Date after vacation?

Hi Forum,

I ran this chart to see if T and I will get together after he gets back from vacation. We had a nice chat before he left and said we would get together when he came back.


In its entirety it really is a very useful article for both querent and astrologer.

Horary is neither a Magic 8 Ball nor is it to be used to try to bend the universe to one's own will.
In its entirety it really is a very useful article for both querent and astrologer.

Horary is neither a Magic 8 Ball nor is it to be used to try to bend the universe to one's own will.
Phoebe - if I recall, I had asked you on the Astro forum not to comment on my threads due to your unwanted comments. Please do not comment on my threads in this new forum either. Thank you
Hi @clairebee925

I think your chart is valid because the AC is in Libra and the moon is in the 4th house.

First of all, the guy is mars, you are Venus in fiery Leo :) You are in his 5th house, which is good, he is in your 12th house, kind of hidden for you (or you two dont have contact at the moment).

The chart is a full moon chart which isnt a good thing.

Mars and Venus meet while aspecting Uranus but the moon only makes bad aspects:

- opposition to the sun
- squares to Jupiter and Uranus
- opposition to Venus

Will he be back in 1 week?
Hi @clairebee925

I think your chart is valid because the AC is in Libra and the moon is in the 4th house.

First of all, the guy is mars, you are Venus in fiery Leo :) You are in his 5th house, which is good, he is in your 12th house, kind of hidden for you (or you two dont have contact at the moment).

The chart is a full moon chart which isnt a good thing.

Mars and Venus meet while aspecting Uranus but the moon only makes bad aspects:

- opposition to the sun
- squares to Jupiter and Uranus
- opposition to Venus

Will he be back in 1 week?
Yes - he should be back sometime this weekend
You are a better person than me. I would have been up his rear end with a magnifying glass on day one confirming the diagnosis and questioning his suspicious relationship with the doctors and pharmacists. 🤣
I have been casually watching your posts and I’m not sure if you tried already , but posting your natal charts and synastry (in the appropriate area) might be more helpful.
You are a better person than me. I would have been up his rear end with a magnifying glass on day one confirming the diagnosis and questioning his suspicious relationship with the doctors and pharmacists. 🤣
I have been casually watching your posts and I’m not sure if you tried already , but posting your natal charts and synastry (in the appropriate area) might be more helpful.
Thanks for your input- it made me smile this morning. I’ll post my charts in the appropriate section then. 😊
Let me know if he contacted you. :)
As of last night, he still isn’t back yet. He was in Vermont and probably making his way back today