my own location.
I think that most sources I've encountered use the Astrologer's location but some sources use querent's.
Say, Ema Kurent in her relatively new book on horary states explicitly that she uses the Queren't location (she apparently also uses querent's time for asking the question). Another astrologer who uses the querent's location is the Ukrainian astrologer Konstantin Daragan (a "heavyweight" in Russian speaking astrological sources).
Barbara Dunn uses the astrologer's location and time, like Frawley and Lilly.

The arguments for using the astrologer's time and place is that the astrologer is the medium through which the question is interpreted, and that he is the final link in the divinatory chain, so to speak (without him or her it wouldn't be possible to solve the horary).
The arguments for using the querent's place and time is that the question is generated in the mind of the querent, and that it's most pertinent to the querent's life and concerns. Thus the moment in which the querent sends the e-mail or text-message, or records the voice-recording which will be sent to the astrologer, is most important.

What do you think?
Do you know any other sources / astrologer who use one approach or the other?
My understanding is that the horary chart is drawn at the moment when the astrologer "hear" the question, therefore it is set for the astrologer's location.