Problems with journey/flight/9th-house elections

Dima Gur

New member
Hi everyone,

I'm having problems getting consistent results with my journey/flights/9th-house elections.

Usually I elect for the time a flight is scheduled (plane's takeoff, by comparing different flight times), but I remember reading in some older source that we should aim to elect for the time a person leaves the house (first step towards the journey, sort of).
Maybe I should use the time a person step out of his house.

As I usually judge the nature of the journey itself (the flight) from the condition of the 9th and its ruler, this may be another thorn which is in the root of the issue.
Here I should mention that both Kim Farnell in her Little Book of Electional Astrology and William Ramsey in his Astrology Restored allude to such an approach.
Regardless, my results have been inconsistent. Flights which looked sub-par ended up being comfy and pleasurable, and also the reverse has happened.

Vivian Robson in his Electional book advices to use the 10th house as the house of the journey itself, but I haven't yet switched to such an approach. Maybe will try to experiment with it or judge past elections according to this metric.
In case you wonder, Robson additionally gives the 1st as the house of the starting place, the 7th as the house of the destination and the 4th as the house of the return (return journey probably).

Also, maybe I should just be more realistic with my elections, as the statistical chance of a flight turning sour isn't very high. This may mean that I'd need to have a really dreadful 9th and 9th ruler to judge it as a "disaster flight", so to speak.

What do you think?
Insights would be welcomed.
I don't know much about electional astrology, @Dima Gur, but the thought crossed my mind, are you asking for long-haul or short-haul journeys, or both?

If short-haul, maybe you could factor in 3h to your analysis?

Also, what about the time of booking your flight? That really is the beginning.

Just thoughts to play around with :)
Thanks for your reply
much appreciated

Well, travel by plane is usually long journeys (with overnight stay and/or for a couple of days) so 9th house.

This is actually a fascinating idea, that the actual start of the journey is the booking of the tickets. I will experiment with it.
Thank you!
@Dima Gur - I was thinking about short haul flights, i.e. something like London to Edinburgh, or internal US flights. I suppose that, with our greater ease of travel, something that takes us only two hours, but in ancient times (when the 'rules' were created) could have taken a few days' travel, it gets confusing in deciding.

That aside, let us know how you get on with your experiments ✌️ sounds really interesting :)