Did anyone else feel the Mars-Saturn conjunction hit in Pisces?


My fiancée felt it around noon local time while we were out running errands and it's had her in a funk since. She's turtled up, so I don't know the particular emotion at the root, but I suspect it to be jealousy. Mars is her chart ruler and is in Aries in her natal sixth house, trine Neptune in Sagittarius in her second house. She also has Sun and Mercury in Aries that are trine her Moon-Uranus-Jupiter-Antares conjunction.

The sabian symbols for the degree Mars was in prior to entering the same degree as Saturn and that degree of conjunction are so apropos it's ridiculous :D

The conjunction was in her fifth house, while in mine it is in the fourth. I am finding myself heavily invested in expanding creative ideas, cleaning around the house (moreso than usual), and wanting to buy hundreds of pounds of limestone to begin building a miniature ravine landscape in our front yard. I am really butthurt because I just learned that germinating Impatiens capensis from seed often takes a very long time. I want them to grow and bloom in the ravine this year!!!

I am having to mentally check myself when it comes to being impatient so much the past couple of days, especially with things around the house. The potential of getting new windows fell through yesterday due to the bank not agreeing to finance because of the amount of a derogatory collection account on my credit from an old medical bill. It's not that big of a deal, really, but having windows with no inside framing would have been super nice.

The most interesting effect as far as I can tell is the wanderers' shenanigans having me feel like maybe my house isn't all that bad, and maybe it would be worthwhile to fix it up over the next couple of years before selling and moving away from the city and into the forest. I just don't want the housing market in the US to crash again before we're ready to sell, and I am about 90% sure a major correction or crash is going to take place before Spring of 2028.
Last Monday morning, 8th April, around 9a.m. local summer time, the transiting Moon with tr. Mars conjunct tr. Saturn in my 7th house was in close orb of my natal Moon in Capricorn. As I was washing my hair (Saturn), my left hand thumb (Mars) suddenly went completely numb (Pisces). I managed to rinse my hair but I had no muscle control (Mars-Saturn) over it. I couldn't hold the hair brush, let alone the hair dryer. With tr. Uranus within close orb conjunct natal Sun I feared the onset of a light stroke/heart issue I have inwardly worried about since the square with natal Jupiter. I am also left-handed!! Completely immobile with the right hand. Yet the sensation went no further.

I couldn't think of any logical explanation until I saw that tr. Mercury (hands) in Aries was square natal Mars (muscles) in Cancer (feelings). I had awoken with a mild headache because I had been thinking about a particular matter-of-the-heart issue that has played on my mind for years and wouldn't go away!! During the morning the numbness wore off. Relief returned as did mobility.

I think the shock to my senses had the required effect. The issue has outworn its validity date (tr. Pluto trine natal Neptune?). I remain to be amazed at the effect of mind-body-feelings when they are not in synch. with each other. ;)

The solar eclipe later that day threw 'no light' upon my part of the world.
Mars/Saturn conjunct my Mercury, which rules my 6th house

Acute back pain from hell. I've invested in a TENS machine, which is working wonders, my back feels like it's loosened up.

Definitely a recommend, you can get TENS machines from Amazon for around £25 (sorry not sure what that is in Euros or US dollars). It sends electrical pulses to the muscles and is small enough to carry.

Rather a Chiron element to this as well, I was advised to invest in one by someone who has an incurable back pain issue!
Well, the conjunction was very close to my Descendant, definitely already in the 7th house for those who use quadrant house systems.

On April 10, I already woke up dizzy and off-balance, later I got severe stomach pains and could barely stand on my feet. I must have looked like a zombie, given the way people reacted to me. I'll spare you the details. Mercury, the ruler of my ASC is retrograde now, so that definitely added to the story.

I took a few days off work and I’m feeling better now.

Obviously the opposition to the ascendant came into play here, because nothing happened in the area of relationships. Although .... My future boss called to schedule an appointment to sign the contract.
Mars/Saturn conjunct my Mercury, which rules my 6th house

Acute back pain from hell. I've invested in a TENS machine, which is working wonders, my back feels like it's loosened up.

Definitely a recommend, you can get TENS machines from Amazon for around £25 (sorry not sure what that is in Euros or US dollars). It sends electrical pulses to the muscles and is small enough to carry.

Rather a Chiron element to this as well, I was advised to invest in one by someone who has an incurable back pain issue!
The sixth house also governs small animals and domestic pets. From my experience, a purring cat is as effective as a TENS unit and/or a chiropractor, both of which I have relied on in the past. I've had ruptured discs, arthritis in my neck for almost two decades now, and have had to have both of my ulnar nerves transpositioned from the cubital tunnels.

If only I had a faerie to poof cat food at the wave of a wand... Caring for a cat is far more expensive in the long run, I know, but I'm not joking at all about them being as effective :)
The conjunction took place in my second house, close to the third house cusp and the only one thing I discovered back then was that I’m really short on money right now :ROFLMAO:
I didn’t calculate my spendings correctly and saw the shocking result a couple of days ago - so now it’s time to save money again and control my savings (but my progressed moon also entered the 8th house the same day)
The conjunction took place in my second house, close to the third house cusp and the only one thing I discovered back then was that I’m really short on money right now :ROFLMAO:
I didn’t calculate my spendings correctly and saw the shocking result a couple of days ago - so now it’s time to save money again and control my savings (but my progressed moon also entered the 8th house the same day)

Right there with you 🤦 2nd house as well

I opened my wallet, it started crying and some moths flew out 😬 my own silly fault for indulging in retail therapy!
While the conjunction didn't make any Ptolemaic aspects to my chart, it fell in my 6th house and echoes the natal Virgo Mars/Pisces Saturn opposition, so yes, I did feel it quite strongly.

A colleague and I were given a complex piece of work, but my role was also to support her as she's very emotional fragile and very slow. I stress the "very slow" here as my Mars has been been feeling extremely frustrated - wanted to complete everything yesterday but being tied down to an emotional wreck (Saturn in Pisces). I did somehow manage to complete the work without exploding ;) (I'm very short tempered and I struggle to wait)
@warbler I felt a very unusual low energy like I just wanted to sleep. Never happens to me as I am so high energy I can’t take coffee or even decaf. I went to my naturopath for intravenous vitamins to help. Still feel somewhat tired, but on the Monday it was immense.

The conjunction made some trines and same as my natal Mars-Saturn conjunction. Low energy yet surprise good news.