Fixed stars: Finding out

yes, it's great, isn't it?

We did start a discussion on these in the temporary forum, and it's a good idea to re-start.

Spica is an interesting one, in relation to its reputation for being a great and bountiful influence.
However, as the years have gone by, I have observed this was prominent in charts of some plane crashes and less-than-wonderful other events, and noticing that Arcturus is close by, so that could also be playing out.

I have the natal chart of someone whose IC falls on Spica, who was utterly spoilt as a child, and everything seems to magically 'work' for her, with money sloshing about her ankles and always 'getting her way'. Consequently, she has never felt the need to do any inner work, and can therefore be "not easy" - and not particularly likeable - as a person. Of course this is not the only chart factor that leads to that state of affairs, but it is a prominent feature.

Her Solar Returns/Lunar Returns often have this point in focus, so it reverberates again and again.
Even when Pluto has squared her MC/IC, this influence still appears to be protecting her every interest. Teflon........

I had a memorable year when my own Solar Return had Ascendant conjunct Spica (a while back) and I have to say, things did flow nicely for that time. "Easy Street", as a friend put it.
Hello everyone 😊 I happen to have Uranus conjunct Spica and my anti vertex in Libra 11th house all square my 2nd house Jupiter in Capricorn! This has proven to be an electric entry point in my life. I have had major lucky and fated events occur when this conjunction is triggered especially when it’s also in my solar return. My 3 most life changing events had this conjunction triggered. Are we allowed to post video links?
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I have to learn more about the fixed stars, I try not to get lost looking at everything in astrology but they certainly do make an impact when they conjunct planets in a birth chart.
The best place on the web to find out about fixed stars is:

I actually copied down every page so I could have it if the site ever went down.
If you have access to a Linux system and you're interested in mirroring the whole site, just:
  1. Create a new directory
  2. Change to the new directory you created
  3. Use wget to recursively crawl the Web site and fetch each page (and all dependencies) - after it's finished, it will convert links for local access
Example - Cygwin on Windows:
Oliver@Office ~ $ mkdir constellationsofwords
Oliver@Office ~ $ cd constellationsofwords
Oliver@Office ~/constellationsofwords $ wget -m -E -k -K -p -e robots=off --restrict-file-names=ascii

After a few minutes, you will end up with a structure that you can burn to CD-ROM or copy to an external hard disk, and view without internet access.
I’ll check it out, thank you Samantha.🍏
Edit: please purchase the books to support Astrology and Astrology authors...lets not spread links which give free book download as same might be illegal and make authors suffer.
Also read Respected Alois sane advice in the post below
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Brady’s Book of the Fixed Stars
is available for purchase at Amazon
It is certainly good to recommend Bernadette Brady's books. Thank you!
Besides Brady's Book of Fixed Stars I also recommend her Book Star and Planet Combinations.
Her website is here

But publishing a link like you did above is an invitation to steal from the author. appears to be an illegal site, distributing stolen material.

Bernadette Brady's Book of Fixed Stars is available in bookshops like Amazon, both as e-book ($19.22 on and in hardcopy.
Same goes for Howard Sasportas' books found in and many others.

Not only is it illegal in most countries to distribute or download copyright works, it is also highly unfair towards to authors. Most astrologers are not rich, but struggle for economic survival. Readers should actually buy their books, especially those not out of print.

I suggest that @moderators remove the links which invite the theft.
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Thank you for pointing out and giving the sane advice here, Respected Alois!

Links have been removed.
Also, I wonder why dont Authors / Authors body take it up against such websites.
I have to learn more about the fixed stars, I try not to get lost looking at everything in astrology but they certainly do make an impact when they conjunct planets in a birth ch
Hello, I can highly recommend the book "Kompendium der Fixsterne" by Frank Felber.

I don't know if this book is already available in English, but I know from the astropointer newsletter that all books will be translated soon.
26 fixed stars are described and there are many practical examples also in relation to reincarnation.