Recent content by Oliver

  1. Oliver

    Part of Fortune

    Oh, I sooo know this feeling: I must have tried past-life regression, hypnotherapy and countless other means of trying to get in touch with my own unconscious. None of them worked, and it was irritating in the extreme to see everyone else making progress in this area, while I was just completely...
  2. Oliver

    Be prepared for an emergency

    @xphi... I missed it too, alas. I was too busy enjoying the sun, and doing indoor activities after the sun went down. :) On the other hand, it has been great to finally get a good, consistent amount of sun during the day: I'm now starting to decamp to my garden on a fairly regular basis, and...
  3. Oliver

    Part of Fortune

    @etherea - my POF is at 3º58' Scorpio, so that would make my "new" Ascendant a Scorpio ascendant, with my POF, Uranus, North node and Vertex in my 1H? Moon and Pluto would be in my 12H, Sun would be in my 4H, Mercury and Venus would both be in my 3H, Mars in my 8H (oo-er, missus!), Jupiter and...
  4. Oliver

    Dear Diary - Feel bad thread

    No apology needed. If there's really any proof that we need a dedicated Vedic section, this is surely it.
  5. Oliver

    New Moon 18°02' Taurus - 8th May

    Hmm, this is going to be an interesting lunation, for sure: I have my eye on the following full Moon in Sagittarius on 23.05.2024 at 13:53:09 UTC, where the intentions of this new Moon come to fruition: I see a veritable boatload of aspects made to my Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. All are...
  6. Oliver

    Marriage Indicators in Synastry Relationship Astrology.

    You can send me an invitation to your wedding, too. :) "Old people always used to cackle, point at me and say "You're next!" at weddings. They stopped when I started doing it at funerals." - Unknown
  7. Oliver

    May 2024 Astro

    It’s technically possible - you could adopt - but then you’d miss out on all the fun parts. :)
  8. Oliver

    Gary Larson

    Discovered completely by accident today, I note that after a 15-year hiatus since 1995, he’s now up to his old tricks again: Today’s cartoon shows he’s lost none of his magic, too. :)
  9. Oliver

    April 2024 Astro

    Run in front of the truck, and you’ll get tired; run behind it, and you’ll get exhausted. :) Did quite a bit of inner work, recently, and did my last Emotion Code session for a while - just as the Moon was hitting its last quarter (and it’s in a trine with my natal Pluto, so I think it was a...
  10. Oliver

    April 2024 Astro

    Ehm, that explains a lot. :)
  11. Oliver

    Lunar Phase Fertility Calendar

    Well, I took a look - just for fun - and I also have black and orange dots at the bottom, with a nice crimson line for three days with Mars highlighted at the end. I think, though, short of a sex change, it’s not likely to be of much use for me. Or, maybe, it’s a subtle message Alois is trying...
  12. Oliver

    App recommendation

    I use Astro Gold on the iPad (you can get it for Android devices, too). It’s super practical, and you can easily play with transits like a child, going back and forth in real time on their own, or against 1-2 other rings for comparison. I have it on my iPhone too, but it’s waaay too small on...
  13. Oliver

    Weird stuff in London

    Or maybe someone told them to get bent, and they took it literally? Or they could have been trying to be more thick-skinned, even if it would have meant peeling off a few layers later? Or, even, they were all actually darstardly criminals hoping to give police the slip? You never know. :)
  14. Oliver

    New Moon 18°02' Taurus - 8th May

    Well, this will be an interesting one. According to Astro Gold, this particular new Moon will make the following aspects to my natal chart: Opposite natal Vertex in 3H (0º00' applying) Biquintile natal Sun/Moon midpoint in 10H (also 0º00' applying) Inconjunct natal Moon in 8H (0º21' applying)...
  15. Oliver

    Saturn transiting the 7th house

    @jaceymay - nicely played. I just love how we're sitting here, diligently yanking each others' chains. :)