The World in 2024

We are now in Eclipse Season, of course - the March 25th one is a month + 5 days away (chart is posted on reply #27).

Today, we had the report (narrative seeding, or unavoidable admission...?) that the shots were not exactly "safe", as they had told everyone, as it was well recorded that many have experienced heart, brain, blood issues, etc. after having accepted them into their bodies. Of course, they are saying these increases are "slight" :

This describes what I wrote in that post, about the Sun in that very crowded 12h of the chart, and I expect this narrative about "slight", "mild", "rare", etc. to get much more coloured in by the realities that become more and more prevalent.

Note that the 5h of this chart (children) is ruled by Sun.
There is today a report in the Evening Standard about "ghost schools", where London schools are merging owing to insufficient children to create adequate take-up for viability. We have all recently heard about the situation in Japan (insufficient live births), Italy (same), and other places. Musk talks about the dangers of population collapse. I will keep an eye out for more of this type of talk, because I think it's not going away.


Something I missed the first time I sat with this chart, is that the Nodal axis is square to MC/IC, thus creating a Grand Cross.

Also, that Mars is both un-aspected (unless you count the weak semi-sextile) and falls at midpoint between the eclipse Sun and Pluto. Mars is co-ruler of that huge 12h, so all attention is drawn to that part of the chart. In Pisces also, Mars is not at his strongest. It's an odd situation - the "un-aspected" element should see him drawing strength, but Pisces/12h energy seems to take that away.

We have the Descendant also co-ruled by Mars, of course...and with all the hostilities going on, it does appear that even with all the chest-beating, some players' positions are weaker than they might like to let on. Either that, or the War-Hawks might not be in such a good position, as too many players want to prevent increase in animosities, and are not allowing any baiting behaviour to develop into all-out madness.
We are now in Eclipse Season, of course - the March 25th one is a month + 5 days away (chart is posted on reply #27).
Ah yes, I have an astrology event at my home scheduled for that day. Then again, I always did like playing with fire: Two of our 2023 meet-ups in London also happened on eclipse days. :)

Today, we had the report (narrative seeding, or unavoidable admission...?) that the shots were not exactly "safe", as they had told everyone, as it was well recorded that many have experienced heart, brain, blood issues, etc. after having accepted them into their bodies. Of course, they are saying these increases are "slight" :
Well, I for one am shocked, @etherea. Say it isn't so! I am somewhat amused at the use of the word "slight", though - isn't that like one's girlfriend coming home one day and telling you she's only slightly pregnant? This one isn't going to stay at slightly, either.

This describes what I wrote in that post, about the Sun in that very crowded 12h of the chart, and I expect this narrative about "slight", "mild", "rare", etc. to get much more coloured in by the realities that become more and more prevalent.
Well, I can start with suggestions for the colours, at least: How about vermilion? Burnt sienna? Slut pink? *

The reality that will become apparent (eventually, anyway) is this: Those who complied out of fear of death found that they simply created a self-fulfilling prophecy. The solution, of course, is not to be afraid of death - because it happens to us all anyway. There are worse things than death. Using one's own fear of death, however, to force others to comply with any given measure, is the worst kind of abuse of power. You can't blame just the politicians for this, either: I've lost count of the number of people I've personally seen, saying they would report anyone to the authorities who they knew hadn't taken the jab. Honestly, it's as if the Gestapo or Stasi existed in an alternate reality.

Note that the 5h of this chart (children) is ruled by Sun.
There is today a report in the Evening Standard about "ghost schools", where London schools are merging owing to insufficient children to create adequate take-up for viability. We have all recently heard about the situation in Japan (insufficient live births), Italy (same), and other places. Musk talks about the dangers of population collapse. I will keep an eye out for more of this type of talk, because I think it's not going away.
I read for a while that many Japanese women just weren't interested in having children. Can't really blame them, either: Living costs in Japan have gone absolutely crazy, wages have stayed stagnant - and there's very little security. The work culture in Japan is literally work-till-you-drop, too.

Population collapse is pretty easy to predict, though: The food supply on this planet, without oil, can support ~2 billion people. The population, today, is about four times that amount. We've been consuming more oil than we've discovered since the 1970s, and since you have to discover oil before you can drill for it, that is a bit of a problem for those who think things will just continue as they always have. It's kind of Plutonic, as the real problem is (literally) buried under the ground, and nobody in the media is talking about it. There's also rather a lot of Neptunian wishful thinking, among those who are uncomfortable with the idea that their lifestyle might have to change rather suddenly one day.

Something I missed the first time I sat with this chart, is that the Nodal axis is square to MC/IC, thus creating a Grand Cross.

Also, that Mars is both un-aspected (unless you count the weak semi-sextile) and falls at midpoint between the eclipse Sun and Pluto. Mars is co-ruler of that huge 12h, so all attention is drawn to that part of the chart. In Pisces also, Mars is not at his strongest. It's an odd situation - the "un-aspected" element should see him drawing strength, but Pisces/12h energy seems to take that away.

We have the Descendant also co-ruled by Mars, of course...and with all the hostilities going on, it does appear that even with all the chest-beating, some players' positions are weaker than they might like to let on. Either that, or the War-Hawks might not be in such a good position, as too many players want to prevent increase in animosities, and are not allowing any baiting behaviour to develop into all-out madness.
The war hawks are probably more than aware that they're already fighting battles on no less than six fronts (Russia via Ukraine as proxy, Gaza and the West Bank via Israel as proxy, Lebanon via Israel as proxy, Syria, Iran and Yemen.) So, military attention is getting more than a little frayed at this point. China has been sitting patiently, biding its time, but it will invade Taiwan - and the West will be so hopelessly ensnared in other wars that they won't even have time to react. With supply chains being what they are, it's safe to say that the West won't be happy.

I have to wonder if Mars in Pisces literally relates to naval warfare?

* Ha, I knew you'd look. :)
There is also (in the March 25th LE chart) Lilith in Virgo, quincunx to the Chiron/NN conjunction in Aries, as well as the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction (yet to become exact, but still in close proximity in this chart). Two vitalised earth signs.

This, exemplified by so many farmer/tractor protests going on in earnest. I don't recall ever seeing such a huge surge of expression of dissatisfaction from the public towards those they have entrusted with power.

It would take a spectacularly deaf executive to ignore, but of course, we have the media to support their efforts to do that, by failing to report.
Another expression of a packed 12h - attempting to keep things out of the way, shoving it into the shadows to avoid its showing up in the public mind like a photo developing in an old-fashioned darkroom, with the disparate shapes emerging from the blank sheet.

But this is hardly possible. The imprint is already there, and the shapes have already begun to take form, and the public are right behind the farmers. The darkroom red-light is switched on; we can see.
A mini thought-ette about the Lunar Eclipse later this month:

The nodes are square to MC/IC from 12h/6h, so those who occupy positions of being 'in charge' may cop it.
Ruler of NN is Mars, who is un-aspected in the chart, which creates a lot of prominence for that anger. Being in Pisces, Mars may not quite know where to direct the anger initially, or to be sufficiently organised to take efficient action. But it will be there and it will be felt.
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I did promise to post the chart for the Jupiter/Pluto trine, which occurs 1hr12 GMT on 3 June of this year, in Air.

Uranus is chart ruler, so still the 'roller-coaster' feel for this year applies, but the Air theme continues (not forgetting that Pluto still sits on the Great Mutation degree which has financial connotations, so I do think these issues continue to loom large. Many of us might be asking "where has all the money actually gone? What have you spent it on? Were their issues relating to undeclared financial interests?").

I keep getting the feeling that Pluto brings transparency into financial dealings at all levels...we know the Lamia-blob at the WEF keeps talking about how everything must be transparent, but we also know that Pluto is Janus and looks in both directions so all those who think they are beyond such scrutiny owing to their elevated positions, may well find that same transparency sends up some loud howling from the public. The two-way mirror appears to be in operation on that front.

The Barbault sextile, sextile, trine formation between the outers is now visibly in formation, with Neptune very weak in anaretic Pisces.

Jupiter is ruler of MC which is in orb of the Great Attractor, so it wouldn't suggest this trine goes un-noticed. The proximity of Mercury and Uranus, ruling Asc, IC and co-ruling 12h and 7h. Three angle rulers all in one neat little package, trine to Pluto.

Sun/Venus conjunct looks okay until we notice the square to 1h Saturn.... your thoughts?

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Etherea, is this the Chart of 27 July? cz I thought the trine will be at the beginning of June 2024
Exactly at the 3rd of June
Etherea, is this the Chart of 27 July? cz I thought the trine will be at the beginning of June 2024
Exactly at the 3rd of June
thank you and you are correct - it is 3 June. I had another chart on another screen - too much multi-tasking. I will correct my earlier post, but the chart itself remains accurate.
Neptune Cazimi takes place tomorrow (March 18th) on 1066 chart (Westminster) natal Moon in 12h, and closely squares natal 9h Uranus in late Sag. (Not forgetting conjunction of transiting Sun to is an annual New Moon energy, as opposed to a monthly Moon conjunct natal Sun).

The Sun in the eclipse on March 25 at 6degAries is also close enough to natal Moon to say it is conjunct.

Second eclipse on April 8th is likewise close enough to enfold natal Asc/Descendant.

That's a lot of eclipse energy.

Expect things to teem out, uncomfortably.

I had overlooked also, the fact that transiting Saturn (ruler of MC) will soon oppose natal Saturn, from 12h to 6h. This might indicate from an astro point of view why we are getting the stuff about descriptions of groups being 'extremists' when there is no real evidence to suggest they are, whilst real extremists such as Antifa are nowhere on the radar, apparently. Obviously, the narrative from Gove is very likely a precursor to attempted restriction of association and restriction of speech, and both are very Saturn-like.

That same transiting Saturn will hit natal SN in 12h soon, too. The electorate are not going to be too pleased with anybody in power, left, right or of whatever nature, election or no election. Trust will be in very short supply.

Plus, transiting Pluto is currently conjunct progressed SN. That's a whole lot of SN energy. Screen Shot 2024-03-17 at 13.13.00.png

When Saturn and Neptune conjunct eventually in Aries, they will of course also be conjunct natal Moon of that chart. The population will be getting an eyeful, to put it mildly. The set-up for all that is occurring now.
In the Solar Arcs for this chart, transiting Pluto is square to SA SN - the 'bendings'. There is a marked possibility of significant change, quite possibly bigger than an election would provide (and in any event, when did anything ever really change with any election that you can recall? We only ever get "The Agenda" by sleight of hand that suits those in power and the Tax Farm, not real change that suits the population's best interests), and this exact square will recur twice more before Pluto is done with it.

Plus, the April 8 eclipse will oppose SA Pluto.

We are getting a supposedly 'important' message from the royals via the Beeb today. Note then, that transiting nodes are due to square natal MC. Any guesses as to what might transpire?

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Here is the Aries Ingress chart for GMT, 2024, Greenwich (data: 20 March 24, 03hrs07), with Cardinal Asc/Desc falling across the Black Sun/Diamond axis:

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Jumping out for attention is the Moon/Pluto opposition in 1h/7h, especially in light of Pluto newly in Aquarius and Moon in Leo, indicating sovereignty of the populace. Noting also that Aquarius and Leo are intercepted, with Sag and Gemini being duplicated.

Moon is also OOB at 24N09, so is very powerful in this chart.

Perhaps we are spelling out the sovereignty of humanity over and above AI, that we are not mere commodities for industrial and commercial use and paying taxes.

Also, the huge Pisces/2h energy, stretching from Pisces to Aries, with Ingress Sun conjunct Neptune and creating a lovely fire trine to Moon;
A bolshy Mars/Uranus square, with Uranus on IC in Taurus (IC at midpoint between Jupiter and Uranus); and - not by any means the least -
MC on Serpentis.
Wishing everybody a Happy (Astro) New Year - Sun went into Aries early this morning.

A couple of things I had not noticed when first I was looking at the chart: -

Jupiter/Uranus are semi-square to Sun (as the former two are angular, this strongly suggests 'Lights, Camera, Action' of some sort); and

Venus & Jupiter are in mutual reception, chart 2h/3h. Since many financial commentators are expounding on how rickety the money situation looks, this influence might go some way to mitigate or even avert their worst prognostications, although Mercury denotes 'transactions', and is emphatically not comfortable in that set-up there. Definitely something going on in financial spheres. We have already seen disruptions to tech for financial institutions, and this may be part of it.

6h is ruled by Mercury also, which is conjunct chart Chiron. We had Gates muttering on about Disease X ("there WILL be another pandemic", etc.), and I am wondering if the Bio-Weapon Fairies will come out on the prowl. NN accentuates influence, and the three (NN, Mercury, Chiron) are in Warrior-tone Aries, and are in a fire trine to Lilith. This is a punch-packing energy. The Moon 7h is abreacting against overweening power-games, with the opposition to Pluto, so something triggers that massive "No", from fixed energy Leo (with whom Moon is in trine with ruler, Sun).

Not saying there will be, but were another lockdown suggested, I doubt many would comply as they did the first time, with Uranus at IC and in conjunction with Jupiter, ruler of 12h of confinement.
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Wishing everybody a Happy (Astro) New Year - Sun went into Aries early this morning.
Awesome. :)

A couple of things I had not noticed when first I was looking at the chart: -

Jupiter/Uranus are semi-square to Sun (as the former two are angular, this strongly suggests 'Lights, Camera, Action' of some sort); and

Venus & Jupiter are in mutual reception, chart 2h/3h. Since many financial commentators are expounding on how rickety the money situation looks, this influence might go some way to mitigate or even avert their worst prognostications, although Mercury denotes 'transactions', and is emphatically not comfortable in that set-up there. Definitely something going on in financial spheres. We have already seen disruptions to tech for financial institutions, and this may be part of it.
I think the biggest potentiality is a whistleblower from the NSA or equivalent agency * saying they’ve managed to run Shor’s algorithm on a quantum computer, because that would make all cryptocurrency worthless overnight (it would make all public key encryption that relies on factorisation of prime numbers to be very difficult trivial to crack and derive the private key. When you have the private key, you can control the funds.)

* James Ellis at GCHQ invented public/private key encryption in 1969, but GCHQ only coughed up to it long after Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellmann published their concept of secure key exchange using a public and private key. The state of the art in encryption is (and always has been) secret, as are any strategies or known methods for breaking it. Wars have been won or lost (and people, like Mary, Queen of Scots, have been executed because their ciphers were broken by cryptanalysis.)

So, cryptography is often treated as a live weapon of war - and states are very interested in keeping secure ciphers out of public hands: Most available ECC ciphers today are horribly broken, and you can't find a good hardware token that will support something like Ed448. * Even in the last year or so, Ed25519 was only grudgingly supported because of the overwhelming popularity of this particular ECC curve. On the other hand, all the broken NIST, Braincurve and secp curves are all supported as mainstream ciphers on practically all hardware devices.

But if you truly want to keep your data secure, you shouldn't use them. :)

6h is ruled by Mercury also, which is conjunct chart Chiron. We had Gates muttering on about Disease X ("there WILL be another pandemic", etc.), and I am wondering if the Bio-Weapon Fairies will come out on the prowl. NN accentuates influence, and the three (NN, Mercury, Chiron) are in Warrior-tone Aries, and are in a fire trine to Lilith. This is a punch-packing energy. The Moon 7h is abreacting against overweening power-games, with the opposition to Pluto, so something triggers that massive "No", from fixed energy Leo (with whom Moon is in trine with ruler, Sun).
Sounds like fuck-around-and-find-out energy, if you ask me. :)

I think another lockdown would not be tolerated. Politicians might actually find themselves in handcuffs this time (and not for the purpose of being tied to the bed and spanked) - so much has already been admitted about the vaccines being less than healthy. People just aren’t going to fall for the same trick twice. Well, most people won’t.

Not saying there will be, but were another lockdown suggested, I doubt many would comply as they did the first time, with Uranus at IC and in conjunction with Jupiter, ruler of 12h of confinement.
Gates has even come out and admitted what most of us conspiracy theorists were saying back in 2020: That COVID was a mild virus, somewhat similar to the flu. Square that with the fact they shut down peoples’ lives over this thing, and no: It will not be tolerated.

* I personally spoke with Thales, who make the Gemalto smart cards. They told me that getting a simple smartcard that supports Ed448 and Ed25519 would require a special order of no less than 5,000 cards. They cost about $40 each, so that would be a minimum order of at least $200k plus VAT. Just to use a non-compromised ECC curve. Yubico supports Ed25519 on their latest firmware, but not Ed448. Again, it comes down to sheer popularity of Ed25519 - and even that is only a recent development - but Ed448 is more secure for long-term storage, and vendors are deliberately eschewing support for secure ciphers because governments don't want people using them. OpenSSH has support, but governments can't prevent that because it's open source - and anyone can write support for a new cipher into OpenSSH and get it accepted by the rest of the community if there is sufficient merit in using that cipher.

I know all this, because I have been doing research for a book I'm writing about PKI certificates, and I've assembled a small bunch of hardware on my desk to write about. I've also worked in cybersecurity for about a decade or so, and I was very interested in cryptography as a kid.
Here is the Aries Ingress chart for GMT, 2024, Greenwich (data: 20 March 24, 03hrs07), with Cardinal Asc/Desc falling across the Black Sun/Diamond axis:

View attachment 2012
Jumping out for attention is the Moon/Pluto opposition in 1h/7h, especially in light of Pluto newly in Aquarius and Moon in Leo, indicating sovereignty of the populace. Noting also that Aquarius and Leo are intercepted, with Sag and Gemini being duplicated.

Moon is also OOB at 24N09, so is very powerful in this chart.

Perhaps we are spelling out the sovereignty of humanity over and above AI, that we are not mere commodities for industrial and commercial use and paying taxes.

Also, the huge Pisces/2h energy, stretching from Pisces to Aries, with Ingress Sun conjunct Neptune and creating a lovely fire trine to Moon;
A bolshy Mars/Uranus square, with Uranus on IC in Taurus (IC at midpoint between Jupiter and Uranus); and - not by any means the least -
MC on Serpentis.

Pluto has a tendency to push things to the point of perversion and extremes. Even more so when Pluto enters a new sign. Remember the bank crashes in 2007/2008 when Pluto was heading into Capricorn? Maybe I'm being very subjective here, but it seems to me that Pluto in the first and last degree of a sign calls up the worst, while in the middle of the transit we seem to have gotten acclimatized to what's going on. Like "shock - normal - shock". That being said, I haven't included specific transits in my considerations, e.g. Saturn / Pluto.

I feel that Pluto has already shown its "face" with all the new ideologies spreading throughout the world. After all, Aquarius is a fixed sign. I'm still figuring out why people relate Aquarius to technologies and AI. Aquarius as an air sign has loosely to do with communication, as do the other two air signs. But the type of communication here is related to ideas and ideologies, aloofness and objective as opposed to the relational and personal approach reflected by Libra (another air sign) and Leo, respectively.
From my perspective, it's Uranus in Gemini that will push forward technology at the basis of extreme ideologies. Uranus' trine with Pluto facilitates the progress of AI. Rational, emotionless ideas (Aquarius) combined with communication technologies (Gemini). Pluto could (at least for a while) bring out the dark side of these ideas, Uranus implements them technologically.

As for the Ingress chart, the Moon (the people) is opposed by Pluto. Individual identities (Leo) are confronted with the likelihood of homogenization and dehumanization (one of the darkest sides of Aquarius). Not that it couldn't unfold positively, but it doesn't look like it will. Maybe somewhen in the future. I sometimes wonder what Pluto in Pisces might bring...
Pluto has a tendency to push things to the point of perversion and extremes. Even more so when Pluto enters a new sign. Remember the bank crashes in 2007/2008 when Pluto was heading into Capricorn? Maybe I'm being very subjective here, but it seems to me that Pluto in the first and last degree of a sign calls up the worst, while in the middle of the transit we seem to have gotten acclimatized to what's going on. Like "shock - normal - shock". That being said, I haven't included specific transits in my considerations, e.g. Saturn / Pluto.
Almost as if the sign cusps were stator coils (1,2,3 … 6) on an electric motor, and Pluto was the rotor:

(Image from this page.)
Yesterday, quite a few significant things happened:

Russia struck back at Ukranian energy infrastructure with dozens of missiles, taking out much of the country’s power infrastructure, including a hydroelectric dam on the Dnieper. Ukraine had previously fired upon energy infrastructure within Russia, and Russia decided to send a distinct and unmistakable message of “Fuck around and find out” to NATO. Much of Ukraine is now without power (and, of course, without internet too, since routers, switches, servers and air conditioning equipment all need electricity to operate.) If they’re not already without water, they will be soon: Pumping stations also require electricity to continue operating.

Moscow endured a terrorist attack by ISIS-K, whoever they are. Probably NATO with a mask on. Israel’s Mossad tweet regarding the incident was rather telling in its smugness. Even more tellingly, the US had “warned” Russia about such an impending threat. How would anyone know in advance, if they weren’t already organising it? That’s the $64,000 question.

A lawsuit against the FDA for its campaign against Ivermectin was successful. The FDA’s authority to challenge doctors in how they prescribe medication (including off-label usage, as was the case for Ivermectin) has been clarified. Too late for anyone who took the jab, though. But if another pandemic miraculously finds itself upon us, the FDA and other agencies will be rather quickly told to Foxtrot Oscar if they attempt the same kind of shenanigans again.
Pluto has a tendency to push things to the point of perversion and extremes. Even more so when Pluto enters a new sign. Remember the bank crashes in 2007/2008 when Pluto was heading into Capricorn? Maybe I'm being very subjective here, but it seems to me that Pluto in the first and last degree of a sign calls up the worst, while in the middle of the transit we seem to have gotten acclimatized to what's going on. Like "shock - normal - shock". That being said, I haven't included specific transits in my considerations, e.g. Saturn / Pluto.

I feel that Pluto has already shown its "face" with all the new ideologies spreading throughout the world. After all, Aquarius is a fixed sign. I'm still figuring out why people relate Aquarius to technologies and AI. Aquarius as an air sign has loosely to do with communication, as do the other two air signs. But the type of communication here is related to ideas and ideologies, aloofness and objective as opposed to the relational and personal approach reflected by Libra (another air sign) and Leo, respectively.
From my perspective, it's Uranus in Gemini that will push forward technology at the basis of extreme ideologies. Uranus' trine with Pluto facilitates the progress of AI. Rational, emotionless ideas (Aquarius) combined with communication technologies (Gemini). Pluto could (at least for a while) bring out the dark side of these ideas, Uranus implements them technologically.

As for the Ingress chart, the Moon (the people) is opposed by Pluto. Individual identities (Leo) are confronted with the likelihood of homogenization and dehumanization (one of the darkest sides of Aquarius). Not that it couldn't unfold positively, but it doesn't look like it will. Maybe somewhen in the future. I sometimes wonder what Pluto in Pisces might bring...
All good thoughts, yes, and certainly you have covered the negative potentialities.

However, Pluto is about polarity. Sometimes I wonder, just from that, if the technology angle we will eventually use will stem from that, e.g. magnetism-based.

It does look as though humanity has to wake up fast, to see what some describe as being ruled by a globalist criminal syndicate. Most people cannot yet see this - they look, but don't comprehend. They cannot see the manipulation playing out. They overlook glaring anomalies to their worldview because they are not yet brave enough to think for themselves. They feel they need a "safe" groupthink and are needy of the approval of others.

And it is this that the combo of Uranus/Pluto will wreck. The first, Uranus, ruler of Aq, provides shocks, jocks, exposures, epiphanies, and jarring realities, and one's cognition of all that cannot be averted.

Some of that will involve Plutonic activity and as one example, we have already seen the BBC reporting about stem cells being taken from infants in Ukraine, with the infants being killed for this purpose (e.g. murderous level of corruption):

We still have not had the full picture, I feel, and the corruption highlighted above is likely replicated many times over in multiple sectors. I suspect that Pluto's journey will deliver the revelations and people will feel less cosy about those to whom they look up.

The trine from Uranus to Pluto from Gemini to Aq is another layer of the cake - similar energy, i.e. delivery of information that can have seismic effects upon those who wilfully slumber for fear of what wakefulness means. It's partly a numbers game: when sufficient people come out of their cocoon of denial, then the more rebellious side of Aq comes to the fore. Uranus is already delivering this from Taurus and hence the Farmer Protests from far and wide, with a lot of public support.

It would appear also that the two energies you describe: the techno quelling of dissent, tracking by mobile phones, etc. and the intransigent refusal to play along with the zeitgeist of censorship and restriction, are both intensifying simultaneously as we discuss.

Pluto fights to the death, and only one side can win.

What has been springing to my mind over the last few days is from the Beatitudes:

"The meek shall inherit the earth."

Not the corrupt murderers, but the meek. How Aquarian is that?
A neat little parcel from SJ Anderson, on April's transits:

Adding to this that Neptune is in Rx shadow area from March 11 (until his Rx station on July 2 of this year at anaretic Pisces) which also will colour April.
Thus, the confusing incidents around water (Baltimore, Russian war-ships, etc.) are already showing up and we may see more of similar.

Uranus does the same mid-May (e.g. moves into shadow area) after the conjunction with Jupiter, and will turn Rx at the beginning of September, which could turn out to be a "now you see it, now you don't" sort of energy. Following the tone of revelations of the Ju/Ur conjunction in April, there may appear to be "fact-checks" or damage limitation maneouvres which are really attempted cover-ups as to what has been revealed - especially mixed with the energy of the Neptune shadow on Scheat, this is a distinct possibility.

I would suggest this would take the form of dramatic eventualities which distract attention from serious info, onto a lesser but still captivating novelty. A "Look here, not there" vibe, or a D-Notice -"Do not report" command delivered to the media when, in fact, most people have already seen what is going on.

Just as an aside for later in the year at the next eclipse season in Autumn, both those eclipses will sport Pluto in Capricorn for the last time in our lifespans, and which eclipse influence will last at least until the next batch of eclipses show up. Pluto will of course be weakened by the occupation of the anaretic degree, but the weak can get very nasty and thrash about a lot.
Is it the Solar flare, is it the eclipse influencing this? Perhaps the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in earth/Taurus? Or perhaps all three:

Powerful earthquake in Taiwan of 7.7 magnitude, with Japan giving warnings about a Tsunami. Lots on X/twitter about this.
Noting that Moon has been approaching Pluto in Aquarius, as Saturn has been forming a semi-square to Pluto from Pisces, so we are getting the instability of what should be stable (e.g. earth/rock) with the strong Pisces tone, as Saturn itself meets with Mars.