Aries Point: Saturn/Neptune conjunction


Staff member
Surprisingly, there is no separate thread for this on the Mundane section, so creating this as something of a correction.

Looking at when Saturn last transited this degree in 1996 from April 8-15, we saw:

the Mad Cow thing in the UK following which was a mass cull of animals;
Dunblane Massacre;
development of a massive scandal about the presence of phthalates in baby food (John Major, then PM, declined to reveal which company had them in their products, and the official position at that point was that they posed no threat, but it is known that they have affected animal reproduction);
a skirmish between Israel/Lebanon when 106 people were killed in a UN compound;

We can see the mirroring of current events with gender issues and Israel/UN/Middle East violence.

For an historical assessment of Neptune's presence on this degree, here is an interesting link showing the martial aspects often intertwined with matters of religion:

After consideration on the combination over the last few days, my key words for this time would be:

A war (Sat/Mars) of attrition (Neptune), i.e. the utilisation of subverted force to achieve reduction/diminution of power of the target.

We are already seeing issues of fertility and reproduction, and have the continuing signature of a wave (Neptune) of health concerns.
Wars of the same region and with the same players remain un-resolved and are still in the spotlight, and I am sure you can all find more iterations bearing similarity between the transits.

I will post the relevant charts later, but you are welcome to beat me to it, should you wish.
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Here is an article by Maurice Fernandez on the topic:

I really like his point about the conjunction of Saturn/Neptune in Capricorn, when the Berlin Wall collapsed. For sure, Aries is a different energy but is also a Cardinal sign, so there may be other collapses of edifices which currently appear to be not subject to change.
Williiam Stickevers is writing about this topic, too:

He is very pro-crypto, particularly BTC, which he views as 'the way out' of a financial crisis. In reality, nobody knows: Pisces is all about bubbles, and Neptune's Trident has been whipping them up a-plenty, and I am equally at home with the idea that BTC will go to zero, so I am not necessarily endorsing his perspective, just adding it here as another interpretation.

I think we will be seeing challenges on many different fronts and not just financial.

Overall, it's a very "withering" energy and I suspect many may be feeling somewhat daunted, around that time. On the other hand, there are bound to be some positives, whatever transpires.
When it comes to Saturn, the phrase "You can't eat gold or silver." comes to mind. One certainly cannot eat crypto currency, let alone be assured of its security unless you're in the top 10% of understanding of cybersecurity in today's landscape.
Sticking to the Mundane factors, Saturn in Aries (Sat/Mars) is a very arid combination and in terms of what we can expect in agriculture, we might see challenges on that front. Although it seems hard to imagine in some places that rain could become scarce, that energy isolated from Neptune does seem to scream "Parched".

Quite what Neptune then contributes to that triplicate energy remains to be seen, but I would not factor out scarcity of rain after all the lavish storms and floods which could conceivably evaporate once Neptune moves into fire. Both situations - too much and too little water - represent significant challenges for farming/food production.

The notion of Crypto representing "escape" (Neptune/Pisces) is self-evident but if it does go to nothing as some pundits claim, then a lot of people will understand a lot more about due diligence in considering investments whilst Neptune is swishing about. "High Risk" indeed.

Reference money, this became a medium of exchange once there was excess that could be traded with others.

In scarcity, everything is withheld or any exchange becomes a useless joke.

Thus, a very different picture could emerge. Money for its own sake that doesn't apply to anything that can be traded or exchanged, is pretty much worthless and belongs merely to the conceptual, like the proverbial "hill of beans".

This could be part of what Neptune's preceding journey over Scheat could bring - the hollowing out even of virtual money, which originates in virtual reality. Even one's concepts could be hollowed out - the outer planets spare absolutely nothing. You get core messaging of their meaning, on all levels.
This is actually the second conjunction of Saturn/Neptune, and this one is on the Aries 0° point:

Feb 20th 2026


This is the first conjunction though, earlier time but later degrees:

July 17th 2025:

Isn't it peculiar how the Moon is close by, and square to Jupiter, on both occasions......?

Yes. Moon - the people. Jupiter symbolizes any type of institutions. The self-preservation of the individual symbolised by the Moon in Aries is in tension with the moral and legal concept of home, family, nation and homeland. This could be a direct effect of the mass migration of recent years.
In the 2026 one, Uranus at the top of the chart is looking highly unstable - he is conjunct Algol and square to Asc/Desc (within 7 arc minutes of exact), and also receiving an applying square from Mars, ruler of Moon, Sat/Nep.

He is also semi-square to Jupiter and to Moon, and therefore at midpoint to both.

Ruler of 8h cusp (Neptune) is in 8h whilst Capricorn is intercepted, bringing into focus the question of Saturn's strength (co-ruler of 5h) in that conjunction.

Of course, the conjunction itself is at midpoint between Pluto and Uranus and chart ruler Sun is also still in orb of square to Uranus. Thus, despite the Fixed angles, it all looks distinctly rickety.

Lilith is approaching Antares so another clue to an overwhelming feeling of "antsiness". Note that Uranus will be on Ares not long after he makes his way into Gemini, so this conjunction does appear to be leading up to big developments.
In the 2025 conjunction, both Saturn and Neptune are Rx.

The MC is conjunct the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, and Desc is on Serpentis in Scorpio, so some kind of negative under-swell occurring.

Sun and Pluto are in T-square with Chiron, the former angular, with Sun ruling 5h cusp (latter = theme to be repeated in 2026).

Sun in Moon's sign Cancer on IC, indicates the public have started to align their understanding of what is going on, with what appears (square to Chiron in Aries influence) to be some anger/outrage energy. The Sun/Pluto dynamic can be "from or towards", and indicates many are less inclined to "play nicely".

Uranus at that point in mutable Gemini rising, and Mars/NN conjunct in mutable square to chart ruler....

All three outer planets in this chart are in their "new" home temporarily, so "things" have shifted prior to re-entry to Pisces and Taurus respectively, giving us a window upon future themes.

It doesn't look as though people like it very much.

Everything caught up behind the nodes, with the exception of Pluto (and Lilith, if you count her - as many do), which heightens his import in that chart. Issues of power - who rules? - are a continuing theme. Pluto in Aquarius indicates the tone increasingly weighs towards the answer being "the public".